Named and positional parameters in Dart
In Dart, we have two types of optional parameters: named and positional.
- Dart’s optional parameters are optional in that the caller isn’t required to specify a value for the parameter when calling the function.
- Optional parameters can only be declared after any required parameters.
- Optional parameters can have a default value, which is used when a caller does not specify a value.
Optional parameters are parameters which don’t have to be specified when calling given function. Optional parameters must be declared after required parameters. Additionally, optional parameters can have a default value, which is used once the function invocation doesn’t specify it.
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Positional Parameters in Dart
Square brackets []
are used to specify optional, positional parameters in Dart.
void hamViDu(int a, [int b = 0, int c = 0]) { if (b != 0 && c != 0) { print('a:$a - b:$b - c:$c'); } else if (b != 0) { print('a:$a - b:$b'); } else { print('a:$a'); } } void main() { hamViDu(5, 10, 15); print('----------------------'); hamViDu(5); print('----------------------'); hamViDu(5, 10); }
For such declaration a
is always required while b
and c
are optional. Also, b, c
will default to 0
if not specified.
hamViDu(5, 10, 15); //print a:5 - b:10 - c:15 hamViDu(5); //print a:5 hamViDu(5, 10);//print a:5 - b:10
Additionally, the parameter names are specified and visible only at the level of the function declaration. The function caller must know which position corresponds to which parameter. This leads to a slightly less readable code.
Named parameters in Dart
Curly brackets {}
are used to specify optional, named parameters in Dart.
readFile(String name, {String mode, String charset = 'utf-8'}) { //...... }
Named parameters are referenced by name, which means that they can be used during the function invocation in an order different from the function declaration.
void hamViDu({int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0}) { print('a:$a - b:$b - c:$c'); } void main() { hamViDu(); print('----------------------'); hamViDu(a: 5, c: 15, b: 10); print('----------------------'); hamViDu(c: 5); print('----------------------'); hamViDu(b: 5, c: 10); }
Checking if optional parameter was provided
Unfortunately, you cannot distinguish between the cases “an optional parameter was not provided” and “an optional parameter was provided with the default value”.
Note: You may use positional optional parameters or named optional parameters, but not both in the same function or method. The following is not allowed.
thisFunctionWontWork(String foo, [String positonal], {String named}) { // will not work! }