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Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting

Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting

Step 1: Create a project on Firebase console
Step 2: Download Firebase CLI from here  Firebase CLI binary for Windows.
Step 3: Login via CLI, execute the command firebase login

Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting 1

Step 4: Choose Firebase “Hosting” for Flutter web app when asked for a feature

Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting 2

Step 5: Then, Select an existing Project

Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting 3

Step 6: Choose build/web as a directory & configure as a single-page app

Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting 4

If you see, File build/web/index.html already exists. Overwrite?
Then select NO. So it will not generate a default index.html file

Step 7: Deploy Flutter web to Firebase!

firebase deploy
Deploy Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting 5
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