How do I upscale an image in Photoshop?
1. Upscale An Images in Photoshop With Preserve Details 2.0
✅Step 1: Open Your Image
✅Step 2: Make Sure “Preserve Details 2.0” Is Enabled
- On a Windows PC, go up to the Edit menu in the Menu Bar. On a Mac, go up to the Photoshop CC menu.
- Choose Edit > Preferences > Technology Previews
- Check Enable Preserve Details 2.0 Upscale is selected, and then click OK to close the dialog box.
✅Step 3: Open The Image Size Dialog Box Open Photoshop’s Image Size dialog box by going up to the Image menu bar and choosing Image Size.
✅Step 4: Select “Resample” In the resizing options along the right, make sure Resample is selected. This tells Photoshop that we want to change the physical dimensions of the image.
✅Step 5: Change The Width And Height Enter your new dimensions for the image into the Width and Height fields.
✅Step 6: Change The Resample Method To “Preserve Details 2.0” By default, the resampling method (the algorithm Photoshop will use to add or remove pixels) is set to Automatic.
Click on the word “Automatic” to view a list of all the resampling algorithms we can choose from. The ones for upscaling the image are at the top. Select Preserve Details 2.0.
Phần mềm Resize ảnh hàng loạt miễn phí
2. Upscale An Images in Photoshop Using Neural Filters
Chose menu Filter in the menu bar ➡️ Select Neural Filters ➡️ Turn on Super Zoom.
Press the Zoom in icon to upscale the image 2x, 3x, 4x… (two times, three times…)