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- 300 từ vựng HSK 1 phiên bản mới
Từ vựng HSK 4 phiên bản mới
阿姨 | 阿姨 | āyí | aunt, child’s address to woman of similar age as parents, girl, babysitter, aunty, elderly unattached woman, cr#4 eche attendant, maiden aunt, family nurse, nursery/cr#4eche attendant, nurse, mother’s sister, auntie, nursery eche attendant, child’s address to woman of similar age, one’s mother’s sister |
啊 | 啊 | a | particle: used in direct address and exclamation; indicating obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation |
愛國 | 爱国 | àiguó | love one’s country, patriotic |
矮 | 矮 | ǎi | short (of stature), low |
愛護 | 爱护 | àihù | cherish, treasure, take good care of |
矮小 | 矮小 | ǎixiǎo | short and small, low and small, undersized |
按時 | 按时 | ànshí | on time, before deadline, on schedule |
安置 | 安置 | ānzhì | find place for, help settle down, arrange for |
暗示 | 暗示 | ànshì | (drop a) hint, suggest |
安 | 安 | ān | surname An, content, calm, still, quiet, safe, secure, in good health, to find a place for, to install, to fix, to fit, to bring (a charge against sb), to pacify, to harbor (good intentions), security, safety, peace, ampere |
百貨 | 百货 | bǎihuò | general merchandise |
暗 | 暗 | àn | unclear, dull, hidden, dim, dusk, secret, dark |
擺 | 摆 | bǎi | place, put, arrange |
擺動 | 摆动 | bǎidòng | to sway, to swing, to move back and forth, to oscillate |
巴士 | 巴士 | bāshì | bus |
擺脫 | 摆脱 | bǎi tuō | disembroil, free oneself, cast/shake off, fling_off, break away from, shake_off, disinvolve, disentangle, shake off, shift, wangle, cast off, extricate oneself from, shake, waste, free oneself from, disburden, ditch, manage, lose, cast, unload, extricate oneself, prescind, unship, slip, wriggle, shunt |
辦事 | 办事 | bàn shì | dispose, handle affairs, work |
包裹 | 包裹 | bāoguǒ | to wrap up, to bind up, bundle, parcel, package, CL:個|个[ge4] |
敗 | 败 | bài | defeat, fail, lose, counteract, be defeated, beat, spoil, decay, wither |
包括 | 包括 | bāokuò | consist_of, consist of, subtend, embrace, comprise, incorporate, embody, involve, count, subsume, take_in, comprehend, incorporation, include, comprize, run, cover, package, consist in |
寶 | 宝 | bǎo | treasure |
包含 | 包含 | bāohán | comprehend, consist of, subtend, imply, boast, go, colligate, include, hold, encompass, embrace, bear, carry, comprise, incorporate, cover, embody, connote, consist in, house, subsume, contain |
寶寶 | 宝宝 | bǎobao | pet, sonny, darling baby, precious baby, baby, precious, poppet, sweetie, precious/darling baby |
寶貝 | 宝贝 | bǎobèi | treasured object, treasure, darling, baby, cowry, good-for-nothing, odd character |
寶貴 | 宝贵 | bǎoguì | valuable, precious |
寶石 | 宝石 | bǎoshí | precious stone, gem |
保守 | 保守 | bǎoshǒu | conservative |
抱 | 抱 | bào | hold/carry in arms, adopt, hatch, brood |
背景 | 背景 | bèijǐng | context, circumstance, locale, background, ground, stage setting, mise en scene, groundwork, background knowledge, frame, milieu, backcloth, scene, setting, backdrop |
倍 | 倍 | bèi | -fold, multiplication, diameter, double, times, twice as much |
保密 | 保密 | bǎo mì | maintain secrecy, hide, conceal, keep sth. secret, keep secret, hold_back |
本科 | 本科 | běnkē | undergraduate course, undergraduate (attributive) |
薄 | 薄 | báo | lacking in warmth, infertile, light, cold, weak, thin, despise, flimsy |
比分 | 比分 | bǐfēn | score |
畢業 | 毕业 | bì yè | graduate, finish school |
笨 | 笨 | bèn | dull, cumbersome, wooden-headed, clumsy, stupid, awkward |
畢業生 | 毕业生 | bìyèshēng | alumnus, postgraduate, grad, alum, alumna, graduating class, graduate |
避 | 避 | bì | avoid, preclude, evade, repel, prevent, forbid, ward off, shun, keep away, forestall, foreclose, stay away from |
避免 | 避免 | bìmiǎn | forbear, preclude, refrain_from, forebear, escape, help, elude, leapfrog, refrain from, stave_off, evite, shun, obviate, avoid, evade, waive, help oneself, ward_off, ward, miss, avert, ward off, balk, refrain |
被迫 | 被迫 | bèipò | forced, be forced, be compelled/forced, be compelled |
辯論 | 辩论 | biànlùn | argue, debate |
標志 | 标志 | biāozhì | earmark, banner, standing for, logo, symbol, marker, stamp, sign, symbolization, mark, emblem, seal, logotype, symbolizing, blip, marking, insignia |
編 | 编 | biān | group, arrangement, arrange, invent, entwine, weave, organize, edit, compilation, write, invention, pleach, cook up, plait, make up, braid, raddle, fabricate, compose, compile, fabrication |
表情 | 表情 | biǎoqíng | brow, air, countenance, glow, look, cast, visage, expression, facial expression, gesture, business, dramatics, facial gesture |
表揚 | 表扬 | biǎoyáng | praise, commend |
別 | 别 | bié | don’t |
冰 | 冰 | bīng | ice |
冰箱 | 冰箱 | bīngxiāng | frig, electric refrigerator, fridge, freezer, refrigerator, deepfreeze, icebox, reefer, cooler, refrigeratory |
冰雪 | 冰雪 | bīngxuě | ice and snow |
兵 | 兵 | bīng | fighter, troops, armed force, arms, dogface, pawn in Ch. chess, military, weapons, private, soldier, ranker, joe, army, pawn, rank-and-file soldier |
并 | 并 | bìng | to be side by side, simultaneously, and |
不要緊 | 不要紧 | bù yàojǐn | unimportant, not serious, it doesn’t matter, never mind, it looks all right, but |
不管 | 不管 | bùguǎn | conj.: no matter, regardless of |
不在乎 | 不在乎 | bù zàihu | not to care |
布置 | 布置 | bùzhì | dispose, embellish, arrange, set up, lay, assign, fix up, upholster |
不然 | 不然 | bùrán | conj.: otherwise, if not, or else |
步行 | 步行 | bùxíng | hoof it, tread, ambulate, leg it, foot, pedestrianize, footslog, tramp, go on foot, hoof, step, locomote, walk |
才 | 才 | cái | then and only then, just now, only (before a number) |
擦 | 擦 | cā | swab, shave, spread on, scrape, apply sth. on, spread sth. on, touch lightly, wipe, grate, rub, put/spread on, brush past, brush, obliterate, chafe, efface, sweep, scratch, fray, put on, apply, besmear, put, polish, scrape into shreds, fret, scrub, mop, erase |
材料 | 材料 | cáiliào | making, aggregate, stuff, ingredients, food, ingredient, data, fodder, material, datum, stock, makings, data point, timber |
財富 | 财富 | cáifù | opulence, pile, worth, fortune, moneybag, riches, mammon, substance, wealth, wealthy, gold, lucre, means, shekel, pelf, opulency, money, oof, nabobery |
財產 | 财产 | cáichǎn | aught, belonging, fortune, material possession, cash, riches, substance, assets, property, wealth, belongings, estate, seizin, thing, holding, possession, means, goods, asset, pelf, money, propertied, seisin, res, having |
參考 | 参考 | cānkǎo | consult, refer to |
參與 | 参与 | cānyù | participate in |
採訪 | 采访 | cǎifǎng | cover, interview, gather news |
操場 | 操场 | cāochǎng | schoolyard, school ground, school yard, drill ground, sportsground, playing field, playground, sports ground |
操作 | 操作 | cāozuò | operate, manipulate |
測量 | 测量 | cèliáng | survey, measure |
測 | 测 | cè | measure out, conjecture, measure, infer, survey, fathom |
測試 | 测试 | cèshì | test |
茶葉 | 茶叶 | cháyè | tea, tea leaf, tea leaves |
產品 | 产品 | chǎnpǐn | baby, brand, output, product, produce, end product, merchandise, fruitage, growth, manufacture, wares, production |
曾 | 曾 | céng | once, ever, before |
長途 | 长途 | chángtú | long-distance, long distance |
唱片 | 唱片 | chàngpiàn | pressing, waxing, cut, disc, phonogram, phonograph record, record, disk, wax, phonorecord, platter, recording, gramophone record, phonograph recording |
常識 | 常识 | chángshí | nous, reason, mother_wit, general knowledge, common_sense, mother wit, horse sense, public knowledge, common sense, sense, good sense, gumption, commonsense, wisdom |
抄寫 | 抄写 | chāoxiě | to copy, to transcribe |
潮流 | 潮流 | cháoliú | stream, tidal flow, tidal_current, tideway, trend, movement, wind, sea, fashion, tide, tidal current |
抄 | 抄 | chāo | to make a copy, to plagiarize, to search and seize, to raid, to grab, to go off with, to take a shortcut, to make a turning move, to fold one’s arms |
潮 | 潮 | cháo | tide, current, damp, moist, humid |
徹底 | 彻底 | chèdǐ | thorough, drastic, exhaustive, outright, complete |
潮濕 | 潮湿 | cháoshī | damp, moist |
沉 | 沉 | chén | see 黑沉沉[hei1 chen1 chen1], to submerge, to immerse, to sink, to keep down, to lower, to drop, deep, profound, heavy |
沉默 | 沉默 | chénmò | taciturn, uncommunicative, silent |
沉重 | 沉重 | chénzhòng | heavy, hard, serious, critical |
成人 | 成人 | chéngrén | grownup, adult, majority, manhood, grown-up |
誠實 | 诚实 | chéngshi | honest |
稱贊 | 称赞 | chēngzàn | to praise, to acclaim, to commend, to compliment |
承擔 | 承担 | chéngdān | bear, undertake, assume |
承認 | 承认 | chéngrèn | receive, acknowledge, okay, approbate, validate, recognize, avow, admittance, count, confess, sanctify, grant, countersign, avouch, admit, acknowledgement, reckon, own, sanction, give diplomatic recognition, concede, cede, give, ratify, agree, recognise, accept, recognition, yield, allow, endorse, profess |
誠信 | 诚信 | chéngxìn | genuine, honest, in good faith, honesty, integrity |
程序 | 程序 | chéngxù | rules of order, parliamentary law, instruction, process, procedure, agenda, instance, parliamentary procedure, system, order, proceeding, programme, method, sequence, course, program |
吃驚 | 吃惊 | chī jīng | to be startled, to be shocked, to be amazed |
承受 | 承受 | chéngshòu | bear, support, endure, inherit (legacy/etc.) |
尺 | 尺 | chǐ | m.[standard] |
遲到 | 迟到 | chí dào | tardy, be late, arrive late, be/come/arrive late, come, late, come/arrive late, be |
沖 | 冲 | chōng | charge, rush, dash |
尺子 | 尺子 | chǐzi | rule, ruler (measuring instrument), CL:把[ba3] |
充電 | 充电 | chōng diàn | charge, electricize, refresh |
充電器 | 充电器 | chōngdiànqì | battery charger |
尺寸 | 尺寸 | chǐcun | measurement, dimension |
蟲子 | 虫子 | chóngzi | insect, bug, worm, CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1] |
充分 | 充分 | chōngfèn | full, ample, abundant |
抽 | 抽 | chōu | lash, whip, thrash |
抽獎 | 抽奖 | chōu jiǎng | to draw a prize, a lottery, a raffle |
出口 | 出口 | chū kǒu | export |
抽煙 | 抽烟 | chōu yān | smoke (pipe/etc.) |
出色 | 出色 | chūsè | outstanding, remarkable, splendid |
出席 | 出席 | chū xí | attend, be present |
處於 | 处于 | chǔyú | go, be in, be (in a certain condition) |
出售 | 出售 | chūshòu | offer for sale, sell |
處 | 处 | chù | m.[general] |
穿上 | 穿上 | chuānshang | assume, wear, put_on, slip, enclothe, put on |
窗戶 | 窗户 | chuānghu | window, casement |
窗臺 | 窗台 | chuāngtái | window sill, window ledge |
傳統 | 传统 | chuántǒng | rule, patrimony, legacy, custom, heritage, convention, conventionality, routine, normal practice, common practice, tradition |
純 | 纯 | chún | pure, simple |
純淨水 | 纯净水 | chúnjìngshuǐ | pure water |
窗子 | 窗子 | chuāngzi | window |
春季 | 春季 | chūnjì | springtime |
詞匯 | 词汇 | cíhuì | mental lexicon, vocabulary, wordbook, lexicon, word-stock, lexis, words and phrases |
此 | 此 | cǐ | this, det.: this, here |
此外 | 此外 | cǐwài | conj.: besides, in addition, moreover |
次 | 次 | cì | order, sequence, next |
刺激 | 刺激 | cìjī | stimulate, provoke, irritate, upset |
刺 | 刺 | cì | stab, prick, assassinate, irritate, stimulate, criticize |
從此 | 从此 | cóngcǐ | hereon, hence, henceforth, thereupon, therefrom, from now on, from then on |
粗 | 粗 | cū | wide (in diameter), thick |
粗心 | 粗心 | cūxīn | careless, thoughtless |
促銷 | 促销 | cùxiāo | merchandise, sell |
措施 | 措施 | cuòshī | measure, demarche, corrective, move, step |
促使 | 促使 | cùshǐ | incite, prod, prompt, spur, send, motive, induce, trigger, urge, bring on, cause, propel, shame, instigate, impel, actuate, motivate, bear on, push, get, move |
打 | 打 | dǎ | generalized verb of doing with specific meaning determined by its object, strike, hit, fight, construct, forge, mix |
促進 | 促进 | cùjìn | rush, help, step_up, advancement, progress, acceleration, subserve, encourage, facilitate, anticipate, accelerate, assist, fillip, expedite, advance, promotive, boost, further, provoke, hurry, redound, cultivate, induce, hasten, catalyze, speed, promote, contribute, impel, promotion, push, forward, stimulate, whet |
答案 | 答案 | dáàn | result, script, resolution, solution, answer, key |
打雷 | 打雷 | dǎ léi | to rumble with thunder, clap of thunder |
打敗 | 打败 | dǎ bài | rout, outplay, whip, scupper, wallop, mop up, finish, suffer a defeat, overrule, overwhelm, flog, rack up, whop, be beaten, overpower, subdue, overmatch, snooker, be defeated, larrup, outfight, overmaster, floor, whup, knock_off, best, drub, defeat, euchre, confound, lick, fall, outrival, worst, overthrow, convince, vanquish, beat, pip |
打掃 | 打扫 | dǎsǎo | to clean, to sweep |
打折 | 打折 | dǎ zhé | to give a discount |
打針 | 打针 | dǎ zhēn | to give or have an injection |
大多 | 大多 | dàduō | for the most part, many, most, the greater part, mostly |
大巴 | 大巴 | dàbā | a big coach, tourist bus |
大方 | 大方 | dàfang | expert, scholar, mother earth, a type of green tea, generous, magnanimous, stylish, in good taste, easy-mannered, natural and relaxed |
大哥 | 大哥 | dàgē | eldest brother, elder brother, gang leader |
大規模 | 大规模 | dàguīmó | large scale, extensive, wide scale, broad scale |
大會 | 大会 | dàhuì | synod, moot, conference, plenary meeting, congress, rally, plenum, mass meeting, plenary session |
大姐 | 大姐 | dàjiě | big sister, elder sister, older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker) |
大樓 | 大楼 | dàlóu | mansion, massif, hall, block, manse, edifice, building, multi-storied building, residence, mansion house |
大媽 | 大妈 | dàmā | father’s elder brother’s wife, aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman) |
大型 | 大型 | dàxíng | large-size (machines/factories/etc.) |
大陸 | 大陆 | dàlù | Ch. mainland |
大眾 | 大众 | dàzhòng | the broad masses, roughscuff, the public, herd, concourse, commonality, riffraff, masses, commonness, the masses, throng, multitude, commonage, commonalty, plebeian, plebs, horde, the people/masses, community, the people, million, mass, public |
大爺 | 大爷 | dàye | arrogant idler, self-centered show-off, (coll.) father’s older brother, uncle, term of respect for older man |
代替 | 代替 | dàitì | fill in, replace, supply, supersede, replacement, substitute for, surrogate, oust, substitute, stand_in, stand in, cover, supplant, take the place of, fill_in, sub |
袋 | 袋 | dài | pouch, bag, sack, pocket |
待遇 | 待遇 | dàiyù | treatment (salary/etc.) |
戴 | 戴 | dài | wear, put on (of accessories) |
擔任 | 担任 | dānrèn | hold the post of, take charge of, assume, take_charge, fill, shoulder, adopt, skipper, assume the office of, assume office of, act_as, take, act as, play, undertake, take over, take on |
擔保 | 担保 | dānbǎo | to guarantee, to vouch for |
擔心 | 担心 | dān xīn | worry, feel anxious |
單純 | 单纯 | dānchún | simple, pure, plain, artless |
單 | 单 | dān | singly, alone |
單調 | 单调 | dāndiào | monotonous |
單獨 | 单独 | dāndú | tete-a-tete, apart, unaccompanied, individually, singly, solely, alone, on one’s own |
導遊 | 导游 | dǎoyóu | tour guide, guidebook, to conduct a tour |
倒閉 | 倒闭 | dǎobì | to go bankrupt, to close down |
淡 | 淡 | dàn | tasteless, light, wishy-washy, pale, thin, weak |
倒車 | 倒车 | dǎo chē | to change buses, trains etc, to reverse (a vehicle), to drive backwards |
得意 | 得意 | déyì | be proud of; be exalted; be complacent |
得 | 得 | de | should be, need |
導致 | 导致 | dǎozhì | bring, lead, bring_about, lead to, incite, result in, conduce, bring about, produce, bring_on, render, set off, spark_off, inspire, inflict, cause, land |
燈光 | 灯光 | dēngguāng | light, lighting, the light of a lamp, illuminance, glim, illumination, lamplight |
登 | 登 | dēng | to scale (a height), to ascend, to mount, to publish or record, to enter (e.g. in a register), to press down with the foot, to step or tread on, to put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect), to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old) |
登記 | 登记 | dēng jì | register, check in |
登錄 | 登录 | dēnglù | to register, to log in |
登山 | 登山 | dēng shān | engage in mountain-climbing, sport |
的確 | 的确 | díquè | certainly, surely |
敵人 | 敌人 | dírén | antagonist, enemy, enemy force, foeman, opponent, adversary, hostile force, foe, opposing force |
地方 | 地方 | dìfang | country, soil, terrain, part, clime, way, territory, room, neighbourhood, tinderbox, locality (as distinct from the central administrat, child, tract, province, position, respect, where, region, space, place, local |
底 | 底 | dǐ | underside, bottom, base, end, ground |
地面 | 地面 | dìmiàn | (earth’s) surface, ground, floor, region |
地位 | 地位 | dìwèi | station, estate, importance, appointment, character, footing, capacity, chair, estate of the realm, level, situation, status, standing, position, spot, connection, space, sphere, quality, place, condition |
地下 | 地下 | dìxia | subterranean, underground, secretly, subsurface, secret, secret activity |
地址 | 地址 | dìzhǐ | location, domicile, street address, address, name and address, destination |
典型 | 典型 | diǎnxíng | typical, representative |
點名 | 点名 | diǎn míng | roll call, to mention sb by name, (to call or praise or criticize sb) by name |
電燈 | 电灯 | diàndēng | electric light, CL:盞|盏[zhan3] |
電動車 | 电动车 | diàndòngchē | Electric vehicle |
電梯 | 电梯 | diàntī | lift, elevator |
電源 | 电源 | diànyuán | electric power source |
定 | 定 | dìng | decide |
頂 | 顶 | dǐng | top, tip |
冬季 | 冬季 | dōngjì | winter |
動畫片 | 动画片 | dònghuàpiàn | animated film |
豆腐 | 豆腐 | dòufu | tofu, bean curd |
獨立 | 独立 | dúlì | stand alone |
動搖 | 动摇 | dòngyáo | totter, unnerve, faze, fluctuate, jounce, falter, oscillate, enervate, seesaw, stagger, waver, depolarize, vibrate, shaken, ferment, wabble, shake, churn, teeter, vacillate, wobble, rock, weaken, agitate, unsettle, sway, vacillation, hesitate |
獨自 | 独自 | dúzì | unaccompanied, solely, by oneself, alone |
獨特 | 独特 | dútè | special, distinctive, unique |
堵 | 堵 | dǔ | to stop up, (to feel) stifled or suffocated, wall, classifier for walls |
肚子 | 肚子 | dǔzi | kyte, venter, womb, tummy, belly, stomach, paunch, abdomen, breadbasket, wame, tripe |
堵車 | 堵车 | dǔ chē | traffic jam, choking |
度過 | 度过 | dùguò | pass, spend (time/etc.) |
對比 | 对比 | duìbǐ | ratio, correlation |
鍛煉 | 锻炼 | duànliàn | to toughen, to temper, to engage in physical exercise, to work out, (fig.) to develop one’s skills, to train oneself |
多次 | 多次 | duōcì | many times, repeatedly |
對於 | 对于 | duìyú | in regard) to, toward, at, for |
對付 | 对付 | duìfu | counter, deal/cope with, face, confront, cope with, fix, make do, handle, deal, tackle, deal with |
多年 | 多年 | duōnián | for many years |
多種 | 多种 | duōzhǒng | many kinds of, multiple, diverse, multi- |
而 | 而 | ér | conj.: and yet |
惡心 | 恶心 | ěxin | nausea, to feel sick, disgust, nauseating, to embarrass (deliberately), bad habit, vicious habit, vice |
兒童 | 儿童 | értóng | kid, nipper, enfant, tyke, youngster, small fry, minor, shaver, nestling, tike, child, chit, fry, children, infant, tiddler, small-fry |
多樣 | 多样 | duōyàng | diverse, multiform, various |
而是 | 而是 | érshì | conj.: if not A, then B |
二手 | 二手 | èrshǒu | indirectly acquired, second-hand (information, equipment etc), assistant |
耳機 | 耳机 | ěrjī | headphones, earphones, telephone receiver |
發揮 | 发挥 | fāhuī | bring into play, give free rein to, develop (idea/etc.), elaborate |
發票 | 发票 | fāpiào | invoice, receipt or bill for purchase |
發燒 | 发烧 | fāshāo | fever, kindle, feverish, temperature, run a temperature, run a fever, have a fever, have a temperature |
法 | 法 | fǎ | law, method, way, mode, standard, model, legalists, Legalist School, Buddhist doctrine, dharma, magic arts |
法官 | 法官 | fǎguān | sentencer, Bench, judiciary, judgeship, bench, tippet, wig, justice, judicature, magistrate, court, judge, jurist, recorder, hakim, justicer, judgship |
法律 | 法律 | fǎlǜ | constitution, juridical, legal, jus, judiciary, statute law, law, codex, legislation, jurisprudence, lex, code, Themis, statute, judicial, practice of law, prescript, forensic, natural law |
法院 | 法院 | fǎyuàn | judicature, (law) court, judicatory, bar, courthouse, law court, court, tribunal, judiciary, banc, court of justice, jug, banco, forensic |
翻譯 | 翻译 | fānyì | translate, interpret |
煩 | 烦 | fán | to feel vexed, to bother, to trouble, superfluous and confusing, edgy |
翻 | 翻 | fān | to turn over, to flip over, to overturn, to rummage through, to translate, to decode, to double, to climb over or into, to cross, variant of 翻[fan1] |
反而 | 反而 | fǎnér | conj.: on the contrary, instead |
反映 | 反映 | fǎnyìng | reflect, mirror, make known |
反 | 反 | fǎn | counter, revolt, rebel, oppose, combat |
方案 | 方案 | fāngàn | formula, plan, scheme, projection, programme, proposal, schema, strategy, project, design, program |
方 | 方 | fāng | just, only just/then |
方針 | 方针 | fāngzhēn | policy, guiding principle |
非 | 非 | fēi | not |
放鬆 | 放松 | fàngsōng | relax, slacken, loosen |
肥 | 肥 | féi | fat, fertile, loose-fitting or large, to fertilize, to become rich by illegal means, fertilizer, manure |
分布 | 分布 | fēnbù | be distributed (over an area), be scattered |
分手 | 分手 | fēn shǒu | part, part company, separate, say good-bye, break up |
分為 | 分为 | fēnwéi | divide … into, fall_into, divide(into) |
…分之… | …分之… | … fēn zhī … | … is divided into … |
奮鬥 | 奋斗 | fèndòu | struggle, fight, strive |
風格 | 风格 | fēnggé | plan, signature, idiom, kind, aroma, manner, idiosyncrasy, negligence, style, mode, tone, expressive style, artistic style, touch |
分散 | 分散 | fēnsàn | divert, diversify, diffract, disperse, deconcentrate, decentralize, dispel, disgregate, decentralization, scatter, distract, decentralise, shed, break up, dispersal |
風景 | 风景 | fēngjǐng | view, aspect, vista, panorama, scenery, prospect, scene, sight, landscape |
紛紛 | 纷纷 | fēnfēn | in droves, one_after_another, numerous and in great confusion |
封閉 | 封闭 | fēngbì | resistant to anything new |
否則 | 否则 | fǒuzé | conj.: otherwise, if not, or else |
風俗 | 风俗 | fēngsú | mores, custom, public decency, manner, institution, ritual, Sunna, manners, rite, guise |
夫妻 | 夫妻 | fūqī | couple, spouse, pair, man and wife, husband and wife |
夫人 | 夫人 | fūren | Lady, lady, memsahib, milady, Dona, Mistress, dona, grande dame, donna, Mrs, mum, Senora, grace, senora, Mrs., madam, Frau, miladi, missus, senhora, wife, ma’am, Madame, madame, missis, Ladyship, Signora, signora |
夫婦 | 夫妇 | fūfù | conjugality, couple, man_and_wife, husband and wife |
符合 | 符合 | fúhé | fulfil, conform, fit, tally with, fill, come_up_to, cohere, satisfy, accord, coincide, assort, equate, answer, tally, consist, meet, be in keeping with, chime_in, fulfill, look, accord/tally with, relate, chime, live up to, square, accord with, conform to, correspond |
付出 | 付出 | fùchū | pay, expend |
符號 | 符号 | fúhào | sign, denotation, mark, icon, symbolical, symbol, notation, token, insignia, note, symbolic |
附近 | 附近 | fùjìn | neighborship, neighborhood, precinct, vicinity, neighbourhood |
負擔 | 负担 | fùdān | burden, load, encumbrance |
複製 | 复制 | fùzhì | duplicate, reproduce |
改善 | 改善 | gǎishàn | improve, perfect |
改正 | 改正 | gǎizhèng | to correct, to amend, to put right, correction, CL:個|个[ge4] |
概括 | 概括 | gàikuò | to summarize, to generalize, briefly, CL:個|个[ge4] |
感興趣 | 感兴趣 | gǎn xìngqù | be interested, be interested in |
高潮 | 高潮 | gāocháo | water, high_tide, crescendo, coming, high tide/water, high tide, climax, upsurge, eagre, springtide, tidemark, sexual climax, blowoff, orgasm, culmination, payoff, wave, high, high water |
蓋 | 盖 | gài | cover, seal, affix seal, surpass, top, prevail over |
高價 | 高价 | gāojià | high price |
格外 | 格外 | géwài | piu, especially, all the more, helluva, particularly |
高鐵 | 高铁 | gāotiě | high speed rail |
高尚 | 高尚 | gāoshàng | noble, lofty, refined, exquisite |
隔 | 隔 | gé | separate, cut off, impede |
隔開 | 隔开 | gékāi | to separate |
個別 | 个别 | gèbié | specifically, very few, specific, one or two exceptional, individual, exceptional |
各個 | 各个 | gègè | every, various, separately, one by one |
個體 | 个体 | gètǐ | unit, individual, individuality |
根 | 根 | gēn | m.[general] |
根據 | 根据 | gēnjù | on the basis of, according to |
工程 | 工程 | gōngchéng | process, construction, engineering, engineering project, project |
供應 | 供应 | gōngyìng | supply |
共 | 共 | gòng | totally, together, in all, in company, altogether |
構成 | 构成 | gòu chéng | constitute, form, compose, make up |
公元 | 公元 | gōngyuán | CE (Common Era), Christian Era, AD (Anno Domini) |
構造 | 构造 | gòuzào | constitution, configuration, make-up, build, anatomy, construction, structure, tectonic, fabric, compages, making, contexture, texture, conformation, apparatus, formation, architecture, makeup |
購物 | 购物 | gòuwù | shopping |
購買 | 购买 | gòumǎi | invest, take, buy, make purchases, go shopping, purchase |
骨頭 | 骨头 | gǔtou | os, strong character, bone, character, person of a certain character |
固定 | 固定 | gùdìng | set, plant, imbed, fix, strap, jell, fixed, affix, peg, stick, clench, rivet, regularization, rigidify, embed, infix, anchor, fixate, hold, regularize, implant, stitch, stabile, engraft, fasten, immobilize, moor, peg down, flat |
怪 | 怪 | guài | find sth. strange, blame |
關 | 关 | guān | shut, close, turn off, lock up, close down |
關閉 | 关闭 | guānbì | close, shut (down) |
官方 | 官方 | guānfāng | authorities, official, authority, regime, authorization, government |
官 | 官 | guān | government official, officeholder |
光臨 | 光临 | guānglín | (formal) to honor with one’s presence, to attend |
關於 | 关于 | guānyú | about, with regard to, concerning |
歸 | 归 | guī | return … to, put in sb.’s charge, take refuge, turn over to, return sth. to, come together, belong, give back to, marry, converge, return, take refuge (in Buddha/etc.), go back to |
逛 | 逛 | guàng | to stroll, to visit |
光盤 | 光盘 | guāngpán | compact disc, CD or DVD, CD ROM, CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1] |
瓜 | 瓜 | guā | melon, gourd, squash |
規律 | 规律 | guīlǜ | law, regular pattern |
規則 | 规则 | guīzé | rule, regulation |
果實 | 果实 | guǒshí | fruitery, fruitage, gains, fruits, fruit, fructification |
海水 | 海水 | hǎishuǐ | waters, seawater, salt water, sea, the sea, brine |
過分 | 过分 | guòfèn | excessively, over- |
海鮮 | 海鲜 | hǎixiān | seafood |
含 | 含 | hán | keep in mouth, cherish |
規模 | 规模 | guīmó | magnitude, dimensions, extent, scale, scope |
含量 | 含量 | hánliàng | content, quantity contained |
含有 | 含有 | hányǒu | have, involve, infer, imply, tinge, include, number, carry, contain |
含義 | 含义 | hányì | meaning (implicit in a phrase), implied meaning, hidden meaning, hint, connotation |
寒假 | 寒假 | hánjià | winter vacation |
寒冷 | 寒冷 | hánlěng | cold, frigid |
航班 | 航班 | hángbān | scheduled flight, flight number, plane, scheduled sailing, sailing number, passenger ship |
航空 | 航空 | hángkōng | air, aerospace, aerial, air travel, air power, aeronautical, navigation, voyage, aviation, aeronautic |
毫米 | 毫米 | háomǐ | millimeter |
行業 | 行业 | hángyè | metier, mystery, profession, line, game, craft, calling, trade, industry, biz, walk_of_life, racket, living |
好友 | 好友 | hǎoyǒu | peer, chum, crony, great friend, good friend, brick |
毫升 | 毫升 | háoshēng | milliliter |
好 | 好 | hǎo | good |
號碼 | 号码 | hàomǎ | pressmark, call mark, identification number, (serial) number, call number, no., number |
黑暗 | 黑暗 | hēiàn | dark |
合同 | 合同 | hétong | (business) contract, CL:個|个[ge4] |
紅包 | 红包 | hóngbāo | money wrapped in red as a gift, bonus payment, kickback, bribe |
厚 | 厚 | hòu | thick, fat, magnanimous, favor, kind, generous, deep, strong in flavor, large, stress, profound, rich |
後頭 | 后头 | hòutou | behind, in the back, the rear side, later, in future |
忽視 | 忽视 | hūshì | ignore, overlook, neglect |
戶 | 户 | hù | m.[general] |
呼吸 | 呼吸 | hūxī | take a breather, respiratory, take a breath, respire, catch one’s breath, inspire, breathe, rest, suspire, respiration |
花 | 花 | huā | spend, expend, cost |
護士 | 护士 | hùshi | graduate nurse, nana, nurse, sister, trained nurse, (hospital) nurse |
懷念 | 怀念 | huáiniàn | cherish memory of, think of |
劃 | 划 | huà | to cut, to slash, to scratch (cut into the surface of sth), to strike (a match), to delimit, to transfer, to assign, to plan, to draw (a line), stroke of a Chinese character |
懷疑 | 怀疑 | huáiyí | suspect, doubt |
黃瓜 | 黄瓜 | huánggua | cucumber, CL:條|条[tiao2] |
緩解 | 缓解 | huǎnjiě | to bring relief, to alleviate (a crisis), to dull (a pain) |
黃金 | 黄金 | huángjīn | gold |
回復 | 回复 | huífù | to reply, to recover, to return (to a previous condition), Re: in reply to (email) |
匯 | 汇 | huì | to remit, to converge (of rivers), to exchange, variant of 匯|汇[hui4] |
彙報 | 汇报 | huìbào | to report, to give an account of, report |
婚禮 | 婚礼 | hūnlǐ | wedding ceremony, wedding, CL:場|场[chang3] |
匯率 | 汇率 | huìlǜ | interchange, exchange rate, rate of exchange, exchange, exchange_rate |
伙 | 伙 | huǒ | companion, partner, group, classifier for groups of people, to combine, together |
火 | 火 | huǒ | fire;internal heat, anger, temper;firearms, ammunition |
或許 | 或许 | huòxǔ | possibly, in all probability, peradventure, conceivably, mayhap, likely, perhaps, perchance, probably, maybe, haply, in all likelihood, belike |
伙伴 | 伙伴 | huǒbàn | partner, companion, comrade |
獲 | 获 | huò | harvest, capture, obtain, get, catch, poll, be able to, reap, gather in, win |
獲得 | 获得 | huòdé | find, cop, acquirement, come_into, gain, draw, pick_up, pull, achievement, score, procure, come_by, get hold, purchase, nab, come upon, derive, latch, incur, achieve, make, bring, receive, arrive, come_out, pocket, obtain, luck into, sack, win, enter upon, pick up, garner, harvest, attain, come up, line up, extract, secure, possess, earn, reap, accrue, cover, take, acquire, get, arrive_at |
獲獎 | 获奖 | huò jiǎng | to win an award |
獲取 | 获取 | huòqǔ | to gain, to get, to acquire |
機構 | 机构 | jīgòu | internal structure of an organization, motion, gadget, instrumentality, institute, organ, mechanism, gear, representation, mechanics, machinery, apparatus, establishment, institution, means, organization, agency, setup, delegacy, outfit |
貨 | 货 | huò | commodity, idiot, money, blockhead, loading, goods |
幾乎 | 几乎 | jīhū | chiefly, anear, about, near, just_about, most, well-nigh, almost, closely, practically, intimately, all but, nearly, just about, virtually, much, nigh |
積累 | 积累 | jīlěi | to accumulate, accumulation, cumulative, cumulatively |
激動 | 激动 | jīdòng | boil, tingle, kindle, seethe, toss, inflammatory, tizz, excited, fire, throb, carry_away, ferment, effervesce, stirred, bespirit, heat, agitation, hound, agitate, invigorate, burnt, actuate, inflame, stir, agitated, excite, move, impassion |
激烈 | 激烈 | jīliè | drastic, fierce, heated, acute, sharp, intense |
及格 | 及格 | jí gé | to pass an exam or a test, to meet a minimum standard |
極 | 极 | jí | extraordinary, unusual, special, very, extremely, highly |
機遇 | 机遇 | jīyù | opportunity, favorable circumstance, stroke of luck |
即將 | 即将 | jíjiāng | in a short time, promptly, on the point of, at once, instantly, pronto, immediately, shortly, without delay, tout-de-suite, right away, forthwith, presently, soon, in a few seconds, before long, straightaway, in a minute, about to |
急忙 | 急忙 | jímáng | in haste, hurriedly |
記載 | 记载 | jìzǎi | put down in writing, record |
極其 | 极其 | jíqí | absolutely, extremely, very, parlous, heaps, utterly, entirely, miserably, goldarn, precious, exceedingly, passing, definitely, plaguily, passingly, totally, staving, goldurn, completely |
技巧 | 技巧 | jìqiǎo | technics, artifice, superior skill, acquisition, acquirement, cunning, trick, dexterity, accomplishment, mechanism, craft, craftsmanship, technique, artistry, handiwork, mastery, handicraft, finesse, attainment, sleight, skill, implement, execution, prowess, ingenuity, art, method, dish, mechanics, knack, cup of tea, management, bag, proficiency, address, facility, virtuosity, workman |
集合 | 集合 | jíhé | gather, assemble, muster |
紀律 | 纪律 | jìlǜ | disciplinary, discipline, ferule, morale, regime, laws and regulations |
系 | 系 | xì | be |
季 | 季 | jì | surname Ji, season, the last month of a season, fourth or youngest amongst brothers, classifier for seasonal crop yields |
季度 | 季度 | jìdù | quarter of a year, season (sports) |
既 | 既 | jì | conj.: since…then |
既然 | 既然 | jìrán | conj.: since, as, now that |
加班 | 加班 | jiā bān | to work overtime |
季節 | 季节 | jìjié | season |
寄 | 寄 | jì | attach oneself to, drop, transport, mail, ship, leave, entrust, post, get off, lodge at, depend on, send, entrustment, deposit, transmit, place, consign |
加入 | 加入 | jiārù | join, accede to |
家務 | 家务 | jiāwù | household duties, housework |
加油站 | 加油站 | jiāyóuzhàn | pit, petrol_station, filling station, gasoline station, filling_station, gas station, gas_station, petrol station |
假如 | 假如 | jiǎrú | conj.: if, supposing, in case |
檢測 | 检测 | jiǎncè | to detect, to test, detection, sensing |
減肥 | 减肥 | jiǎn féi | lose weight |
減少 | 减少 | jiǎnshǎo | reduce, decrease |
堅固 | 坚固 | jiāngù | firm, firmly, hard, stable |
減 | 减 | jiǎn | knock_down, derogate, cut, lessen, reduce, subtraction, diminish, reduction, decrease, dwindle, subtract, minus, deduct |
簡歷 | 简历 | jiǎnlì | curriculum vitae (CV), résumé, biographical notes |
健身 | 健身 | jiàn shēn | to exercise, to keep fit, to work out, physical exercise |
講究 | 讲究 | jiǎngjiu | be particular about, pay attention to, stress, strive for, backbite |
漸漸 | 渐渐 | jiànjiàn | gradually, by degrees, little by little |
江 | 江 | jiāng | river |
講座 | 讲座 | jiǎngzuò | lecture, professorship, cathedra, talk-in, course of lecture, chair, course of lectures |
獎 | 奖 | jiǎng | award, prize, reward |
獎金 | 奖金 | jiǎngjīn | pewter, gainings, money award, gratuity, bounty, stakes, subsidy, prix, premium, incentive, prize money, perquisite, purse, winnings, stake, prize, bonus, gratification |
獎學金 | 奖学金 | jiǎngxuéjīn | burse, stipend, foundation, exhibition, studentship, scholarship |
降價 | 降价 | jiàng jià | lower prices |
降 | 降 | jiàng | fall, drop, lower |
降低 | 降低 | jiàngdī | reduce, cut down, drop, lower |
降落 | 降落 | jiàngluò | descend, land, drop (in water level, etc.) |
交換 | 交换 | jiāohuàn | reciprocate, switching, barter, exchange, commute, switch, communicate, interchange, bandy, shift, trade, batter, truck, swop, change, counterchange, swap, clear, buy, transpose, change over, commune, turn around |
交際 | 交际 | jiāojì | communication, social intercourse |
教授 | 教授 | jiàoshòu | professor |
教訓 | 教训 | jiàoxun | lesson, moral |
階段 | 阶段 | jiēduàn | staged, period, phase angle, stage, gradation, level, peg, grade, remove, phase, leg, step |
街道 | 街道 | jiēdào | neighborhood, mews, gate, residential district, neighbourhood, street |
節省 | 节省 | jiéshěng | saving, to save, to use sparingly, to cut down on |
結構 | 结构 | jiégòu | constitution, configuration, framing, structural, design, underframe, framework, construction, structure, schematism, economy, fabric, mechanics, composition, machinery, contexture, texture, constellation, fable, ordonnance, skeleton, organization, frame, architecture, chemistry, make |
結 | 结 | jié | tie, knit, knot, weave, congeal, form, forge, cement, settle, conclude |
降溫 | 降温 | jiàng wēn | to become cooler, to lower the temperature, cooling, (of interest, activity etc) to decline |
姐妹 | 姐妹 | jiěmèi | sisters, siblings, sister (school, city etc) |
結論 | 结论 | jiélùn | ultimate, sequitur, consequent, ending, close, inference, closing, end matter, afterword, consequence, verdict, finality, back matter, conclusion, peroration, summation, summing-up, end, upshot, illation, outcome, conclusion (of a syllogism) |
解釋 | 解释 | jiěshì | explain, interpret, analyze |
儘快 | 尽快 | jǐnkuài | as quickly/soon as possible |
盡力 | 尽力 | jìn lì | do_one’s_best, do all one can, render, take pains, be at pains, take_pains, stretch, strain, strive, try one’s best |
進口 | 进口 | jìn kǒu | import |
禁止 | 禁止 | jìnzhǐ | estop, inhibit, bar, outlaw, banish, forbid, suppress, interdict, defend, taboo, veto, prohibit, enjoin, blackball, restrain, debar, proscribe, negative, disallow, relegate, nix, prohibition, ban |
緊密 | 紧密 | jǐnmì | settle, close together, rapid and intense, compact, inseparable, close |
近代 | 近代 | jìndài | the not-very-distant past, modern times, excluding recent decades, (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919), capitalist times (pre-1949) |
經典 | 经典 | jīngdiǎn | canon, classic, classics, sutra, scriptures, scripture, Bible |
竟然 | 竟然 | jìngrán | unexpectedly, to one’s surprise |
鏡頭 | 镜头 | jìngtóu | training, lens, scene, shot, camera lens, vertex, optical lens |
精力 | 精力 | jīnglì | stamina, get-up, birr, spirits, vigor, energy, cheer, vinegar, vim, whiz, pride, starch, get-up-and-go, mercury, zing, ginger, sap, verve, zip, git-up, pizazz, power, sinew, go, dynamism, oomph, vigour, foison, ambition, moxie, gimp, peppiness, pazazz, pep, pizzaz, snap, stingo, spirit, drive, pith, pizzazz, last, push, steam |
鏡子 | 镜子 | jìngzi | looking_glass, gaper, looking glass, mirror, spectacles, glass, glasses |
酒吧 | 酒吧 | jiǔbā | bar, pub, saloon, CL:家[jia1] |
究竟 | 究竟 | jiūjìng | actually, exactly, after all, in the end |
居民 | 居民 | jūmín | municipality, population, citizen, denizen, townie, people, dweller, populace, residenter, resident, towny, inhabitant, habitant, liver |
局 | 局 | jú | m.[event] |
居住 | 居住 | jūzhù | inhabit, occupy, shack_up, locate, domicile, shack, abide, subsist, settle, live, howff, reside, indwell, populate, lodge in, quarter, dwell, people, belong, bide, hang_out, house, residence |
距離 | 距离 | jùlí | distance |
巨大 | 巨大 | jùdà | gigantic, gargantuan, huge |
聚會 | 聚会 | jùhuì | get-together, gathering |
聚 | 聚 | jù | get together, assemble, forgather, gather |
具備 | 具备 | jùbèi | be provided with, supply, render, have, furnish, possess, provide, possession |
角色 | 角色 | juésè | theatrical role, character, persona, part, function, office, fictional character, actor, fictitious character, personage, role |
開花 | 开花 | kāi huā | burst forth, flower, bloom, split apart, explode, blossom, effloresce, unfold, feel elated, break apart, blow |
捲 | 卷 | juǎn | volume, coil, furl, roll, spool, documents, m.[general], ,part, data file, tome, reel, book, examination paper, cylindrical mass of something, file, dossier |
開水 | 开水 | kāishuǐ | boiled water, boiling water |
看來 | 看来 | kànlai | it looks as if, it appears, it seems, it look as if |
看不起 | 看不起 | kànbuqǐ | to look down upon, to despise |
看望 | 看望 | kànwang | to visit, to pay a call to |
考察 | 考察 | kǎochá | inspect, make on-the-spot investigation, observe and study |
考慮 | 考虑 | kǎolǜ | think over, consider |
可見 | 可见 | kějiàn | therefore |
空間 | 空间 | kōngjiān | elbow room, allowance, margin, roomage, open air/sky/space, road, leeway, way, open air, sheets, room, tolerance, opening, clear, sky, spacial, interspace, vacuity, spatial, dimension, open sky/space, space, place, vacuum |
空 | 空 | kōng | free, with spare time |
棵 | 棵 | kē | head, tuft, m.[general], |
口袋 | 口袋 | kǒudai | |
苦 | 苦 | kǔ | be troubled by, suffer from, cause sb. suffering, bitter |
口語 | 口语 | kǒuyǔ | colloquial speech, spoken language, vernacular language, slander, gossip, CL:門|门[men2] |
快遞 | 快递 | kuàidì | express delivery |
寬廣 | 宽广 | kuānguǎng | wide, vast, extensive, broad |
礦泉水 | 矿泉水 | kuàngquánshuǐ | mineral spring water, CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] |
會計 | 会计 | kuàiji | accountant, bookkeeper |
擴大 | 扩大 | kuòdà | enlarge, expand, extend, swell, dilate |
擴展 | 扩展 | kuòzhǎn | expand, spread, extend |
寬 | 宽 | kuān | wide, broad, generous, lenient, comfortably off, well-off, relax, relieve, extend |
垃圾 | 垃圾 | lājī | leavings, crap, sordes, trumpery, culch, garbage, filth, debris, cultch, sweeping, trashery, raffle, slush, truck, detritus, rubbish, trash, dirt, muck, litter, offscouring, offal, rubble, recrement, dust, rejectamenta, refuse, junk, gook |
括號 | 括号 | kuòhào | parentheses, brackets |
拉開 | 拉开 | lā kai | to pull open, to pull apart, to space out, to increase |
來不及 | 来不及 | láibují | be too late to do sth., |
辣 | 辣 | là | hot (spicy), pungent |
來得及 | 来得及 | láidejí | there’s still time, able to do sth in time |
來源 | 来源 | láiyuán | resource, wellspring, origin, provenance, quarter, root, source, beginning, springhead, fodder, fount, quarry, fountain, mint, parentage, whence, paternity |
老家 | 老家 | lǎojiā | native place, old home, one’s original home |
老婆 | 老婆 | lǎopo | old lady, broomstick, missis, missus, married woman, squaw, old_lady, wife |
老公 | 老公 | lǎogong | old man, eunuch, married man, hubby, husband |
老實 | 老实 | lǎoshi | honest, frank, well-behaved, good, simple-minded, naive |
淚 | 泪 | lèi | tear, lachrymal, teardrop, brine, eyewater |
淚水 | 泪水 | lèishuǐ | teardrop, tears |
樂趣 | 乐趣 | lèqù | amusement, playfulness, fun, merriment, pleasure, sweet, delight, bang, entertainment, enjoyment, pleasance, joy |
類型 | 类型 | lèixíng | category, species, genre, portrait, nature, stamp, cast, type |
釐米 | 厘米 | límǐ | centimeter |
冷靜 | 冷静 | lěngjìng | sober, calm |
離不開 | 离不开 | lí bukāi | inseparable, inevitably linked to |
力氣 | 力气 | lìqi | physical strength, effort |
歷史 | 历史 | lìshǐ | past records, historical, history |
立即 | 立即 | lìjí | at_once, off-hand, promptly, at once, down, instantly, directively, straightway, herewith, thereupon, ex tempore, without_delay, pronto, right_away, instant, straight, immediately, in_short_order, right away, instanter, straightaway, in short order, off-the-cuff |
利益 | 利益 | lìyì | privilege, profit, vantage, favor, interest, behoof, account, goodness, gain, increment, avail, boon, plus, commodity, lucre, advantage, stead, boot, benefit, welfare, good, asset, behalf, percentage, stake, favour |
利息 | 利息 | lìxī | premium, usury, accrual, interest |
量 | 量 | liàng | to measure, capacity, quantity, amount, to estimate, abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar), measure word |
良好 | 良好 | liánghǎo | good, well |
兩邊 | 两边 | liǎngbiān | either side, both sides |
糧食 | 粮食 | liángshi | victuals, victualage, provisions, nutrient, ration, sustentation, provision, provender, food, purveyance, sustenance, foodstuff, commissariat, cereals, bread, viands, grain |
了不起 | 了不起 | liǎobuqǐ | amazing, terrific, extraordinary |
療養 | 疗养 | liáoyǎng | to get well, to heal, to recuperate, to convalesce, convalescence, to nurse |
了解 | 了解 | liǎojiě | understand, comprehend, find out, acquaint oneself with |
列 | 列 | liè | arrange, line up, list, enter in a list |
列車 | 列车 | lièchē | train |
列入 | 列入 | lièrù | be listed, be listed/placed, placed, be placed, rank |
列為 | 列为 | lièwéi | be classified as |
倆 | 俩 | liǎ | two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个), both, some |
臨時 | 临时 | línshí | as the time draws near, at the last moment, temporary, interim, ad hoc |
零食 | 零食 | língshí | between-meal nibbles, snacks |
流傳 | 流传 | liúchuán | spread, circulate, hand down |
樓梯 | 楼梯 | lóutī | stairs, staircase |
陸續 | 陆续 | lùxù | continuously, one after another, in succession |
陸地 | 陆地 | lùdì | dry land (as opposed to the sea) |
律師 | 律师 | lǜshī | scribe, counsellor, advocate, gown, avocat, solicitor, barrister, lawyer, counsel, jurist, counselor, counselor-at-law, attorney |
錄取 | 录取 | lùqǔ | enroll, recruit, admit |
輪 | 轮 | lún | m.[event] |
輪椅 | 轮椅 | lúnyǐ | wheelchair |
論文 | 论文 | lùnwén | disquisition, memoir, paper, discourse, theme, treatise, thesis, article, tractate, dissertation |
輪船 | 轮船 | lúnchuán | steamship, steamer, ocean liner, ship, CL:艘[sou1] |
落 | 落 | luò | come down, have, remain where one is, go under, leave behind, lower, decline, stay behind, lag behind, dip, precipitate, go down, be missing, fall/leave/stay behind, belong to, set (of sun), drop, ebb (of tide), set, receive, set down, drop behind, light, rest with, obtain, fall, leave/stay behind, fall onto, turn over to, fall behind, sink, get, ebb, land, leave out |
輪子 | 轮子 | lúnzi | wheel, CL:個|个[ge4] |
毛巾 | 毛巾 | máojīn | washcloth, flannel, Turkish towel, face towel, face cloth, hand_towel, towel, washrag, napkin, terry towel, hand towel |
毛衣 | 毛衣 | máoyī | (wool) sweater, CL:件[jian4] |
帽子 | 帽子 | màozi | castor, lid, cap, brand, headgear, chapeau, titfer, hat, headpiece, label, amice, tag |
沒法兒 | 没法儿 | méifǎr5 | Can’t |
沒錯 | 没错 | méicuò | that’s right, sure!, rest assured!, that’s good, can’t go wrong |
沒想到 | 没想到 | méixiǎngdào | unexpectedly |
美金 | 美金 | měijīn | buck, dollar, U.S. dollar |
美女 | 美女 | měinǚ | looker, bombshell, siren, cookie, peach, dish, sweetheart, peri, lulu, beautiful woman, charmer, smasher, belle, knockout, mantrap, Venus, stunner, beauty, lovely |
夢見 | 梦见 | mèngjiàn | to dream about (sth or sb), to see in a dream |
夢想 | 梦想 | mèngxiǎng | fond dream |
夢 | 梦 | mèng | dream |
祕密 | 秘密 | mìmì | secret |
祕書 | 秘书 | mìshū | secretarial, secretary, clerk, amanuensis, secretarial assistant |
密碼 | 密码 | mìmǎ | code, secret code, password, pin number |
密 | 密 | mì | dense, thick, intimate, close |
密切 | 密切 | mìqiē | osculate, intimate, close |
面臨 | 面临 | miànlín | have, face, confront, envisage, flank, present, be faced with, be up against, bide, meet |
免費 | 免费 | miǎn fèi | be free of charge, free_of_charge, gratuitous, gratis |
面試 | 面试 | miànshì | to be interviewed (as a candidate), interview |
描寫 | 描写 | miáoxiě | describe, depict, portray |
描述 | 描述 | miáoshù | describe |
名牌兒 | 名牌儿 | míngpáir5 | Famous brand |
名人 | 名人 | míngrén | notability, luminary, celebrity, don, celeb, hotshot, lion, famous person, eminent peron, anybody, name, adept, star, figure, man of mark, proficient, performer, personality, social lion, nob, famous peron, guiding light, article, eminent person, boss, famous/eminent person, famous, toff, leading light, notable, swell, personage |
名片 | 名片 | míngpiàn | visiting_card, calling card, card, pasteboard, visiting card, carte, namecard, calling_card, visiting |
摸 | 摸 | mō | feel out, sound out, fumble, feel for, palpate, feel, stroke, finger, try to find out, touch, grope for, feel/sound out |
模特兒 | 模特儿 | mótèr5 | poser, artist’s model, model |
模型 | 模型 | móxíng | formula, pattern, mould, mold, modeling, construct, die, convention, exponent, plaything, former, modelling, model, simulation, normal, rule, moulding, molding, shape, matrix, clay sculpture, restoration, toy |
末 | 末 | mò | tip, end |
默默 | 默默 | mòmò | quietly, silently |
哪 | 哪 | nǎ | det.: which |
男女 | 男女 | nánnǚ | men and women |
男士 | 男士 | nánshì | gent, man, men, menfolk |
難免 | 难免 | nánmiǎn | hard to avoid |
哪怕 | 哪怕 | nǎpà | even, even if, even though, no matter how |
腦袋 | 脑袋 | nǎodai | head |
鬧 | 闹 | nào | give vent, be troubled by, give vent to anger, suffer from, make a noise, do, stir up trouble, make, go in for |
鬧鐘 | 闹钟 | nàozhōng | alarm clock |
內部 | 内部 | nèibù | entrails, bowel, interior, inner, within, bosom, inside, innards, internal, inward |
內科 | 内科 | nèikē | internal medicine, general medicine |
能幹 | 能干 | nénggàn | capable, competent |
寧靜 | 宁静 | níngjìng | peaceful, tranquil, quiet |
濃 | 浓 | nóng | thick, concentrated, stress, favor, dense |
女士 | 女士 | nǚshì | senorita, lady, Ms., mum, Senora, educated girl, educated woman, madonna, madam, Miss, woman, ma’am, Madame, madame, gentlewoman, senhorita, dame, mademoiselle |
暖氣 | 暖气 | nuǎnqì | central heating, heater, warm air |
拍照 | 拍照 | pāi zhào | take a picture, take (picture), shoot (film), snap, film, take a photograph, take, photograph, shoot |
排列 | 排列 | páiliè | arrange, put in order |
牌 | 牌 | pái | dominoes, plate, prosodic pattern for ^1 ci2 ^ or ^3 qu3, card, cards, cards, dominoes, etc., brand, tablet, prosodic pattern for ^1ci2^ or ^3qu3^ |
盤 | 盘 | pán | m.[event] |
盤子 | 盘子 | pánzi | plate, pan, salver, bowl, dish, tray |
胖子 | 胖子 | pàngzi | fat person, fatty |
培訓 | 培训 | péixùn | cultivate, train |
培訓班 | 培训班 | péixùnbān | training class |
培養 | 培养 | péiyǎng | foster, train, develop, culture |
批 | 批 | pī | m.[general] |
培育 | 培育 | péiyù | cultivate, foster, breed |
品質 | 品质 | pǐnzhì | calibre, appraisal, caliber, character, self, intrinsic, brew, quality, timber, sort |
片面 | 片面 | piànmiàn | unilateral, one-sided |
平方 | 平方 | píngfāng | square (as in square foot, square mile, square root) |
平均 | 平均 | píngjūn | average |
平靜 | 平静 | píngjìng | calm, quiet, tranquil |
迫切 | 迫切 | pòqiè | imminent, imperative, pressing, urgent |
平穩 | 平稳 | píngwěn | smooth, steady |
妻子 | 妻子 | qīzi | frow, feme, married woman, wifelike, wife, woman, femme, missis, squaw |
破產 | 破产 | pòchǎn | go bankrupt, come to naught |
期末 | 期末 | qīmò | end of term |
期待 | 期待 | qīdài | look forward to |
期間 | 期间 | qījiān | length, period, time period, amount of time, duration, course, interim, period of time, time, standing, chapter, tract, space, term, streak, efflux |
期中 | 期中 | qīzhōng | interim, midterm |
期限 | 期限 | qīxiàn | time limit, allowed time, deadline, term |
企業 | 企业 | qǐyè | proposition, business enterprise, business organization, business concern, concern, commercial enterprise, endeavour, endeavor, industry, business, project, corporation, enterprise |
氣球 | 气球 | qìqiú | balloon |
其餘 | 其余 | qíyú | etceteras, det.: others, remainder, the rest |
汽水 | 汽水 | qìshuǐ | soda, pop |
器官 | 器官 | qìguān | appendage, member, variety meat, penis, apparatus, organs, organ, transplant, phallus, extremity |
前途 | 前途 | qiántú | lookout, future, prospects, prospect, futurity, career |
汽油 | 汽油 | qìyóu | gasoline |
淺 | 浅 | qiǎn | shallow, superficial, easy, simple, light (of color) |
前頭 | 前头 | qiántou | in front, at the head, ahead, above |
巧克力 | 巧克力 | qiǎokèlì | chocolate (loanword), CL:塊|块[kuai4] |
親密 | 亲密 | qīnmì | chum, intimate, close |
親愛 | 亲爱 | qīnài | dear, beloved, darling |
切 | 切 | qiè | cut, slice |
青春 | 青春 | qīngchūn | springtime, flower, prime, juvenility, youthfulness, one’s youth, young adulthood, youth, prime of life, youthhood, juvenescence, may |
輕鬆 | 轻松 | qīngsōng | light, relaxed |
輕易 | 轻易 | qīngyi | lightly, rashly |
清醒 | 清醒 | qīngxǐng | waken, wake up, sober up, be wide-awake, be clear-headed, wide-awake, wake, be sober, awaken, be sober/wide-awake, sober, come alive, awake, come to, regain consciousness, arouse, sober_up |
情景 | 情景 | qíngjǐng | scene, sight, circumstances |
窮 | 穷 | qióng | exhaust, exhausted, impoverished, hard-pressed, pursue to limit, poor |
窮人 | 穷人 | qióngrén | pauper, poor people, prole, poor, poor man, the poor, beggar, have-not |
趨勢 | 趋势 | qūshì | stream, gravitation, tendency, wind, tide, drift, sequel, trend, current, direction, inclination, tendence, momentum, flow |
秋季 | 秋季 | qiūjì | autumn, fall |
圈 | 圈 | quān | m.[activity] |
權利 | 权利 | quánlì | privilege, claim, merit, title, entitlements, escheatage, right, dib, authority, competency, obligation, pretension, prescription, dibs |
卻 | 却 | què | however, but, yet, indeed |
確認 | 确认 | quèrèn | countersign, confirm, affirmation, identify with certainty, identify, acknowledgement, acknowledge, quiet, confirmation, recognize, seal, verify, uphold, affirm, notarize |
燃料 | 燃料 | ránliào | fuel |
然而 | 然而 | ránér | conj.: even so, but |
燃燒 | 燃烧 | ránshāo | burn |
熱心 | 热心 | rèxīn | be enthusiastic about |
熱鬧 | 热闹 | rènao | lively, buzzing with excitement |
人家 | 人家 | rénjia | I (used by females), dwelling, I, sb. else, sb. else’s house, family, household |
日曆 | 日历 | rìlì | calendar, CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3] |
如今 | 如今 | rújīn | nowadays, now |
日記 | 日记 | rìjì | diary, journal |
弱 | 弱 | ruò | infirm, a little less than, young, inferior, weak, a bit less than, feeble |
散 | 散 | sàn | break up |
掃 | 扫 | sǎo | to sweep, broom |
色 | 色 | sè | color, CL:種|种[zhong3], look, appearance, sex, color, dice |
傘 | 伞 | sǎn | fimbria, brolly, sth. shaped like an umbrella, umbrella, mush, gamp, bumbershoot |
色彩 | 色彩 | sècǎi | hue, tincture, palette, tint, blazonry, leavening, tinct, grain, color, shade |
閃 | 闪 | shǎn | sprain, get out of the way, wink, shine, leave behind, have mishap, twist, sparkle, dodge, flash |
閃電 | 闪电 | shǎndiàn | lightning, CL:道[dao4] |
曬 | 晒 | shài | air, cold-shoulder, soak up sun, sun-dry, shine on, sun upturned soil |
傷害 | 伤害 | shānghài | harm |
善於 | 善于 | shànyú | excel, surpass, stand out, be adept in, be good at |
善良 | 善良 | shànliáng | good and kind, decent |
商務 | 商务 | shāngwù | commercial affairs, commercial, commerce, business |
上個月 | 上个月 | shànggèyuè | last month |
賞 | 赏 | shǎng | admire, enjoy |
上門 | 上门 | shàng mén | to drop in, to visit, to lock a door, (of a shop) to close, to go and live with one’s wife’s family, in effect becoming a member of her family |
上樓 | 上楼 | shànglóu | to go upstairs |
燒 | 烧 | shāo | oven broil, roast, burn, broil, run a fever, baking, stew … in soy sauce, cook, heat, bake, burning, burnt, stew, grill, cooking, have a temperature |
設置 | 设置 | shèzhì | set/put up, install |
申請 | 申请 | shēnqǐng | apply for |
身材 | 身材 | shēncái | stature, figure |
設施 | 设施 | shèshī | installation, facilities |
深厚 | 深厚 | shēnhòu | deep, profound, solid, deep-seated |
身份 | 身份 | shēnfen | state, dignity, station, estate, body, estate of the realm, capacity, status, standing, caste, doctorate, place, identity, condition |
身高 | 身高 | shēngāo | height, stature, height (of person) |
神祕 | 神秘 | shénmì | mysterious, mystical |
失敗 | 失败 | shībài | be defeated, fail, lose |
甚至 | 甚至 | shènzhì | even (to the point of), so much so that |
神話 | 神话 | shénhuà | fairy story, fairy tale, mythos, mythic, fable, fairytale, myth, mythology |
失業 | 失业 | shī yè | lose one’s job; be out of work |
詩 | 诗 | shī | verse form, poem, canto, verse, rhyme, number, song, poesy, poetry |
詩人 | 诗人 | shīrén | muse, rhymist, swan, lark, Parnassus, Maker, minstrel, harmonist, metrist, maker, bulbul, songster, versifier, poet, singer, eisteddfod, bard |
失望 | 失望 | shīwàng | become disappointed, lose (hope/faith) |
實用 | 实用 | shíyòng | practical, pragmatic, functional |
濕 | 湿 | shī | humidify, moisten, humid, damp, dampen, wet |
食堂 | 食堂 | shítáng | mess_hall, eatery, hall, buttery, commissariat, (institutional) dining room, mess hall, mess, refectory, dining room, canteen |
實施 | 实施 | shíshī | put into effect, implement |
使勁 | 使劲 | shǐ jìn | to exert all one’s strength |
士兵 | 士兵 | shìbīng | rank-and-file soldiers |
市區 | 市区 | shìqū | urban area, city proper, row, urban district, downtown, urban_area |
似的 | 似的 | shìde | seems as if, rather like, Taiwan pr. [si4 de5] |
事物 | 事物 | shìwù | proposition, pigeon, object, thing, affair, un |
事先 | 事先 | shìxiān | ahead, beforehand, in advance, in_advance, aforetime, aforehand |
是否 | 是否 | shìfǒu | whether or not, is it so or not |
試卷 | 试卷 | shìjuàn | examination paper, test paper, CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] |
收回 | 收回 | shōu huí | take back, call in, recall, withdraw, countermand |
收益 | 收益 | shōuyì | earnings, profit |
收穫 | 收获 | shōuhuò | harvest, gains, results |
手裡 | 手里 | shǒuli | in hand, (a situation is) in sb’s hands |
守 | 守 | shǒu | guard, defend, keep watch |
手術 | 手术 | shǒushù | operation |
手工 | 手工 | shǒugōng | handwork |
受不了 | 受不了 | shòubuliǎo | unbearable, unable to endure, can’t stand |
手套 | 手套 | shǒutào | glove, mitten, CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] |
首 | 首 | shǒu | m.[general] |
售貨員 | 售货员 | shòuhuòyuán | salesperson, CL:個|个[ge4] |
舒適 | 舒适 | shūshì | comfortable, cozy |
叔叔 | 叔叔 | shūshu | father’s younger brother, uncle, uncle (child’s address for young males) |
熟練 | 熟练 | shúliàn | practiced, proficient, skilled, skillful |
暑假 | 暑假 | shǔjià | summer vacation, CL:個|个[ge4] |
樹林 | 树林 | shùlín | forest, motte, woods, wood, planting, grove, timberland, woodland, hurst, timber |
數據 | 数据 | shùjù | data |
樹葉 | 树叶 | shùyè | leaves, foliage, leafage, leaf, leave, leaves (of trees) |
數碼 | 数码 | shùmǎ | number, numerals, figures, digital, amount, numerical code |
刷 | 刷 | shuā | to brush, to paint, to daub, to paste up, to skip class (of students), to fire from a job, to select |
刷牙 | 刷牙 | shuā yá | to brush one’s teeth |
刷子 | 刷子 | shuāzi | brush, scrub, CL:把[ba3] |
帥 | 帅 | shuài | surname Shuai, handsome, graceful, smart, commander in chief, (coll.) cool!, sweet! |
帥哥 | 帅哥 | shuàigē | handsome guy, lady-killer, handsome (form of address) |
睡著 | 睡着 | shuìzháo | asleep, fall_asleep, go_off, nod off, drift off, doze off, fall asleep, dope off, flake, drowse off, conk, dormant, flake out, drop off |
率先 | 率先 | shuàixiān | take lead/initiative |
說不定 | 说不定 | shuōbudìng | perhaps, maybe |
說服 | 说服 | shuō fú | persuade, talk sb. over |
似乎 | 似乎 | sìhū | it seems, quasi, apparently, seemingly, as if |
順序 | 顺序 | shùnxù | system, method, taxis, gradation, consecution, succession, order, ranking, rota, sequence, orderliness, turn |
松樹 | 松树 | sōngshù | pine, pine tree, CL:棵[ke1] |
思考 | 思考 | sīkǎo | ponder over, reflect on |
松 | 松 | sōng | crisp, loose, light and flaky, slack, loosen, relax, unbend, soft, not hard up |
塑料袋 | 塑料袋 | sùliàodài | plastic bag |
酸 | 酸 | suān | sick at heart, grieved, distressed, aching, tingling |
塑料 | 塑料 | sùliào | plastics, CL:種|种[zhong3] |
酸奶 | 酸奶 | suānnǎi | yogurt |
隨手 | 随手 | suíshǒu | conveniently, without extra trouble, while doing it, in passing |
孫子 | 孙子 | sūnzi | son’s son, grandson |
孫女 | 孙女 | sūnnü | son’s daughter, granddaughter |
縮短 | 缩短 | suō duǎn | shorten, curtail, cut down |
臺階 | 台阶 | táijiē | steps, flight of steps, step (over obstacle), fig. way out of an embarrassing situation, bench (geology) |
縮小 | 缩小 | suō xiǎo | recede, dwindle away, narrow, foreshorten, shrinkage, narrow down, abridge, minify, reduction, puncture, compress, specialize, scale down, dwindle, deflate, minish, take in, reduce, lessen, shorten, diminish, dwindle down, shrink, subside, deescalate, retract |
臺上 | 台上 | táishàng | on stage |
套餐 | 套餐 | tàocān | set meal, product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription) |
躺 | 躺 | tǎng | couch, lie, lean back, recline |
特殊 | 特殊 | tèshū | exceptional, special, particular; peculiar, distinctive |
特徵 | 特征 | tèzhēng | impress, trait, hallmark, cachet, stamp, characteristic, speciality, cast, feature, characteristic marks, features, artistic style, touch, trademark, earmark, particularity, nature, genius, imprint, lineament, mold, shtick, distinction, specificity, physiognomy, idiom, signature, character, salience, diagnosis, syndrome, stigma, stylemark, signalment |
提醒 | 提醒 | tí xǐng | remind, warn, alert to |
特價 | 特价 | tèjià | special price |
提供 | 提供 | tígōng | feed, offer, put_up, afford, proffer, set_up, capitalize, bring_forward, sponsor, extend, ply, provision, sustain, equip, supply, cough_up, bear, render, furnish, cater, billet, provide |
體重 | 体重 | tǐzhòng | body weight, beef, (body) weight, avoirdupois, weight |
體操 | 体操 | tǐcāo | jerk, physical exertion, workout, exercise, physical_exercise, gymnastic, calisthenics, exercising, gymnastics, physical exercise, gym |
體檢 | 体检 | tǐjiǎn | abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2] |
替代 | 替代 | tìdài | replace, supervene upon, replacement, supersede, substitute for, alternate, substitute, supersession, displace, supplant |
替 | 替 | tì | for, on behalf of |
天真 | 天真 | tiānzhēn | naive, innocent |
填空 | 填空 | tián kòng | to fill a job vacancy, to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper) |
填 | 填 | tián | writing, fill in, stuff, write, fill, close, charge, fill up |
挑 | 挑 | tiāo | pluck, provoking, stir up, choose, incite, instigation, lance, shoulder, push sth. up, selection, carry on both ends of shoulder pole, push … up with a pole or stick, choice, defy, prick, raise, instigate, poke, provocation, plunk, select, carry on the shoulder with a pole, push/poke sth. up, poke sth. up, pick, push, provoke |
挑選 | 挑选 | tiāoxuǎn | choose, select |
調皮 | 调皮 | tiáopí | naughty, mischievous, unruly |
貼 | 贴 | tiē | paste, glue, stick to |
挑戰 | 挑战 | tiǎo zhàn | a challenge to battle/contest |
停下 | 停下 | tíngxià | to stop |
挺 | 挺 | tǐng | very, rather, quite |
通知書 | 通知书 | tōngzhīshū | Notice |
童話 | 童话 | tónghuà | fairy story, fairy tale, fairy-tale, children’s stories, fairytale, fairy tales |
同情 | 同情 | tóngqíng | sympathize with |
統計 | 统计 | tǒngjì | statistics |
童年 | 童年 | tóngnián | childhood |
統一 | 统一 | tǒngyī | unify, unite, integrate |
投 | 投 | tóu | heave, agree with, throw, drop, mail, join, toss, go to, cater to, lodge, send, put into, fit in with, flip, peck, pitch, hurtle, betoss, project, deliver, stay, sky, post, cast, delivery, throw into, throw oneself into, hurl, fling, poll, vote |
痛快 | 痛快 | tòngkuai | delighted, to one’s heart’s content, straightforward, also pr. [tong4 kuai5] |
投訴 | 投诉 | tóusù | complaint, to complain, to register a complaint (esp. as a customer) |
投入 | 投入 | tóurù | throw/put into |
透 | 透 | tòu | to penetrate, to pass through, thoroughly, completely, transparent, to appear, to show |
投資 | 投资 | tóuzī | investment |
途中 | 途中 | túzhōng | en route |
圖案 | 图案 | túàn | miniature, device, pattern, illumination, emblem, embossment, design, imprint, cutout, designing, type |
推遲 | 推迟 | tuīchí | to postpone, to put off, to defer |
土地 | 土地 | tǔdi | country, acre, terra, soil, premise, realm, territory, dirt, local god of the land, farming, earth, ground, kingdom, holding, agrarian, solid ground, benefice, esplees, tract, village god, glebe, terra firma, land, dry land |
透明 | 透明 | tòumíng | diaphanous, see-through, crystalline, transparent |
推銷 | 推销 | tuīxiāo | promote sale of, peddle |
襪子 | 袜子 | wàzi | socks, stockings, CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4],雙|双[shuang1] |
脫 | 脱 | tuō | cast/come off, shed, take off, escape from |
外匯 | 外汇 | wàihuì | foreign exchange |
外交官 | 外交官 | wàijiāoguān | diplomat |
外套 | 外套 | wàitào | stragulum, overclothes, outerwear, pall, surcoat, overcoat, loose coat, greatcoat, manta, outer garment, topcoat, coat, bolero, lagging, benny |
晚點 | 晚点 | wǎn diǎn | (of trains etc) late, delayed, behind schedule, light dinner |
彎 | 弯 | wān | to bend, bent, a bend, a turn (in the road etc), CL:道[dao4] |
萬一 | 万一 | wànyī | conj.: just in case, if by any chance |
王 | 王 | wáng | Rex, ameer, king, prince, emeer, monarch, shah, emir, amir, Surname, sovereign, Wang |
網絡 | 网络 | wǎngluò | Internet, network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) |
微笑 | 微笑 | wēixiào | smile |
網址 | 网址 | wǎngzhǐ | website, web address, URL |
圍巾 | 围巾 | wéijīn | scarf, shawl, CL:條|条[tiao2] |
微信 | 微信 | Wēixìn | Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4]) |
維持 | 维持 | wéichí | keep, preserve |
維護 | 维护 | wéihù | safeguard, defend, uphold |
維修 | 维修 | wéixiū | keep in (good) repair, maintain |
尾巴 | 尾巴 | wěiba | appendage, a person shadowing sb., stern, tail-like part, servile adherent, tail |
未必 | 未必 | wèibì | may_not, not necessarily, may not |
未來 | 未来 | wèilái | future, tomorrow, CL:個|个[ge4], approaching, coming, pending |
位於 | 位于 | wèiyú | be situated, situated, locate, precede, lie, come, nestle, subsist, underlie, sit, be located, skirt, rank |
位置 | 位置 | wèizhi | positioning, site, stand, stance, about-face, lie, locality, spatial relation, setting, situs, locus, slot, ubiety, station, location, emplacement, ubication, situation, niche, positional, position, place, seat |
喂 | 喂 | wèi | hello, hey |
味兒 | 味儿 | wèir5 | taste |
穩 | 稳 | wěn | firm, stable, steady, staid, sedate, sure, certain |
穩定 | 稳定 | wěndìng | stable, steady |
無 | 无 | wú | not have, there is not |
無法 | 无法 | wúfǎ | nohow, unable to, unable, cannot |
無聊 | 无聊 | wúliáo | bored, boring, senseless, silly, stupid |
無論 | 无论 | wúlùn | conj.: no matter what/how/etc., regardless |
問候 | 问候 | wènhòu | to give one’s respects, to send a greeting |
無所謂 | 无所谓 | wúsuǒwèi | not deserve the name of, be indifferent, cannot be designated as, not matter, can’t be considered as |
無數 | 无数 | wúshù | countlessness, thousand, limitlessness, infinitude, boundlessness, trillions, millions, myriad, innumerableness, unboundedness, billions, zillions, jillions, host, countless, legion, det.: innumerable, incalculability, million, infiniteness, innumerability, immensity, umpteen |
無限 | 无限 | wúxiàn | infinite, limitless |
五顏六色 | 五颜六色 | wǔyán-liùsè | multi-colored, every color under the sun |
西瓜 | 西瓜 | xīgua | water melon, watermelon |
誤會 | 误会 | wùhuì | misunderstanding |
吸 | 吸 | xī | drop, absorption, absorb, draw to oneself, sip, breathe in, attraction, suck, suck up, sup, draw_in, puff, drink, inhale, attract, inhaust |
吸管 | 吸管 | xīguǎn | (drinking) straw, pipette, eyedropper, snorkel, CL:支[zhi1] |
吸收 | 吸收 | xīshōu | absorb, suck up, assimilate, recruit |
吸煙 | 吸烟 | xī yān | to smoke |
吸引 | 吸引 | xīyǐn | engross, arrest, appeal, fascinate, attraction, fetch, draw, transfix, pull in, entrance, pull, enamour, spellbind, enamor, capture, trance, captivate, call, grip, fascination, absorb, bewitch, tempt, becharm, speak_to, fix, engage, catch, rivet, enchant, beguile, charm, seduce, take, enwrap, magnetize, draw in, attract |
喜愛 | 喜爱 | xǐài | like, love, be fond of |
系統 | 系统 | xìtǒng | lineage, filiation, scheme, pedigree, system, formation, superstructure, programme, organization, succession, tract, system of rules, organisation, program |
系列 | 系列 | xìliè | succession, set, spectrum, course, train, series |
細 | 细 | xì | fine, exquisite, minute, in small particles, meticulous, thin and soft, thin, careful, light, trifling, slender, delicate, detailed |
細節 | 细节 | xìjié | circumstance, minutiae, nicety, minutia, speciality, item, detail, particulars, punctilio, particular, point, specific, respect, regard, details |
細緻 | 细致 | xìzhì | careful, meticulous, painstaking |
下降 | 下降 | xiàjiàng | descend, go/come down, drop, fall, decline |
下個月 | 下个月 | xiàgèyuè | next month |
下樓 | 下楼 | xiàlóu | Go downstairs |
夏季 | 夏季 | xiàjì | summer |
下載 | 下载 | xiàzài | to download, also pr. [xia4 zai4] |
鮮 | 鲜 | xiān | fish, old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian3], fish, old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian1] |
鮮花 | 鲜花 | xiānhuā | flower, fresh flowers, CL:朵[duo3] |
鮮明 | 鲜明 | xiānmíng | bright (of color), distinct, distinctive |
鹹 | 咸 | xián | surname Xian, salted, salty, stingy, miserly |
顯著 | 显著 | xiǎnzhù | outstand, striking, noticeable, remarkable, appear, marked, notable, outstanding, stand_out |
縣 | 县 | xiàn | county |
限制 | 限制 | xiànzhì | restrictiveness |
相處 | 相处 | xiāngchǔ | get along (with one another) |
相反 | 相反 | xiāngfǎn | offending, adverse, opposite, converse, opposite, contrary, oppose, reverse |
箱 | 箱 | xiāng | m.[container] |
箱子 | 箱子 | xiāngzi | suitcase, chest, box, case, trunk, CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] |
想念 | 想念 | xiǎngniàn | imagine, long to see again, remember with longing, think_of, miss, yearn |
想象 | 想象 | xiǎngxiàng | to imagine, to fancy, CL:個|个[ge4] |
項目 | 项目 | xiàngmù | event, head, item, particular, article, point, specific, entry, listing, clause, project |
項 | 项 | xiàng | m.[general] |
相片 | 相片 | xiàngpiàn | exposure, print, semblance, likeness, photo, photograph, photographic print |
銷售 | 销售 | xiāoshòu | sell, market |
消化 | 消化 | xiāohuà | digest |
小吃 | 小吃 | xiǎochī | snack, refreshments, CL:家[jia1] |
小伙子 | 小伙子 | xiǎohuǒzi | young man, young guy, lad, youngster, CL:個|个[ge4] |
小型 | 小型 | xiǎoxíng | spyglass, miniature, small-sized, bar, small-scale, pettiness |
效率 | 效率 | xiàolǜ | sufficiency, effectualness, effectuality, productiveness, usefulness, efficiency, effectivity, effectiveness |
些 | 些 | xiē | m.[proximation] |
心理 | 心理 | xīnlǐ | mental_state, psychology, mentality |
新郎 | 新郎 | xīnláng | groom, bridegroom |
新娘 | 新娘 | xīnniáng | bride |
新鮮 | 新鲜 | xīnxian | freshen, novel, fresh, new, strange |
新型 | 新型 | xīnxíng | pattern, novelty, of new type |
興奮 | 兴奋 | xīngfèn | excited |
形容 | 形容 | xíngróng | characterize, description, describe |
形勢 | 形势 | xíngshì | circumstances, situation, terrain, CL:個|个[ge4] |
型 | 型 | xíng | mold, type, style, model |
型號 | 型号 | xínghào | model number |
醒 | 醒 | xǐng | waken, come to, wake up, sober up, be clear in mind, regain consciousness, wake, be awake, awaken, arouse, come alive, awake, be striking to the eye |
興趣 | 兴趣 | xìngqù | relish, appetite, zestfulness, dish, cup of tea, pastime, hobby, interest, gusto, bag, avocation, zest |
性質 | 性质 | xìngzhì | kidney, attribute, fibre, description, affection, temper, nature, self, mold, temperament, property, composition, character, hair, bent, kind, disposition, habitude, meridian, dimension, quality, note, sort |
胸部 | 胸部 | xiōngbù | chest, breast, thorax |
兄弟 | 兄弟 | xiōngdi | brothers |
修理 | 修理 | xiūlǐ | repair, mend, fix |
選擇 | 选择 | xuǎnzé | select, opt |
學年 | 学年 | xuénián | school/academic year |
學分 | 学分 | xuéfēn | point, semester hour, course credit, credit |
學時 | 学时 | xuéshí | class hour, period |
學問 | 学问 | xuéwen | lear, ology, lore, knowledge, learning, acquirement, learnedness, cognition, erudition, letter, eruditeness, scholarship |
學術 | 学术 | xuéshù | ology, academic, systematic learning, science, learning |
尋找 | 寻找 | xúnzhǎo | comb, locate, quest, search, scout, chase, reconnoiter, look_around, look_for, look, look for, find_out, pick, reconnoitre, prospect, hunt, seek, rummage, shop |
牙 | 牙 | yá | ivory, cuspid, fang, broker, tooth-like thing, tusk, tooth |
迅速 | 迅速 | xùnsù | fast, speedy, rapid, prompt |
亞運會 | 亚运会 | Yàyùnhuì | Asian Games |
牙刷 | 牙刷 | yáshuā | toothbrush, CL:把[ba3] |
呀 | 呀 | ya | particle: replacing 啊 when preceding word ends in a, e, i, o, or (y)u; used in direct address and exclamation; indicating obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation |
延長 | 延长 | yáncháng | lengthen, prolong, extend |
延期 | 延期 | yán qī | to delay, to extend, to postpone, to defer |
嚴格 | 严格 | yángé | rigorously enforce, rigorous, tight, grim, strict |
嚴 | 严 | yán | surname Yan, tight (closely sealed), stern, strict, rigorous, severe, father |
延續 | 延续 | yánxù | continue, go on, last |
嚴重 | 严重 | yánzhòng | serious, significant, acute, critical, severe, grave |
研究 | 研究 | yánjiū | study, research |
研究生 | 研究生 | yánjiūshēng | don, postgraduate, grad student, grad, graduate student, student, graduate_student |
研製 | 研制 | yánzhì | to manufacture, to develop |
鹽 | 盐 | yán | salt |
眼鏡 | 眼镜 | yǎnjìng | cheater, lorgnon, spectacles, specs, glasses, spectacle, barnacles, eyeglasses, barnacle, eyeglass, glass |
眼淚 | 眼泪 | yǎnlèi | tear, teardrop, tears, eyedrop, waterworks |
演講 | 演讲 | yǎnjiǎng | lecture, speech |
陽臺 | 阳台 | yángtái | veranda, pergola, patio, terrace, mirador, trysting place, balcony, gallery, piazza, gazebo, deck, verandah |
腰 | 腰 | yāo | isthmus, bend, haunch, middle, strategic pass, cingulum, reins, loin, pocket, small of the back, strait, waist of a garment, middle part, waist |
眼裡 | 眼里 | yǎnli | In the eyes |
養成 | 养成 | yǎngchéng | to cultivate, to raise, to form (a habit), to acquire |
藥物 | 药物 | yàowù | healer, pharmic, medicine, druggery, curative, drug, pharmaceuticals, medicines, medicaments, medicinal, medicament, pharmaceutical, medication, remedy, drugs |
搖 | 摇 | yáo | rock, agitate, wigwag, row, pan, swing, shake, wave, scull, turn |
要 | 要 | yào | want, need, must, should |
業餘 | 业余 | yèyú | unpaid, dilettante, amateur, recreational |
醫療 | 医疗 | yīliáo | treat, cure |
醫學 | 医学 | yīxué | medicine, practice of medicine, medical science, leechcraft, physic, iatrology, medical |
依靠 | 依靠 | yīkào | rely/depend on |
一律 | 一律 | yīlǜ | equally, without exception |
一致 | 一致 | yīzhì | symphonize, coheiress, identical, quadrate, accord, coincide, equate, homologize, answer, comport, concur, consist, unanimous, chime_in, agree, jibe, unite, square, correspond, consort |
葉子 | 叶子 | yèzi | foliage, frond, leafage, leaf, leave |
依然 | 依然 | yīrán | notwithstanding, natheless, withal, even so, yet, nonetheless, nevertheless, all the same, however, still, as before |
一再 | 一再 | yīzài | repeatedly, again and again, time and again, over_and_over |
移動 | 移动 | yídòng | move, shift |
移 | 移 | yí | removal, alteration, transform, shift, remove, movement, alter, change, move |
遺產 | 遗产 | yíchǎn | heritage, legacy, inheritance, bequest, CL:筆|笔[bi3] |
移民 | 移民 | yímín | emigrant/immigrant |
遺傳 | 遗传 | yíchuán | bequeath, pass on to next generation |
疑問 | 疑问 | yíwèn | interrogation, enquiry, question, interrogatory, demand, dubiousness, inquiry, interrogative, interrogative mood, doubtfulness, query, quaere, doubt |
以及 | 以及 | yǐjí | conj.: as well as, along with, and |
以內 | 以内 | yǐnèi | within, less than |
一般來說 | 一般来说 | yībānláishuō | generally speaking |
義務 | 义务 | yìwù | duty, obligation, volunteer duty |
議論 | 议论 | yìlùn | debate, discuss |
引 | 引 | yǐn | quote, cite |
引導 | 引导 | yǐndǎo | guide, lead |
引起 | 引起 | yǐnqǐ | elicit, beget, causation, give rise to, incite, pique, engender, bring_on, trigger, fire, compel, kick_up, superindividual, draw, spawn, invite, touch_off, occasion, lead, bring_about, procure, touch off, raise, enkindle, give, poke, produce, capture, generate, stir, arouse, excite, put forward, provoke, breed, bring, conjure up, grip, create, kindle, tempt, set_up, interest, give rise, enga |
引進 | 引进 | yǐnjìn | recommend, introduce from elsewhere |
應 | 应 | yīng | should, ought to |
英勇 | 英勇 | yīngyǒng | heroic, gallant, valiant |
營業 | 营业 | yíngyè | do business |
影子 | 影子 | yǐngzi | umbra, sign, silhouette, reflection, trace, shadow, vague impression |
勇敢 | 勇敢 | yǒnggǎn | brave, courageous |
贏得 | 赢得 | yíngdé | nail down, rake_in, carry_off, nail, peg, conquer, try_for, gain, turn, win, garner, claim, earn, carry, capture, take, notch, nobble |
用途 | 用途 | yòngtú | purpose, service, help, use, value, mileage, avail |
優良 | 优良 | yōuliáng | fine, good |
勇氣 | 勇气 | yǒngqì | gameness, pluck, guts, mettle, braveness, grit, heart, moxie, courage, backbone, boldness, pride, gutsiness, nerve, pecker, courageousness, valour, spirit, spunk, gallantry, valor, virtue, audacity, bravery, pluckiness, gumption, sand, gut, valiance |
優美 | 优美 | yōuměi | graceful, exquisite |
郵局 | 邮局 | yóujú | post office |
優秀 | 优秀 | yōuxiù | outstanding, excellent |
有勁兒 | 有劲儿 | yǒujìnr5 | Strength |
有限 | 有限 | yǒuxiàn | limited, finite |
有趣 | 有趣 | yǒuqù | merry, fascinating, interesting, fun, amusive, comic, amusing |
幼兒園 | 幼儿园 | yòuéryuán | kindergarten, nursery school |
於是 | 于是 | yúshì | conj.: thereupon, hence, consequently, as a result |
語法 | 语法 | yǔfǎ | phraseology, parlance, language, syntax, locution, sentence structure, grammar, expression, wording, phrasing, phrase structure, diction |
玉 | 玉 | yù | jade |
語音 | 语音 | yǔyīn | spoken pronunciation of characters, pronunciation, spoken (vs. written) pronunciation of characters, speech sounds, phonetic |
預訂 | 预订 | yùdìng | to place an order, to book ahead |
玉米 | 玉米 | yùmǐ | corn, maize, CL:粒[li4] |
預測 | 预测 | yùcè | calculate, forecast |
遇 | 遇 | yù | meet, encounter, treat, receive |
遇見 | 遇见 | yù jian | to meet |
遇到 | 遇到 | yù dào | come across, run_into, receive, meet with, encounter, run into, meet, befall |
原料 | 原料 | yuánliào | making, stuff, feedstock, ingredient, primary, raw_material, fodder, material, staple, raw material |
圓 | 圆 | yuán | round, satisfactory, comprehensive |
原則 | 原则 | yuánzé | god, rule, formula, regulation, principle, fundamental, axiom, basis, linguistic rule, faith, principium |
圓滿 | 圆满 | yuánmǎn | satisfactory |
約會 | 约会 | yuēhui | appointment, engagement, date, CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4], to arrange to meet |
月底 | 月底 | yuèdǐ | end of the month |
運動會 | 运动会 | yùndònghuì | sports meeting, sport, gymkhana, athletic meeting, fixture, gate, game, sports meet, games, sports_meeting, meet |
閱讀 | 阅读 | yuèdú | study, read, peruse |
運動員 | 运动员 | yùndòngyuán | athlete, CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4] |
運氣 | 运气 | yùnqi | fortune, luck |
運用 | 运用 | yùnyòng | utilize, wield, apply |
在乎 | 在乎 | zàihu | care about, take … to heart, lie in, rest with, worry, care, mind |
再三 | 再三 | zàisān | repeatedly, again and again, over and over again, thrice, time and again |
贊成 | 赞成 | zànchéng | endorsement, agree with, stand, assent, favor, cotton, uphold, subscribe, support, see, clear, approve, agree, sympathize, second, approve of, jibe, assist, indorse, optional, plump_for, favour, endorse |
在於 | 在于 | zàiyú | be at, on, lie, in, depend on, lie_in, rest with, lie in, be determined by, consist_in, consist in |
贊賞 | 赞赏 | zànshǎng | to admire, to praise, to appreciate |
贊助 | 赞助 | zànzhù | support, assist |
造型 | 造型 | zàoxíng | moulding, molding, style, mold, mold-making, fashioning, mould-making, modelling, model |
戰鬥 | 战斗 | zhàndòu | to fight, to battle, CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] |
戰士 | 战士 | zhànshì | fighter, soldier, warrior, CL:個|个[ge4] |
戰勝 | 战胜 | zhànshèng | to prevail over, to defeat, to surmount |
戰爭 | 战争 | zhànzhēng | war, warfare |
丈夫 | 丈夫 | zhàngfu | masterman, man, papa, manliness, mister, goodman, married man, husband, hub, hubby |
著 | 着 | zhe | [aspect] |
招呼 | 招呼 | zhāohu | take care lest, receive, yoo-hoo, notify, take care of, recognize, say hello to, greet, halloo, speak, notification, come up to, hail, work hard, tell, beckon, get into a fight, address, accost, mind, ask, call |
著火 | 着火 | zháo huǒ | to ignite, to burn |
著急 | 着急 | zháo jí | worry, feel anxious |
召開 | 召开 | zhàokāi | convene, convoke |
折 | 折 | zhé | m.[general] |
針 | 针 | zhēn | needle, pin, stitch, injection, shot, acupuncture |
針對 | 针对 | zhēnduì | in the light of, in connection with |
陣 | 阵 | zhèn | m.[event] |
爭論 | 争论 | zhēnglùn | to argue, to debate, to contend, argument, contention, controversy, debate, CL:次[ci4],場|场[chang3] |
征服 | 征服 | zhēngfú | to conquer, to subdue, to vanquish |
政府 | 政府 | zhèngfǔ | sirkar, state, country, nation, governmental, body politic, government, administration, civil order, polity, commonwealth, regime, res publica, land |
徵求 | 征求 | zhēngqiú | ask_for, seek, solicit |
政治 | 政治 | zhèngzhì | paternalism, trouble, government, policy, political relation, political science, polity, politics, political affairs, political |
之前 | 之前 | zhīqián | before, prior to, ago |
之後 | 之后 | zhīhòu | later, behind, at the back of, after |
之一 | 之一 | zhīyī | one of (sth), one out of a multitude, one (third, quarter, percent etc) |
支 | 支 | zhī | m.[general] |
之間 | 之间 | zhījiān | among, between |
植物 | 植物 | zhíwù | vegetal, flora, herb, plant, grower, vegetable, plant life, vegetation, botanical, vegetive, dwarf, vegetative |
制訂 | 制订 | zhìdìng | work/map out, formulate |
指揮 | 指挥 | zhǐhuī | conduct, direct, command |
質量 | 质量 | zhìliàng | weight, molar, mass, quantity, quality |
治 | 治 | zhì | study, research, cure, govern, treat, government, eliminate, harness, rule, manage, wipe out, management, administration, administer, control, punish, treat (disease) |
治療 | 治疗 | zhìliáo | treatment, cure |
智力 | 智力 | zhìlì | intelligence, intellect |
智能 | 智能 | zhìnéng | intelligent, able, smart (phone, system, bomb etc) |
中介 | 中介 | zhōngjiè | to act as intermediary, to link, intermediate, inter-, agency, agent |
種類 | 种类 | zhǒnglèi | kidney, description, race, form, nature, manner, variety, feather, ordering, ilk, style, class, order, stamp, type, genus, category, stripe, kind, strain, cast, shape, denomination, species, persuasion, league, classification, breed, sort |
中獎 | 中奖 | zhòng jiǎng | to win a prize, a successful gamble |
種植 | 种植 | zhòngzhí | plant, grow |
種 | 种 | zhǒng | m.[kind] |
逐漸 | 逐渐 | zhújiàn | step_by_step, by degrees, gradually |
逐步 | 逐步 | zhúbù | step by step, progressively |
重量 | 重量 | zhòngliàng | avoirdupois weight, weight, ponderousness, heaviness, loading, heft, ponderosity, avoirdupois, heftiness, massiveness, gravity, lading |
主席 | 主席 | zhǔxí | chairwoman, presiding officer, president (of organization, chair, chair (of meeting), prolocutor, chairperson, subchairman, chairmanship, state), chairman, chair/president (of organization/state), moderator, president |
祝福 | 祝福 | zhùfú | invoke blessing, wish happiness to |
主題 | 主题 | zhǔtí | motif, lemma, musical theme, theme, thesis, idea, literary argument, argument, motive, leitmotiv, matter, subject_matter, keynote, issue, subject, topic, mythos, melodic theme |
著名 | 著名 | zhùmíng | famous, noted, well-known, celebrated |
抓緊 | 抓紧 | zhuā jǐn | to grasp firmly, to pay special attention to, to rush in, to make the most of |
專心 | 专心 | zhuānxīn | occupy, immerge, pore, zoom in, concentrate, betake, dive, pay attention, concentrate effort, advert, give ear, center, rivet, concentrate one’s attention, focus, hang, pay heed, devote, apply, be absorbed, be absorbed in, centre, attend |
轉動 | 转动 | zhuǎn dòng | turn (round), move |
著作 | 著作 | zhùzuò | composition, writing, composing, oeuvre, work, opus, literature, writings, book, production, bookmaking, body of work |
轉告 | 转告 | zhuǎngào | to pass on, to communicate, to transmit |
轉身 | 转身 | zhuǎn shēn | turn round, go_about, face about, turn |
轉彎 | 转弯 | zhuǎn wān | to turn, to go around a corner |
裝修 | 装修 | zhuāngxiū | repair, renovate (house/etc.), decorate, renovate (house, etc.), renovate, furnish, renovation, fit up |
裝置 | 装置 | zhuāngzhì | install, fit |
轉移 | 转移 | zhuǎnyí | shift, transfer, divert, change, transform |
準時 | 准时 | zhǔnshí | on time, punctual, on schedule |
追求 | 追求 | zhuīqiú | seek, pursue, woo, court |
資料 | 资料 | zīliào | food, source, info, means, data, information, material, datum, data point, matter |
自 | 自 | zì | from, since |
資源 | 资源 | zīyuán | resource, natural resources, mine, resources |
字母 | 字母 | zìmǔ | letter (of the alphabet), CL:個|个[ge4] |
綜合 | 综合 | zōnghé | synthetical, comprehensive, multiple, composite |
自信 | 自信 | zìxìn | self-confidence |
總共 | 总共 | zǒnggòng | in all, all told, altogether |
總理 | 总理 | zǒnglǐ | premier, prime minister |
總統 | 总统 | zǒngtǒng | president (of a republic) |
總之 | 总之 | zǒngzhī | in a word, tout ensemble, on the whole, all in all, altogether, in short |
阻止 | 阻止 | zǔzhǐ | prevent, stop, prohibit |
嘴巴 | 嘴巴 | zuǐba | jaw, cheeks, kisser, mouth |
作出 | 作出 | zuòchū | make (decision/etc.) |
作為 | 作为 | zuòwéi | regard as, look on as, take for |
最初 | 最初 | zuìchū | first, primary, initial, original, at first, initially, originally |
做夢 | 做梦 | zuò mèng | to dream, to have a dream, fig. illusion, fantasy, pipe dream |