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Select Audio Output Windows 10 (Speakers, Headphones, HDMI, Bluetooth)

How do Select Audio Output Windows 10 headphones and speakers (HDMI Sound Output, Bluetooth Speakers) without unplugging?

How to Select Audio Output Windows 10 (Speakers, Headphones, HDMI, Bluetooth)

How to swap between headphones and speakers output? How do I switch between headphones and speakers (HDMI Sound Output, Bluetooth Speakers) without unplugging?

How to Select Audio Output Windows 10

1️⃣Click the small speaker icon 🔉 next to the clock on your Windows taskbar.

2️⃣Select the small up arrow to the right of your current audio output device.

3️⃣Select your output of choice from the list that appears (Speaker, HDMI, Headphone, Bluetooth Devices…).

👉 Realtek Audio Console Download


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