dàn âm thanh hội trường, âm thanh lớp học, âm thanh phòng họp, loa trợ giảng

5615 từ vựng HSK 7, từ vựng HSK 8, từ vựng HSK 9 mới nhất

5615 từ vựng HSK 7, từ vựng HSK 8, từ vựng HSK 9 mới nhất, So sánh từ vựng HSK mới và cũ

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Từ vựng HSK 7, từ vựng HSK 8, từ vựng HSK 9 mới nhất

阿拉伯語阿拉伯语ĀlābóyǔArabic (language)
āidissatisfaction, of surprise, swounds, warning
哀求哀求āiqiúto entreat, to implore, to plead
哎呀哎呀āiyājeez, of wonder, alas, wirra, swounds, lummy, shock, admiration
挨家挨戶挨家挨户āijiā-āihùto go from house to house, house-to-house (search)
艾滋病艾滋病àizībìngAIDS (loanword)
áitumor, sarcoma, leukemia, cancerous, melanoma, malignant tumor, cancer, malignancy, neoplasm, carcinoma
癌癥癌症áizhèngcarcinomatosis, cancer
愛不釋手爱不释手àibùshìshǒuto love sth too much to part with it (idiom), to fondle admiringly
āimild exclamation/sigh, Gosh!, My!
愛理不理爱理不理àilǐbùlǐto look cold and indifferent, standoffish
愛面子爱面子ài miànzito save face, to worry about losing face, proud of one’s reputation, sensitive about losing prestige, sense of propriety
愛惜爱惜àixīcherish, treasure
礙事碍事ài shì(usu used in the negative) to be of importance or to matter, to be in the way, to be a hindrance
安眠藥安眠药ānmiányàosleeping pill, CL:粒[li4]
安撫安抚ānfǔto placate, to pacify, to appease
安穩安稳ānwěnsmooth and steady
安寧安宁ānníngpeaceful, tranquil, calm, composed, free from worry
按鍵按键ànjiànbutton or key (on a device), keystroke, CL:個|个[ge4], to press a button
按理說按理说ànlǐshuōit is reasonable to say that…
安逸安逸ānyìeasy and comfortable, easy
安心安心ānxīnreassured, disburden, set one’s mind at rest, feel at ease, reassuring, keep one’s mind on sth., be relieved
案件案件ànjiàna police case, law case, case (of law/etc.), a legal case, case
暗地裡暗地里àndìlisecretly, inwardly, on the sly
暗中暗中ànzhōngin the dark, in secret, on the sly, surreptitiously
按說按说ànshuōin the ordinary course of events, ordinarily, normally
āodepressed, sunken, indented, concave, female (connector etc), variant of 窪|洼[wa1], (used in names)
昂貴昂贵ángguìcost, costly, expensive
áoto boil, to simmer, to cook on a slow fire, to extract by heating, to decoct, to endure
àoproud, arrogant, to despise, unyielding, to defy
暗殺暗杀ànshāto assassinate
熬夜熬夜áo yèto stay up late or all night
奧祕奥秘àomìsecret, mystery
傲慢傲慢àomànarrogant, haughty
八卦八卦bāguàthe eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], gossip, gossipy
巴不得巴不得bābude(coll.) to be eager for, to long for, to look forward to
奧運會奥运会Àoyùnhuìabbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会, Olympic Games, the Olympics
to peel, to skin, to tear, to pull down, to cling to (sth on which one is climbing), to dig, to rake up, to steal, to braise, to crawl
芭蕾芭蕾bālěiballet (loanword)
把柄把柄bǎbǐnghandle, (fig.) information that can be used against sb
把關把关bǎ guānto guard a pass, to check on sth
把手把手bǎshouhandle, grip, knob
罷免罢免bàmiǎnto remove sb from their post, to dismiss
dam, dike, embankment, CL:條|条[tiao2]
罷休罢休bàxiūto give up, to abandon (a goal etc), to let sth go, forget it, let the matter drop
bāito break off or break open sth with one’s hands, (fig.) to break off (a relationship)
白白白白báibáiin vain, to no purpose, for nothing, white
霸占霸占bàzhànto occupy by force, to seize, to dominate
百分比百分比bǎifēnbǐpercent, per centum, pct, percentage, percent(age)
百科全書百科全书bǎikēquánshūencyclopedia, CL:本[ben3],集[ji2]
柏樹柏树bǎishùcypress tree, Taiwan pr. [bo2 shu4]
擺放摆放bǎifàngto set up, to arrange, to lay out
擺設摆设bǎishefurnish and decorate (room)
擺平摆平bǎi píngto be fair, to be impartial, to settle (a matter etc)
拜會拜会bàihuìpay sb. a visit
拜年拜年bài niánto pay a New Year call, to wish sb a Happy New Year
拜託拜托bàituōto request sb to do sth, please!
bānto pull, to turn (sth) around, to turn around (a situation), to recoup, variant of 攀[pan1]
拜見拜见bàijiànto pay a formal visit, to call to pay respects, to meet one’s senior or superior
頒發颁发bānfāissue, promulgate, award
頒獎颁奖bān jiǎngpresent reward/honor
頒布颁布bānbùto issue, to proclaim, to enact (laws, decrees etc)
斑點斑点bāndiǎnspot, stain, speckle
搬遷搬迁bānqiānto move, to relocate, removal
辦不到办不到bànbudàoimpossible, can’t be done, no can do, unable to accomplish
半邊天半边天bànbiāntiānhalf the sky, women of the new society, womenfolk
板塊板块bǎnkuàiblock, slab, tectonic plate, continental plate
半場半场bànchǎnghalf of a game or contest, half-court
半路半路bànlùhalfway, midway, on the way
半數半数bànshùhalf, half (the number), det.: half
半途而廢半途而废bàntúérfèito give up halfway (idiom), leave sth unfinished
半信半疑半信半疑bànxìn-bànyíhalf doubting, dubious, skeptical
半真半假半真半假bànzhēn-bànjiǎ(idiom) half true and half false
bànto disguise oneself as, to dress up, to play (a role), to put on (an expression)
伴侶伴侣bànlǚcompanion, mate, helpmate, coachfellow, familiar, partner, fere, company
伴隨伴随bànsuíaccompany, follow
伴奏伴奏bànzòuaccompany (with musical instruments)
幫手帮手bāngshouhelper, assistant
bǎngbind, tie, bind sb.’s hands behind him, truss up
bànto mix, to mix in, to toss (a salad)
綁架绑架bǎngjiàto kidnap, to abduct, to hijack, a kidnapping, abduction, staking
榜樣榜样bǎngyàngexample, model, CL:個|个[ge4]
包袱包袱bāofucloth wrapper, bundle wrapped in cloth, burden, millstone round one’s neck, punch line (in cross-talk)
棒球棒球bàngqiúno-hitter, apple, grounder, baseball game, homer, change-up, baseball, extra innings, curve, ball game, horsehide, infielder
bàngsee 磅秤 scale, platform balance, (loanword) pound (unit of weight, about 454 grams)
包容包容bāoróngforgive, pardon, contain
包扎包扎bāozāto wrap up, to pack, to bind up (a wound)
to peel, to skin, to shell, to shuck, to peel, to skin, to flay, to shuck
bāoto cook slowly over a low flame, pot, saucepan
飽滿饱满bǎomǎnfull, plump
寶藏宝藏bǎozàngprecious (mineral) deposits, (budd.) the treasure of Buddha’s law
保管保管bǎoguǎnto hold in safekeeping, to have in one’s care, to guarantee, certainly, surely, custodian, curator
保姆保姆bǎomǔnanny, housekeeper
寶庫宝库bǎokùtreasure-house, treasury, treasure-trove (often fig., book of treasured wisdom)
保暖保暖bǎo nuǎnto stay warm, to protect against the cold
保鮮保鲜bǎo xiānPreservation
保修保修bǎoxiūto promise to keep sth in good repair, guarantee, warranty
保佑保佑bǎoyòuto bless and protect, blessing
保障保障bǎozhàngensure, guarantee, safeguard
保質期保质期bǎozhìqīdate of use (on foodstuffs), best before date
保重保重bǎozhòngto take care of oneself
bàonewspaper, periodical, bulletin, telegram
報仇报仇bào chóuto take revenge, to avenge
報酬报酬bàochouemolument, reward, fee, recompense, earnings, gratuity, requital, retribution, price, harvest, remuneration, quittance, pay, consideration, salary, compensation, honorarium, payment, meed, gratification, wage, guerdon
報廢报废bào fèito scrap, to be written off
報社报社bàoshènewspaper (i.e. a company), CL:家[jia1]
報亭报亭bàotíngkiosk, newsstand
報復报复bàofuto make reprisals, to retaliate, revenge, retaliation
報銷报销bào xiāoto submit an expense account, to apply for reimbursement, to write off, to wipe out
抱負抱负bàofùaspiration, ambition
bàoleopard, panther
暴風驟雨暴风骤雨bàofēng-zhòuyǔviolent wind and rainstorm, hurricane, tempest
暴利暴利bàolìsudden huge profits
暴躁暴躁bàozàoirascible, irritable, violent
曝光曝光bào guāngexpose
爆冷門爆冷门bàolěngménan upset (esp. in sports), unexpected turn of events, to pull off a coup, a breakthrough
悲哀悲哀bēiāigrieved, sorrowful
爆滿爆满bàomǎnfilled to capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc)
悲歡離合悲欢离合bēihuān-líhéjoys and sorrows, partings and reunions, the vicissitudes of life
卑鄙卑鄙bēibǐbase, mean, contemptible, despicable
悲痛悲痛bēitònggrieved, sorrowful
bēia monument, an upright stone tablet, stele, CL:塊|块[kuai4],面[mian4]
貝殼贝壳bèikécowrie, shell, cameo, conch, seashell, valve, clamshell
備課备课bèi kè(of a teacher) to prepare lessons
備受备受bèishòufully experience (good or bad)
背面背面bèimiànthe back, the reverse side, the wrong side
備用备用bèiyòngreserve, spare, alternate, backup
背誦背诵bèisòngto recite, to repeat from memory
背叛背叛bèipànto betray
被捕被捕bèibǔto be arrested, under arrest
奔赴奔赴bēnfùto rush to, to hurry to
奔波奔波bēnbōrush about, be busy running about
本分本分běnfèn(to play) one’s part, one’s role, one’s duty, (to stay within) one’s bounds, dutiful, keeping to one’s role
本能本能běnnéngwhim, appetence, vagary, instinct, instinctive, native ability, inherent aptitude, impulse, caprice, faculty
本錢本钱běnqiánprincipal, capital
本性本性běnxìngnatural instincts, nature, inherent quality
本著本着běnzhebased on…, in conformance with.., taking as one’s main principle
本意本意běnyìoriginal idea, real intention, etymon
bēnhurry, rush, be getting on for, head for, flee, run, run quickly, approach, hasten, be getting close to, go straight towards
笨蛋笨蛋bèndànfool, idiot
笨重笨重bènzhòngheavy, cumbersome, unwieldy
崩潰崩溃bēngkuìcollapse, fall apart
繃帶绷带bēngdàibandage (loanword)
běngto stretch, taut, to tie, to bind, to have a taut face
本色本色běnsèinherent qualities, natural qualities, distinctive character, true qualities, natural color
逼近逼近bījìnpress on towards, approach
bèngto jump, to bounce, to hop
逼迫逼迫bīpòto force, to compel, to coerce
比比皆是比比皆是bǐbǐ-jiēshìcan be found everywhere
逼真逼真bīzhēnlifelike, true to life, distinctly, clearly
鼻涕鼻涕bítìnasal mucus, snivel
比不上比不上bǐbùshàngnot compare with
比起比起bǐqǐcompared with
比試比试bǐshito have a competition, to measure with one’s hand or arm, to make a gesture of measuring
比喻比喻bǐyùmetaphor, analogy
鄙視鄙视bǐshìto despise, to disdain, to look down upon
必不可少必不可少bìbùkěshǎoabsolutely necessary, indispensable, essential
必定必定bìdìnginevitably, sure, for sure, by all means, needs, necessarily, sure enough, sure as shooting, be sure to, surely, certainly, of necessity, for certain
碧綠碧绿bìlǜdark green
弊病弊病bìbìngmalady, evil, malpractice, drawback, disadvantage
弊端弊端bìduānmalpractice, abuse, corrupt practice
避難避难bì nànrefuge, to take refuge, to seek asylum (political etc)
壁畫壁画bìhuàmural (painting), fresco
避暑避暑bì shǔto be away for the summer holidays, to spend a holiday at a summer resort, to prevent sunstroke
邊界边界biānjièconfine, margin, bounds, marchland, boundary, demarcation line, demarcation, borderline, precinct, skirt, frontier, list, borderland, delimitation, butting, bound, boundary line, perimeter, outskirts, coast, march, line, border, mete, limit, skirting, edge
邊疆边疆biānjiāngborder area, borderland, frontier, frontier region
邊遠边远biānyuǎnfar from the center, remote, outlying
編劇编剧biānjùto write a play, scenario, dramatist, screenwriter
編號编号biānhàoto number, numbering, serial number
編寫编写biānxiěto compile
編造编造biānzàoto compile, to draw up, to fabricate, to invent, to concoct, to make up, to cook up
編排编排biānpáito arrange, to lay out
鞭策鞭策biāncèto spur on, to urge on, to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress)
鞭炮鞭炮biānpàofirecrackers, string of small firecrackers, CL:枚[mei2]
變革变革biàngéchange, revolution
貶值贬值biǎn zhíto become devaluated, to devaluate, to depreciate
變遷变迁biànqiānvicissitudinary, change
變幻莫測变幻莫测biànhuànmòcèto change unpredictably, unpredictable, erratic, treacherous
便道便道biàndàopavement, sidewalk, shortcut, makeshift road
變質变质biànzhìto degenerate, to go bad, to deteriorate, metamorphosis
便飯便饭biànfànan ordinary meal, simple home cooking
便利店便利店biànlìdiànconvenience store
便捷便捷biànjiéconvenient and fast
辨別辨别biànbiéto differentiate, to distinguish, to discriminate
遍布遍布biànbùto cover the whole (area), to be found throughout
辨認辨认biànrènto recognize, to identify
biànto dispute, to debate, to argue, to discuss
辯護辩护biànhùto speak in defense of, to argue in favor of, to defend, to plead
辮子辫子biànziplait, braid, pigtail, a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent, handle, CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2]
辯解辩解biànjiěto explain, to justify, to defend (a point of view etc), to provide an explanation, to try to defend oneself
標榜标榜biāobǎngexcessively praise, parade, glorify, advertisement, boast, boost, advertise, flaunt
biāomark, sign, label, to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc, to bear (a brand name, registration number etc), prize, award, bid, target, quota, (old) the topmost branches of a tree, visible symptom, classifier for military units
標本标本biāoběnexample, representative, pattern, specimen, root cause and symptoms of disease, sample, model
標簽标签biāoqiānmark, ticket, gummed label, tab, markup, sticker, label, tally, tag
標語标语biāoyǔwritten slogan, placard, CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1],條|条[tiao2]
飆升飙升biāoshēngto rise rapidly, to soar
標致标致biāozhiPeugeot, beautiful (of woman), pretty
表白表白biǎobáito explain oneself, to express, to reveal one’s thoughts or feelings, declaration, confession
表決表决biǎojué(decide by) vote
表述表述biǎoshùto formulate, enunciation, to explain sth precisely
表率表率biǎoshuàiexample, model
表彰表彰biǎozhāngto honor, to commend, to cite (in dispatches)
biēto choke, to stifle, to restrain, to hold back, to hold in (urine), to hold (one’s breath)
別看别看biékànDon’t look at
表態表态biǎo tàito declare one’s position, to say where one stands
別說别说biéshuōDon’t say
別提了别提了biétílesay no more, don’t bring it up, drop the subject
別扭别扭bièniuawkward, difficult, uncomfortable, not agreeing, at loggerheads, gauche
別致别致biézhìunusual, unique, variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]
彬彬有禮彬彬有礼bīnbīn-yǒulǐrefined and courteous, urbane
繽紛缤纷bīnfēnvast and various, rich and diverse
冰棍兒冰棍儿bīnggùnr5ice lolly, popsicle
濱海滨海bīnhǎiBinhai (place name), Binhai New District, subprovincial district of Tianjin, Binhai county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu, fictitious city Binhai in political satire, coastal, bordering the sea
bǐngthird of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1], third in order, letter ‘C’ or roman ‘III’ in list ‘A, B, C’, or ‘I, II, III’ etc, ancient Chinese compass point: 165°, propyl
秉承秉承bǐngchéngto take orders, to receive commands, to carry on (a tradition)
冰山冰山bīngshāniceberg, CL:座[zuo4]
併購并购bìnggòumerge into
並列并列bìnglièappose, collocate, stand side by side, be juxtaposed, juxtapose
並非并非bìngfēireally isn’t
病床病床bìngchuánghospital bed, sickbed
並行并行bìngxíngto proceed in parallel, side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts etc)
move with hand/foot/stick/etc., turn, stir, poke
病癥病症bìngzhèngdisease, illness
撥款拨款bōkuǎnto allocate funds, appropriation
波及波及bōjíaffect, spread to
波瀾波澜bōlánbillows, great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)
波折波折bōzhétwists and turns
剝奪剥夺bōduóto deprive, to expropriate, to strip (sb of his property)
波濤波涛bōtāogreat waves, billows
伯伯伯伯bóbouncle-in-law, father’s elder brother, uncle
剝削剥削bōxuēto exploit, exploitation
伯母伯母bómǔwife of father’s elder brother, aunt, (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one’s mother), CL:個|个[ge4]
駁回驳回bóhuíto reject, to turn down, to overrule
脖子脖子bózicervix, neck
伯父伯父bófùfather’s elder brother, term of respect for older man, CL:個|个[ge4]
搏鬥搏斗bódòuto wrestle, to fight, to struggle
不見得不见得bùjiàndenot likely, not necessarily/likely, likely, unlikely, not necessarily
不定不定bùdìnguncertain, indeterminate, indefinite, undetermined
不慎不慎bùshènincautious, inattentive
不利於不利于bù lìyúis harmful to
不算不算bùsuànNot count
不像話不像话bù xiànghuàunreasonable, shocking, outrageous
不屑不屑bùxièto disdain to do sth, to think sth not worth doing, to feel it beneath one’s dignity
不適不适bùshìunwell, indisposed
不亞於不亚于bùyàyúno less than, not inferior to
不亦樂乎不亦乐乎bùyìlèhūlit. isn’t that a joy? (quote from Confucius), fig. (jocularly) extremely, awfully
不懈不懈bùxièuntiring, unremitting, indefatigable
不翼而飛不翼而飞bùyìérfēito disappear without trace, to vanish all of a sudden, to spread fast, to spread like wildfire
不正之風不正之风bùzhèngzhīfēngunhealthy tendency
補給补给bǔjǐsupply, replenishment, to replenish
不用說不用说bùyòngshuōNeedless to say
捕捉捕捉bǔzhuōseizure, seize, tackle, capture, snare, nobble, get, catch
哺育哺育bǔyùto feed, to nurture, to foster
不恥下問不耻下问bùchǐ-xiàwènnot feel ashamed to ask and learn from one’s subordinates
不辭而別不辞而别bùcíérbiéto leave without saying good-bye
補救补救bǔjiùto remedy
不得而知不得而知bùdéérzhīunknown, unable to find out
不妨不妨bùfángthere is no harm in, might as well
不得已不得已bùdéyǐto act against one’s will, to have no alternative but to, to have to, to have no choice, must
不假思索不假思索bùjiǎ-sīsuǒto act without taking time to think (idiom), to react instantly, to fire from the hip
不解不解bùjiěnot understand
不經意不经意bùjīngyìnot paying attention, carelessly, by accident
不景氣不景气bù jǐngqìdepressive, in depression, in depressing state, recession
不堪不堪bùkāncan’t bear/stand
不服不服bùfúnot to accept sth, to want to have sth overruled or changed, to refuse to obey or comply, to refuse to accept as final, to remain unconvinced by, not to give in to
不可思議不可思议bùkě-sīyìinconceivable (idiom), unimaginable, unfathomable
不肯不肯bù kěnRefuse
不理不理bùlǐto refuse to acknowledge, to pay no attention to, to take no notice of, to ignore
不了了之不了了之bùliǎo-liǎozhīto settle a matter by leaving it unsettled, to end up with nothing definite
不難不难bù nánNot difficult
不起眼不起眼bùqǐyǎnunremarkable, nothing out of the ordinary
不如說不如说bùrú shuōrather say
不為人知不为人知bùwéirénzhīnot known to anyone, secret, unknown
不惜不惜bùxīnot stint, not hesitate (to do sth.)
不容不容bùróngmust not, cannot, to not allow, cannot tolerate
不相上下不相上下bùxiāngshàngxiàequally matched, about the same
不已不已bùyǐincessantly, endlessly
不宜不宜bùyíbe unsuitable
不以為然不以为然bùyǐwéirándisagree, not approve of, acceptable, object to, consider sth. not so, take exception to, right
不由自主不由自主bùyóu-zìzhǔcan’t help, involuntarily (idiom)
不予不予bùyǔto withhold, to refuse
不由得不由得bùyóudecan’t help, cannot but
不約而同不约而同bùyuēértónghappen to coincide, coincidentally do sth.
不知不知bùzhīnot to know, unaware, unknowingly, fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)
不知不覺不知不觉bùzhī-bùjuéunconsciously, unaware
不准不准bùzhǔnnot to allow, to forbid, to prohibit
布局布局bùjúarrangement, composition, layout, opening (chess jargon)
步入步入bùrùgo into, walk into
步驟步骤bùzhòuprocess, instance, demarche, method, measure, approach, procedure, place, step, move
部件部件bùjiànpart, component
步伐步伐bùfápace, (measured) step, march
部署部署bùshǔdispose, deploy
猜謎猜谜cāi míGuess
猜想猜想cāixiǎngto guess, to conjecture, to suppose, to suspect
財經财经cáijīngfinance and economics
財力财力cáilìfinancial resources
財務财务cáiwùfinance, financial affairs, financial
才華才华cáihuáliterary talent, artistic talent, literary, literacy, flair, literary/artistic talent
cáito cut out (as a dress), to cut, to trim, to reduce, to diminish, to cut back (e.g. on staff), decision, judgment
財物财物cáiwùproperty, belongings
cǎipick, gather
裁決裁决cáijuéruling, adjudication
採礦采矿cǎi kuàngmining
彩虹彩虹cǎihóngrainbow, CL:道[dao4]
彩電彩电cǎidiàncolor TV
彩霞彩霞cǎixiáclouds tinged with sunset hues
菜市場菜市场càishìchǎngfood market
採集采集cǎijíoyster, collect, gather, pick up and put together
參見参见cānjiànto refer to, see also, confer (cf.), to pay respect to
參謀参谋cānmóustaff officer, to give advice
參軍参军cān jūnto join the army
餐桌餐桌cānzhuōdining table, dinner table
參照参照cānzhàoto consult a reference, to refer to (another document)
殘留残留cánliúto remain, left over, surplus, remnant
殘缺残缺cánquēbadly damaged, shattered
cánto destroy, to spoil, to ruin, to injure, cruel, oppressive, savage, brutal, incomplete, disabled, to remain, to survive, remnant, surplus
殘忍残忍cánrěncruel, mean, merciless, ruthless
慘痛惨痛cǎntòngbitter, painful, deeply distressed
慘白惨白cǎnbáideathly pale
蒼蠅苍蝇cāngyinghousefly, CL:隻|只[zhi1]
滄桑沧桑cāngsānggreat changes, abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]
cāngcabin, the hold of a ship or airplane
燦爛灿烂cànlànbrilliant, glitter, splendid, resplend, resplendent, magnificent
藏品藏品cángpǐnmuseum piece, collector’s item, precious object
藏匿藏匿cángnìto cover up, to conceal, to go into hiding
藏身藏身cángshēnto hide, to go into hiding, to take refuge
操心操心cāo xīnto worry about
操勞操劳cāoláoto work hard, to look after
操控操控cāokòngto control, to manipulate
cáotrough, manger, groove, channel, (Tw) (computing) hard drive
草案草案cǎoànground plan, plan, blueprint, a protocol, skeleton, a draft plan, a draft, sketch, rough, an outline, draft
側面侧面cèmiànlateral side, side, aspect, profile
側重侧重cèzhòngto place particular emphasis on
測算测算cèsuànto take measurements and calculate
層出不窮层出不穷céngchū-bùqióngmore and more emerge, innumerable succession, breeding like flies (idiom)
cèngto rub against, to walk slowly, to freeload (colloquial)
差錯差错chācuòmistake, slip-up, fault, error (in data transmission), accident, mishap
差額差额chāébalance (financial), discrepancy (in a sum or quota), difference
插手插手chā shǒuto get involved in, to meddle, interference
插嘴插嘴chā zuǐto interrupt (sb talking), to butt in, to cut into a conversation
茶道茶道chádàoJapanese tea ceremony, sado
茶館兒茶馆儿cháguǎnr5a teashop
查處查处cháchǔto investigate and handle (a criminal case)
查明查明chámíngto investigate and find out, to ascertain
查找查找cházhǎoto search for, to look up
察覺察觉chájuérealize, be aware
察看察看chákànto watch, to look carefully at
詫異诧异chàyìflabbergasted, astonished
cànvariant of 攙|搀[chan1], to mix, to grasp
chānto take by the arm and assist, to mix, to blend, to dilute, to adulterate
chángluttonous, greedy, to have a craving
禪杖禅杖chánzhàngthe staff of a Buddhist monk
chánto wind around, to wrap round, to coil, tangle, to involve, to bother, to annoy
chǎngive birth to, be delivered of, produce
產地产地chǎndìthe source (of a product), place of origin, manufacturing location
產物产物chǎnwùresult, development, child, offspring, product, outcome, fruit, progeny, spawn
產值产值chǎnzhívalue of output, output value
chǎnto shovel, to remove, spade, shovel
鏟子铲子chǎnzishovel, spade, trowel, spatula (kitchen utensil), CL:把[ba3]
闡述阐述chǎnshùto expound (a position), to elaborate (on a topic), to treat (a subject)
顫抖颤抖chàndǒuto shudder, to shiver, to shake, to tremble
猖狂猖狂chāngkuángsavage, furious
長達长达chángdálengthen out to
長期以來长期以来chángqīyǐláiever since a long time ago
長效长效chángxiàoto be effective over an extended period
長征长征chángzhēngLong March (retreat of the Red Army 1934-1935), expedition, long journey
長足长足chángzúremarkable (progress, improvement, expansion etc)
常理常理chánglǐcommon sense, conventional reasoning and morals
常人常人chángrénordinary person
常態常态chángtàinormal, normalcy, normal conditions, normality, order, conditions, normal behavior/conditions, normal behavior
常溫常温chángwēnroom temperature, ordinary temperatures
償還偿还chánghuánto repay, to reimburse
嫦娥嫦娥ChángéChang’e, the lady in the moon (Chinese mythology), one of the Chang’e series of PRC lunar spacecraft
廠家厂家chǎngjiāfactory, factory owners
敞開敞开chǎng kāito open wide, unrestrictedly
暢談畅谈chàngtánto chat, a long talk, verbose, to talk freely to one’s heart’s content
暢銷畅销chàngxiāosell well
倡議倡议chàngyìto suggest, to initiate, proposal, initiative
抄襲抄袭chāoxíto plagiarize, to copy, to attack the flank or rear of an enemy
鈔票钞票chāopiàobank note, paper money, bill
超標超标chāo biāoto cross the limit, to be over the accepted norm, excessive
超車超车chāo chēto overtake (another car)
超前超前chāoqiánto be ahead of one’s time, to surpass or outdo one’s predecessors, to be ahead of the pack, to take the lead, advanced
超速超速chāosùto exceed the speed limit, to speed, high-speed
朝代朝代cháodàidynasty, reign (of a king)
朝著朝着cháozhefacing, advancing (towards)
嘲弄嘲弄cháonòngto tease, to poke fun at, to make fun of
嘲笑嘲笑cháoxiàoto jeer at, to deride, to ridicule, mockery, derision
吵嘴吵嘴chǎo zuǐto quarrel
車道车道chēdàotraffic lane, driveway
車禍车祸chēhuòsmash-up, road accident, traffic accident
車間车间chējiānworkshop, CL:個|个[ge4]
車速车速chēsùvehicle speed
車位车位chēwèiparking spot, unloading point, garage place, stand for taxi
車廂车厢chēxiāngcarriage, CL:節|节[jie2]
車軸车轴chēzhóuaxle, CL:根[gen1]
chěvariant of 扯[che3], to pull, to tear
徹夜彻夜chèyèthe whole night
chèto remove, to take away, to withdraw
撤換撤换chèhuànrecall, dismiss and replace
沉澱沉淀chéndiànto settle, to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)
沉浸沉浸chénjìnto soak, to permeate, to immerse
沉悶沉闷chénmènoppressive (of weather), heavy, depressed, not happy, (of sound) dull, muffled
沉迷沉迷chénmíto be engrossed, to be absorbed with, to lose oneself in, to be addicted to
沉思沉思chénsīto contemplate, to ponder, contemplation, meditation
沉穩沉稳chénwěnsteady, calm, unflustered
沉著沉着chénzhuósteady, calm and collected, not nervous
陳列陈列chénlièdisplay, exhibit
陳述陈述chénshùan assertion, to declare, to state
襯托衬托chèntuōto set off
趁機趁机chènjīseizing the chance, take advantage of occasion, taking advantage of the occasion, seize chance
趁早趁早chènzǎoas soon as possible, at the first opportunity, the sooner the better, before it’s too late
稱呼称呼chēnghucall, address
稱作称作chēngzuòto be called, to be known as
成才成才chéng cáito make sth of oneself, to become a person who is worthy of respect
成家成家chéng jiāto settle down and get married (of a man), to become a recognized expert
成年成年chéng niánto grow to adulthood, fully grown, the whole year
成千上萬成千上万chéngqiān-shàngwànlit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom), untold numbers, innumerable, thousands upon thousands
成群結隊成群结队chéngqún-jiéduìmaking up a group, forming a troupe (idiom), in large numbers, as a large crowd
成天成天chéngtiān(coll.) all day long, all the time
成問題成问题chéng wèntíProblem
成型成型chéngxíngto become shaped, to become formed
呈現呈现chéngxiànassume, crop out, dish, appearance, show, lay out, present, basset, appear, take_on, emergence, emerge, come forth
誠心誠意诚心诚意chéngxīn-chéngyìearnestly and sincerely (idiom), with all sincerity
誠意诚意chéngyìcandour, singleness, sincerity, good faith, candor
誠摯诚挚chéngzhìsincere, cordial
承包承包chéngbāoto contract, to undertake (a job)
承載承载chéngzàito bear the weight, to sustain
城牆城墙chéngqiángenceinte, city wall, rampart
乘人之危乘人之危chéngrénzhīwēito take advantage of sb’s precarious position
shèngflourishing, prosperous, vigorous, energetic, magnificent, grand, abundant, plentiful, popular, widespread
懲處惩处chéngchǔto punish, to administer justice
懲罰惩罚chéngfápenalty, punishment, to punish
澄清澄清chéngqīngclear up, clarify
橙汁橙汁chéngzhīorange juice, CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2]
逞能逞能chěng néngto show off one’s ability, to boast one’s merits
逞強逞强chěng qiángto show off, to try to be brave
chèngvariant of 稱|称[cheng1], to weigh, steelyard, Roman balance, CL:臺|台[tai2]
吃不上吃不上chībushàngunable to get anything to eat, to miss a meal
吃喝玩樂吃喝玩乐chīhē-wánlèto eat, drink and be merry (idiom), to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure
吃苦吃苦chī kǔto bear hardships
吃虧吃亏chī kuīget the worst of it, come to grief, suffer loss, suffer losses
痴呆痴呆chīdāiimbecility, dementia
痴迷痴迷chīmíinfatuated, obsessed
池塘池塘chítángpool, pond
遲遲迟迟chíchílate (with a task etc), slow
遲疑迟疑chíyíto hesitate
遲早迟早chízǎosooner or later
chíhold, grasp
持久持久chíjiǔlasting, enduring, persistent, permanent, protracted, endurance, persistence, to last long
持之以恆持之以恒chízhīyǐhéngto pursue unremittingly (idiom), to persevere
尺度尺度chǐdùmeasure, scale
恥辱耻辱chǐrǔdisgrace, shame, humiliation
恥笑耻笑chǐxiàoto sneer at sb, to ridicule
赤字赤字chìzì(financial) deficit, red letter
翅膀翅膀chìbǎngpinion, vane, plumage, pennon, flier, wing
衝刺冲刺chōngcìto sprint, to spurt, to dash, big effort
衝浪冲浪chōnglàngto surf, surfing
沖洗冲洗chōngxǐto rinse, to wash, to develop (photographic film)
衝撞冲撞chōngzhuàngto collide, jerking motion, to impinge, to offend, to provoke
chōngto fill, to satisfy, to fulfill, to act in place of, substitute, sufficient, full
充當充当chōngdāngto serve as, to act as, to play the role of
充沛充沛chōngpèiabundant, plentiful, vigorous
充實充实chōngshísubstantiate, enrich, replenish
重疊重叠chóngdiételescope, duplicate, superpose, overlap, repeated, lap
重返重返chóngfǎnto return to
重申重申chóngshēnto reaffirm, to reiterate
重現重现chóngxiànto reappear
重合重合chónghéto match up, to coincide
崇高崇高chónggāolofty, sublime
崇尚崇尚chóngshàngto hold up (as an model), to hold in esteem, to revere, to advocate
chǒngto love, to pamper, to spoil, to favor
寵愛宠爱chǒngàito dote on sb
抽簽抽签chōu qiānto perform divination with sticks, to draw lots, a ballot (in share dealing)
chóusurname Qiu, hatred, animosity, enmity, foe, enemy, to feel animosity toward (the wealthy, foreigners etc), spouse, companion
仇恨仇恨chóuhènto hate, hatred, enmity, hostility
仇人仇人chóurénfoe, one’s personal enemy
chóudense, crowded, thick, many
愁眉苦臉愁眉苦脸chóuméi-kǔliǎnto look anxious (idiom), to look miserable
chóuchip (in gambling), token (for counting), ticket, to prepare, to plan, to raise (funds), resource, means
籌辦筹办chóubànto arrange, to make preparations
籌措筹措chóucuòto raise (money)
籌劃筹划chóuhuàto plan and prepare
籌碼筹码chóumǎcounter, jetton, dib, poker chip, chip, bargaining chip, medium_of_exchange
籌備筹备chóubèiprepare, arrange, plan
籌集筹集chóujíto collect money, to raise funds
醜惡丑恶chǒuèugly, repulsive
chǒu(dialect) to look at, old variant of 瞅[chou3]
出版社出版社chūbǎnshèpublisher, press
出廠出厂chū chǎngto leave the factory (of finished goods)
出醜出丑chū chǒushameful, scandalous, to be humiliated, to make a fool of sb or oneself, to make sb lose face
出道出道chū dàoto make one’s first public performance (of an entertainer etc), to start one’s career
出發點出发点chūfādiǎnterminus a quo, base, takeoff, starting_point, start, starting_post, beachhead, springboard, starting, starting point, starting post
出風頭出风头chū fēngtouto push oneself forward, to seek fame, to be in the limelight, same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chu1 feng1 tou5]
出境出境chū jìngto leave a country or region, emigration, outbound (tourism)
出局出局chū júout, out of game
出具出具chūjùto issue (document, certificate etc), to provide
出口成章出口成章chūkǒu-chéngzhāngto speak like a printed book, quick and clever talking, the gift of the gab
出賣出卖chūmàisell_out, traffic, sell out, barter_away, peach, sell sb. down the river, lead astray, betray, sell, betrayal, go_back_on, offer for sale, double-cross, deceive
出毛病出毛病chū máobinga problem appears, to break down
出難題出难题chū nántíto raise a tough question
出人意料出人意料chūrényìliàounexpected (idiom), surprising
出任出任chūrèntake up the post of
出山出山chū shānto leave the mountain (of a hermit), to come out of obscurity to a government job, to take a leading position
出身出身chūshēnclass origin, family background;one’s previous experience/occupation
出示出示chūshìto show, to take out and show to others, to display
出手出手chū shǒuto dispose of, to spend (money), to undertake a task
出頭出头chū tóuto get out of a predicament, to stick out, to take the initiative, remaining odd fraction after a division, a little more than
出土出土chū tǔbe unearthed, come out of the ground
出息出息chūxito yield interest, profit etc, to exhale (Buddhism), future prospects, profit, to mature, to grow up
出血出血chūxiěshed blood, have a hemorrhage, bleeding, bleed, spend money, phlebotomize, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, leech
出演出演chūyǎnto appear (in a show etc), an appearance (on stage etc)
出洋相出洋相chū yángxiàngto make a fool of oneself
出遊出游chūyóuto go on a tour, to have an outing
出眾出众chūzhòngto stand out, outstanding
出主意出主意chū zhǔyìIdea
出資出资chū zīto fund, to put money into sth, to invest
出自出自chūzìcome from, be out of
初次初次chūcìfor the first time, first (meeting, attempt etc)
出走出走chūzǒuleave, run away, flee
初衷初衷chūzhōngoriginal intention or aspiration
除此之外除此之外chúcǐzhīwàiadditionally, in addition, with the exception of this, in_addition, to boot, excepting this
除外除外chúwàito exclude, not including sth (when counting or listing), except for
處方处方chǔfāngmedical prescription, recipe, formula
處境处境chǔjìngsituation, site, plight, situation (usu. unfavorable), predicament, circumstances
處置处置chǔzhìdeal with, manage, dispose of, punish
儲備储备chǔbèireserves, to store up
儲蓄储蓄chǔxùto deposit money, to save, savings
觸動触动chùdòngto touch, to stir up (trouble or emotions), to move (sb’s emotions or worry)
觸犯触犯chùfànto offend
觸覺触觉chùjuétouch, sense of touch
觸摸触摸chùmōto touch
觸目驚心触目惊心chùmù-jīngxīnlit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom), shocking, horrible to see, a ghastly sight
chuāito put into (one’s pockets, clothes), Taiwan pr. [chuai3], to estimate, to guess, to figure, to surmise
揣測揣测chuǎicèto guess, to conjecture
揣摩揣摩chuǎimóto analyze, to try to figure out, to try to fathom
chuàito kick, to trample, to tread on
川流不息川流不息chuānliú-bùxīthe stream flows without stopping (idiom), unending flow
穿過穿过chuān guòthread, pass through, traverse, penetrate, hook, go through, riddle, pierce, twist, go across, cleave, pass, lace, put_through, lace up, cut_through, cut across, cross, break, shoot
穿小鞋穿小鞋chuān xiǎoxiélit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom), to make life difficult for sb
穿越穿越chuānyuècut, pass through, cut across, cross
穿著穿着chuānzhuódress, apparel
傳承传承chuánchéngpass down through generations
傳奇传奇chuánqílegendry, romance, Tang and Song short stories, Ming and Qing poetic dramas, fable, short_story, legend
傳染传染chuánrǎninfect, be contagious
傳染病传染病chuánrǎnbìnginfectious disease, contagious disease, pestilence
傳人传人chuánrénto teach, to impart, a disciple, descendant
傳授传授chuánshòuto impart, to pass on, to teach
船舶船舶chuánbóshipping, boats
chuǎnto gasp, to pant, asthma
喘息喘息chuǎnxīto gasp for breath, to take a breather
串門串门chuàn ménto call on sb, to drop in, to visit sb’s home
創傷创伤chuāngshāngwound, injury, trauma
床位床位chuángwèibed (in hospital, hotel, train etc), berth, bunk
chuànginitiate, create, start doing, achieve … for the first time, initiate (sth.)
創始人创始人chuàngshǐréncreator, founder, initiator
吹了吹了chuīlefailed, busted, to have not succeeded, to have died, to have parted company, to have chilled (of a relationship)
吹牛吹牛chuī niúto talk big, to shoot off one’s mouth, to chat (dialect)
吹捧吹捧chuīpěngto flatter, to laud sb’s accomplishments, adulation
chuíto hang (down), droop, dangle, bend down, hand down, bequeath, nearly, almost, to approach
垂頭喪氣垂头丧气chuítóu-sàngqìhanging one’s head dispiritedly (idiom), dejected, crestfallen
chuíto beat with the fist, to hammer, to cudgel, variant of 捶[chui2]
錘子锤子chuízihammer, CL:把[ba3]
純粹纯粹chúncuìunmixed, unalloyed, pure, unadulterated
純潔纯洁chúnjiépure, clean and honest, to purify
純樸纯朴chúnpǔsimple and honest, unsophisticated, guileless, variant of 淳樸|淳朴[chun2 pu3]
醇厚醇厚chúnhòumellow and rich, simple and kind
chǔnstupid, sluggish, clumsy, to wiggle (of worms), to move in a disorderly fashion
chuōto jab, to poke, to stab, to sprain, to blunt, to fuck (vulgar), to stand sth upright
chinaware, porcelain, china
瓷器瓷器cíqìporcelain, chinaware
to resign, to dismiss, to decline, to take leave, ballad (archaic poetic genre), variant of 詞|词[ci2]
辭呈辞呈cíchéng(written) resignation
辭去辞去cíqùto resign, to quit
辭退辞退cítuìto dismiss, to discharge, to fire
慈善慈善císhànbenevolent, charitable, philanthropic, benevolently
慈祥慈祥cíxiángkindly, benevolent (often of older person)
磁帶磁带cídàimagnetic tape, CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]
磁卡磁卡cíkǎmagnetic card, IC Card (telephone)
磁盤磁盘cípán(computer) disk
此起彼伏此起彼伏cǐqǐ-bǐfúup here, down there (idiom), to rise and fall in succession, no sooner one subsides, the next arises, repeating continuously, occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)
次日次日cìrìnext day, the morrow
伺候伺候cìhouto serve, to wait upon
刺骨刺骨cìgǔpiercing, cutting, bone-chilling, penetrating (cold)
刺繡刺绣cìxiùto embroider, embroidery
favor, award, favour, grant
賜教赐教cìjiàoEnlighten me
匆忙匆忙cōngmánghasty, hurried
cōngscallion, green onion
從今以後从今以后cóngjīnyǐhòuFrom now on
從容从容cóngróngcalm, unhurried, leisurely
從容不迫从容不迫cóngróng-bùpòcalm, unruffled
從頭从头cóngtóuanew, from the start
從未从未cóngwèine’er, never
從業从业cóngyèto practice (a trade)
從早到晚从早到晚cóngzǎodàowǎnFrom early as late
叢林丛林cónglínunderbrush, chaparral, bosquet, brake, bosk, jungle, forest, copse, jungly, brushwood, grove, thickset, underwood, thicket, mott, Budd. monastery
còuto gather together, pool or collect, to happen by chance, to move close to, to exploit an opportunity
湊合凑合còuheto bring together, to make do in a bad situation, to just get by, to improvise, passable, not too bad
湊巧凑巧còuqiǎofortuitously, luckily, as chance has it
粗暴粗暴cūbàorough, cruel
粗糙粗糙cūcāocrude, gruff, rough, coarse
粗魯粗鲁cūlucoarse, crude (in one’s manner), boorish
粗略粗略cūlüèrough (not precise or accurate), cursory
粗心大意粗心大意cūxīn-dàyìnegligent, careless, inadvertent
促成促成cùchéngfacilitate, effect
簇擁簇拥cùyōngto crowd around, to escort
cuànto flee, to scuttle, to exile or banish, to amend or edit
cuīurge, hurry, press, hasten, expedite
催促催促cuīcùto urge
催眠催眠cuīmiánlull, hypnotize, mesmerize, hypnotic, lull (to sleep)
摧毀摧毁cuīhuǐtake_out, blot_out, bang up, blast, devastate, mow_down, zap, tobreak, wreck, smash up, bust up, smite, destroy, bust, demolish, knock_down, destruction, ravage, unbuild, liquidate, smash, deflower, knock_off, break, wrack
脆弱脆弱cuìruòfragile, frail, weak
翠綠翠绿cuìlǜgreenish-blue, emerald green
存放存放cúnfàngleave with, leave in sb.’s care, deposit (money)
存折存折cúnzhépassbook, bankbook
cuōto rub or roll between the hands or fingers, to twist
磋商磋商cuōshāngto consult, to discuss seriously, to negotiate, to confer, negotiations, consultations
挫折挫折cuòzhéfrustratio, rebuff, defeat, founder, frustration, reverse, breakdown, blight, setback, throwback, abortion, backset, flivver, dash, cross
措手不及措手不及cuòshǒu-bùjíno time to deal with it (idiom), caught unprepared
錯覺错觉cuòjuémisconception, illusion, misperception
錯位错位cuò wèito misplace, displacement (e.g. of broken bones), out of alignment, faulty contact, erroneous judgment, inversion (medical, e.g. breach delivery)
錯綜複雜错综复杂cuòzōng-fùzátangled and complicated (idiom)
錯別字错别字cuòbiézìincorrectly written or mispronounced characters
搭乘搭乘dāchéngtravel by, travel, travel (by a conveyance), jet, take, fly, hitching, get_on
搭建搭建dājiànto build (esp. with simple materials), to knock together (a temporary shed), to rig up
達標达标dábiāoto reach a set standard
答辯答辩dábiànto reply (to an accusation), to defend one’s dissertation
打岔打岔dǎ chàinterruption, to interrupt (esp. talk), to change the subject
打倒打倒dǎ dǎoto overthrow, to knock down, Down with … !
打盹兒打盹儿dǎ dǔnr5to doze off, erhua variant of 打盹[da3 dun3]
打交道打交道dǎ jiāodaoto come into contact with, to have dealings
打攪打搅dǎjiǎoto disturb, to trouble
打撈打捞dǎlāoto salvage, to dredge, to fish out (person or object from the sea)
打量打量dǎliangestimate, conjecture, size up, reckon, look up and down, suppose, give the once over, think, look … up and down, measure with the eye, give the eye, calculate
打獵打猎dǎ lièto go hunting
打磨打磨dǎmopolish, grind
打通打通dǎ tōngto open access, to establish contact, to remove a block, to put through (a phone connection)
打仗打仗dǎ zhàngfight battle, outplay, war, make war, fight, wage war, battle, go to war
打招呼打招呼dǎ zhāohuto greet sb by word or action, to give prior notice
大包大攬大包大揽dàbāodàlǎnto take complete charge (idiom)
大臣大臣dàchéncourtier, court, secretary, referendary, vizier, government minister, viziership, high officials, cabinet ministers, president, chancellor, minister
大吃一驚大吃一惊dàchī-yījīngto have a surprise (idiom), shocked or startled, gobsmacked
大大咧咧大大咧咧dàda-liēliēcarefree, offhand, casual
大地大地dàdìterra_firma, mother earth, mold, earth, soli
大隊大队dàduìa military group, production brigade, a large number (of)
大幅度大幅度dàfúdùby a wide margin, substantial
大公無私大公无私dàgōng-wúsīselfless, impartial
大家庭大家庭dàjiātíngextended family
大街小巷大街小巷dàjiē-xiǎoxiànggreat streets and small alleys (idiom), everywhere in the city
大驚小怪大惊小怪dàjīng-xiǎoguàito make a fuss about nothing (idiom)
大局大局dàjúgeneral situation, present conditions
大款大款dàkuǎnvery wealthy person
大面積大面积dàmiànjīlarge area
大名鼎鼎大名鼎鼎dàmíng-dǐngdǐnggrand reputation, renowned, famous
大模大樣大模大样dàmú-dàyàngLarge model
大片大片dàpiànwide expanse, large area, vast stretch, extending widely, blockbuster movie
大氣大气dàqìatmosphere, air, grand air, heavy breathing
大廈大厦dàshàbuilding, mansion
大數據大数据dàshùjùBig Data
大肆大肆dàsìwantonly, without restraint (of enemy or malefactor), unbridled
大體大体dàtǐin general, more or less, in rough terms, basically, on the whole, overall situation, the big picture, (Tw) remains (of a dead person)
大體上大体上dàtǐshàngoverall, in general terms
大同小異大同小异dàtóng-xiǎoyìvirtually the same, differing only on small points
大腕兒大腕儿dàwànr5Big wrist
大選大选dàxuǎngeneral election
大雁大雁dàyànwild goose, CL:隻|只[zhi1]
大意大意dàyigeneral idea, main idea, careless
大有可為大有可为dàyǒu-kěwéiwith great prospects for the future (idiom), well worth doing
大宗大宗dàzōnglarge amount, staple, influential family of long standing
歹徒歹徒dǎitúevildoer, ruffian, scoundrel
dǎi(coll.) to catch, to seize, (literary) to arrest, to seize, to overtake, until
代號代号dàihàocode name
帶隊带队dài duìLead
帶路带路dài lùto lead the way, to guide, to show the way, fig. to instruct
帶頭带头dài tóuto take the lead, to be the first, to set an example
帶頭人带头人dàitóurénTake the leader
怠工怠工dài gōngto slacken off in one’s work, to go slow (as a form of strike)
怠慢怠慢dàimànto slight, to neglect
逮捕逮捕dàibǔmake an arrest
dānto undertake, to carry, to shoulder, to take responsibility, picul (100 catties, 50 kg), two buckets full, carrying pole and its load, classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole
擔當担当dāndāngto take upon oneself, to assume
擔負担负dānfùbear, shoulder, take on, be charged with
單薄单薄dānbóweak, frail, thin, flimsy
單身单身dānshēnunmarried, single
耽擱耽搁dāngeto tarry, to delay, to stop over
耽誤耽误dānwuto delay, to hold up, to waste time, to interfere with
膽怯胆怯dǎnqiètimid, cowardly
膽子胆子dǎnzicourage, nerve, guts
但願但愿dànyuànwish, if only…, I wish that…, may, might
擔子担子dànzicarrying pole and the loads on it, burden, task, responsibility, CL:副[fu4]
淡季淡季dànjìoff season, slow business season, see also 旺季[wang4 ji4]
蛋白質蛋白质dànbáizhìalbuminoid, proteide, proteid, albumin, albumen, protein
當即当即dāngjíat once, on the spot
當今当今dāngjīncurrent, present, now, nowadays
當面当面dāng miàndirectly, face_to_face, face to face, in one’s presence
當日当日dāngrìon that day, that very day, the same day
當事人当事人dāngshìréninterested parties, those directly involved, principal, client, the party concerned, privy, party, litigant, person concerned
當務之急当务之急dāngwùzhījítop priority job, matter of vital importance
當下当下dāngxiàimmediately, at once, at that moment, at the moment
當心当心dāngxīnto take care, to look out
當著当着dāngzhein front of, in the presence of
當之無愧当之无愧dāngzhī-wúkuìfully deserving, without any reservations (idiom), entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc)
當眾当众dāngzhòngin public, in front of everybody
當晚当晚dàngwǎnon that evening, the same evening
當真当真dàngzhēnto take seriously, serious, No joking, really!
蕩漾荡漾dàngyàngto ripple, to undulate
檔次档次dàngcìgrade, class, quality, level
導彈导弹dǎodànguided missile, cruise missile, missile, CL:枚[mei2]
導火索导火索dǎohuǒsuǒa fuse (for explosive)
導師导师dǎoshīdon, guide of a great cause, hierophant, teacher, tutor, imam, supervisor, leader in a cause, preceptor, professor, preceptorship, adviser, teacher in charge of class, mentor, counselor
島嶼岛屿dǎoyǔisland, islands, islands and islets, isle
搗亂捣乱dǎo luànto disturb, to look for trouble, to stir up a row, to bother sb intentionally
倒賣倒卖dǎomàito resell at a profit, to speculate
倒霉倒霉dǎo méito have bad luck, to be out of luck
倒塌倒塌dǎotāto collapse (of building), to topple over
倒下倒下dǎoxiàto collapse, to topple over
到頭來到头来dàotóuláiin the end, finally, as a result
到位到位dàowèito get to the intended location, to be in place, to be in position, precise, well (done)
倒計時倒计时dàojìshíto count down, countdown
倒數倒数dàoshǔto count backwards (from 10 down to 0), to count down, from the bottom (lines on a page), from the back (rows of seats), inverse number, reciprocal (math.)
dàoto steal, to rob, to plunder, thief, bandit, robber
盜竊盗窃dàoqièto steal
悼念悼念dàoniànto grieve
道具道具dàojùstage props
稻草稻草dàocǎorice straw
得不償失得不偿失débùchángshīthe gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
得當得当dédàngappropriate, suitable
得力得力dé lìable, capable, competent, efficient
得失得失déshīgains and losses, success and failure, merits and demerits
得手得手dé shǒuto go smoothly, to come off, to succeed
得體得体détǐappropriate to the occasion, fitting
得天獨厚得天独厚détiān-dúhòublessed by heaven (idiom), enjoying exceptional advantages, favored by nature
得益於得益于déyìyúBenefited from
得意揚揚得意扬扬déyì-yángyángjoyfully satisfied, to be immensely proud of oneself, proudly, an air of complacency, variant of 得意洋洋[de2 yi4 yang2 yang2]
得知得知dézhīfind, hear, see, have, succeed, learn, get_onto, know, have learned of
得罪得罪dézuidisoblige, offend, displease, affront
燈泡灯泡dēngpàolight bulb, see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[dian4 deng1 pao4], third-wheel or unwanted third party spoiling a couple’s date (slang), CL:個|个[ge4]
登機登机dēng jīto board a plane
登陸登陆dēng lùto land, to come ashore, to make landfall (of typhoon etc), to log in
dēngto step on, to tread on, to wear (shoes), (slang) to dump (sb), Taiwan pr. [deng4]
凳子凳子dèngzistool, small seat
dèngopen wide, glom, stare, open (one’s eyes) wide, stare at, glower, open one’s eyes wide, glare
低調低调dīdiàolow pitch, quiet (voice), subdued, low-key, low-profile
低估低估dīgūto underestimate, to underrate
低谷低谷dīgǔvalley, trough (as opposed to peaks), fig. low point, lowest ebb, nadir of one’s fortunes
低價低价dījiàcheap, song, low, low price
低碳低碳dītànLow carbon
低下低下dīxiàlow status, lowly, to lower (one’s head)
dike, Taiwan pr. [ti2], variant of 堤[di1]
提防提防dīfangto guard against, to be vigilant, watch you don’t (slip), also pr. [ti2 fang2]
笛子笛子dízibamboo flute, CL:管[guan3]
抵觸抵触dǐchùto conflict, to contradict
抵擋抵挡dǐdǎngto resist, to hold back, to stop, to ward off, to withstand
抵消抵消dǐxiāoto counteract, to cancel out, to offset
抵押抵押dǐyāto provide (an asset) as security for a loan, to put up collateral
抵禦抵御dǐyùto resist, to withstand
底層底层dǐcéngfirst floor, understratum, bottom, underside, the lowest rung, first, undersurface, underlayer, ground level, ground floor, first/ground floor, substratum, first_floor, basement
底線底线dǐxiànto underline, bottom line, base line (in sports), baseline, minimum, spy, plant
底蘊底蕴dǐyùninside information, concrete details
底子底子dǐzibase, foundation, bottom
地步地步dìbùstate, situation, extent, plight, condition
地道地道dìdaotunnel, causeway, authentic, genuine, typical, from a place known for the product, thorough, conscientious
地段地段dìduànsection, district
地毯地毯dìtǎncarpet, footcloth, rug, carpeting, tapis
地理地理dìlǐgeographical, geographic, geographics, geographical features of a place, geography
地獄地狱dìyùthe pit, hell, infernal, pandemonium, abyss, underworld, ballyhack, Hades, hades, blaze, Sheol, infernal region, Gehenna, Tartarus, Avernus, Topheth, Tophet, heck, nether region, Scheol, Acheron, perdition, the lower regions, Abaddon, netherworld, Hel, Inferno, inferno, Hell
地域地域dìyùtract, area, latitude, quarter, territory, climate, region, scope, district, terrain, climactic
弟子弟子dìzǐscholar, pupil, disciple, student, follower, child, adherent, youngster
帝國帝国dìguóReich, imperial, empery, empire
遞交递交dìjiāoto present, to give, to hand over, to hand in, to lay before
第一線第一线dìyīxiànforefront, front/first line
顛倒颠倒diāndǎoto turn upside down, to reverse, back to front, confused, deranged, crazy
顛覆颠覆diānfùoverturn, subvert
巔峰巅峰diānfēngsummit, apex, pinnacle (of one’s career etc), peak (of a civilization etc)
點火点火diǎn huǒto ignite, to light a fire, to agitate, to start an engine, ignition, fig. to stir up trouble
點擊率点击率diǎnjīlǜclick-through rate (CTR) (Internet)
典範典范diǎnfànquintessence, nonpareil, example, specimen, nonsuch, apotheosis, ideal, nonesuch, prototype, monument, paragon, role model, soul, saint, model
點評点评diǎnpíngto comment, a point by point commentary
點心点心diǎnxinlight refreshments, pastry, dimsum (in Cantonese cooking), dessert
點綴点缀diǎnzhuìto decorate, to adorn, sprinkled, studded, only for show
點子点子diǎnzidrop (of liquid), drop, idea, hint, dot, beat (of percussion instruments), beat, spot, key point, speck, pointer
電報电报diànbàotelegram, cable, telegraph, CL:封[feng1],份[fen4]
電線电线diànxiànwire, power cord, CL:根[gen1]
電網电网diànwǎngelectrical network
電鈴电铃diànlíngelectric bell
電信电信diànxìntelegraphy, telecommunications, telecommunication, telecom
電訊电讯diànxùntelegraph, telecommunications, telecommunication, flash, telegraphic dispatch
diànpad, cushion, mat, to pad out, to fill a gap, to pay for sb, to advance (money)
墊子垫子diànzicushion, mat, pad
澱粉淀粉diànfěnstarch, amylum C6H10O5
惦記惦记diànjito think of, to keep thinking about, to be concerned about
奠定奠定diàndìngestablish, settle
殿堂殿堂diàntángmansion, manse, hall, palace, temple, residence, mansion house
刁難刁难diāonànto be hard on sb, to deliberately make things difficult
diāoto hold with one’s mouth (as a smoker with a cigarette or a dog with a bone)
diāobird of prey
雕塑雕塑diāosùa statue, a Buddhist image, sculpture, to carve
吊銷吊销diàoxiāoto suspend (an agreement), to revoke
釣魚钓鱼diào yúgo fishing, fish, go angling, angle
調度调度diàodùto dispatch (vehicles, staff etc), to schedule, to manage, dispatcher, scheduler
掉隊掉队diào duìto fall behind, to drop out
掉頭掉头diào tóuto turn one’s head, to turn round, to turn about
diēold man, father, papa, pappa, daddy, pa, pop, dada, dad, pater
迭起迭起diéqǐcontinuously arising, to arise repeatedly
diéto fold, to fold over in layers, to furl, to layer, to pile up, to repeat, to duplicate
dīngsurname Ding, fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1], fourth in order, letter ‘D’ or roman ‘IV’ in list ‘A, B, C’, or ‘I, II, III’ etc, ancient Chinese compass point: 195°, butyl, cubes (of food)
叮囑叮嘱dīngzhǔto warn repeatedly, to urge, to exhort again and again
釘子钉子dīngzinail, snag, saboteur
dīngto watch attentively, to fix one’s attention on, to stare at, to gaze at
頂多顶多dǐngduōat most, at best
頂級顶级dǐngjítop-notch, first-rate
訂單订单dìngdānorder_form, order, order form, order form for goods, purchase order, indent
訂購订购dìnggòuto place an order, to subscribe
訂婚订婚dìng hūnto get engaged
訂立订立dìnglìto conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc), to set up (a rule etc)
dīngnail, to follow closely, to keep at sb (to do sth), variant of 盯[ding1], to join things together by fixing them in place at one or more points, to nail, to pin, to staple, to sew on
定金定金dìngjīndown payment, advance payment
定居定居dìng jūsettle down
定論定论dìnglùnfinal conclusion, accepted argument
定為定为dìng wèiset to
定向定向dìngxiàngto orientate, directional, directed, orienteering
定心丸定心丸dìngxīnwántranquilizer, sth that sets one’s mind at ease
定做定做dìngzuòto have something made to order
丟掉丢掉diūdiàoto lose, to throw away, to discard, to cast away
丟臉丢脸diū liǎnto lose face, humiliation
丟棄丢弃diūqìto discard, to abandon
丟人丢人diū rénto lose face
丟失丢失diūshīto lose, lost
東奔西走东奔西走dōngbēnxīzǒuto run this way and that (idiom), to rush about busily, to bustle about, to hopscotch, also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠[dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1]
東道主东道主dōngdàozhǔhost, official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)
東張西望东张西望dōngzhāng-xīwàngto look in all directions (idiom), to glance around
董事董事dǒngshìdirector, trustee
董事會董事会dǒngshìhuìboard, board of directors, board of administration, syndicate, directorate, board of regents, board of trustees, board_of_directors, directory
董事長董事长dǒngshìzhǎngboard chair
懂事懂事dǒng shìsensible, thoughtful, intelligent
動不動动不动dòngbudòngapt to happen (usually of sth undesirable), frequently, happening easily (e.g. accident or illness)
動蕩动荡dòngdàngunrest (social or political), turmoil, upheaval, commotion
動感动感dònggǎninnervation, dynamism
動工动工dòng gōngbegin construction
動靜动静dòngjingsound of activity or people talking, news of activity
動身动身dòng shēnto go on a journey, to leave
動彈动弹dòngtanto budge
動聽动听dòngtīngpleasant to listen to
動向动向dòngxiàngset, development, tendency, trend, movement, drift
動用动用dòngyòngput to use, draw on, put … to use, use, employ, employment
凍結冻结dòngjiéto freeze (loan, wage, price etc)
dòngridgepole, m.[general],
棟梁栋梁dòngliángridgepole, ridgepole and beams, person able to bear heavy responsibility, mainstay (of organization), pillar (of state)
dōupocket, bag, to wrap up or hold in a bag, to move in a circle, to canvas or solicit, to take responsibility for, to disclose in detail, combat armor (old), old variant of 兜[dou1]
兜兒兜儿dōur5pocket, bag, to wrap up or hold in a bag, to move in a circle, to canvas or solicit, to take responsibility for, to disclose in detail, combat armor (old), erhua variant of 兜[dou1]
兜售兜售dōushòuto hawk, to peddle
dǒusteep, precipitous, abrubtly, suddenly, unexpectedly
dǒuto tremble, to shake out, to reveal, to make it in the world
dòuabbr. for the Big Dipper constellation 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1], dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4], decaliter, peck, cup or dipper shaped object, old variant of 陡[dou3], variant of 鬥|斗[dou4]
鬥志斗志dòuzhìwill to fight, fighting spirit
豆漿豆浆dòujiāngsoy milk
豆子豆子dòuzibean, pea, CL:顆|颗[ke1]
dòuto stay, to stop, to tease (play with), amusing, short pause in reading aloud, equivalent to comma (also written 讀|读[dou4])
都會都会dūhuìbig city, city, metropolis
督促督促dūcùto supervise and urge completion of a task, to urge on
by oneself, alone, in solitude, only
獨唱独唱dúchàng(in singing) solo, to solo
獨立自主独立自主dúlì-zìzhǔindependent and autonomous (idiom), self-determination, to act independently, to maintain control over one’s own affairs
獨身独身dúshēnunmarried, single
獨一無二独一无二dúyī-wúèrunique and unmatched (idiom), unrivalled, nothing compares with it
堵塞堵塞dǔsèto clog up, blockage
杜絕杜绝dùjuéto put an end to
妒忌妒忌dùjìto be jealous of (sb’s achievements etc), to be envious, envy
度假度假dù jiàspend one’s holidays
渡過渡过dùguòpass, spend (time/etc.)
端正端正duānzhèngupright, regular, proper, correct
短暫短暂duǎnzànfleet, of short duration, brief, transient
段落段落duànluòphase, time interval, paragraph, (written) passage
斷斷續續断断续续duànduàn-xùxùintermittent, off and on, discontinuous, stop-go, stammering, disjointed, inarticulate
斷定断定duàndìngto conclude, to determine, to come to a judgment
斷裂断裂duànlièfracture, rupture, to break apart
堆砌堆砌duīqìlit. to pile up (bricks), to pack, fig. to pad out (writing with fancy phrases), ornate rhetoric
對白对白duìbáistage dialog
對策对策duìcèexpedient, cure, countermeasure, antidote, way to deal with a situation, countermove
對稱对称duìchènsymmetry, symmetrical
對得起对得起duìdeqǐnot to let sb down, to treat sb fairly, be worthy of
對聯对联duìliánrhyming couplet, pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway, CL:副[fu4],幅[fu2]
對弈对弈duìyìto play go, chess etc
對照对照duìzhàocontrast, compare
對峙对峙duìzhìto stand opposite, to confront, confrontation
對準对准duì zhǔnto aim at, to target, to point at, to be directed at, registration, alignment (mechanical engineering)
兌換兑换duìhuànto convert, to exchange
兌現兑现duìxiàn(of a check etc) to cash, to honor a commitment
敦厚敦厚dūnhòugenuine, honest and sincere
敦促敦促dūncùto press, to urge, to hasten
頓時顿时dùnshísuddenly, at once, immediately
dùnto stew
多功能多功能duōgōngnéngmulti-functional, multi-function
多勞多得多劳多得duōláo-duōdéwork more and get more
多年來多年来duōniánláifor the past many years
多心多心duōxīnoversensitive, suspicious
多虧多亏duōkuīthanks to, luckily
多元多元duōyuánmultiplex, multicomponent, multivariate, poly-
哆嗦哆嗦duōsuoto tremble, to shiver, uncontrolled shaking of the body
多餘多余duōyúspare, redundant, unnecessary, superfluous, uncalled-for, surplus
奪魁夺魁duókuíto seize, to win
奪冠夺冠duó guànto seize the crown, fig. to win a championship, to win gold medal
躲藏躲藏duǒcángto conceal oneself, to go into hiding, to take cover
躲避躲避duǒbìhide (oneself), elude, dodge
墮落堕落duòluòdegenerate, sink low
俄語俄语ÉyǔRussian (language)
訛詐讹诈ézhàto extort under false pretenses, to blackmail, to bluff, to defraud
égoose, variant of 鵝|鹅[e2]
額外额外éwàiextra, added, additional
èevil, wicked, vicious
厄運厄运èyùnbad luck, misfortune, adversity
惡劣恶劣èlièvile, nasty
惡性恶性èxìngmalignant, pernicious, vicious, deadly, malignancy, viciousness, lethal, venomous, fatal, virulent
惡意恶意èyìmalice, evil intention
遏制遏制èzhìto check, to contain, to hold back, to keep within limits, to constrain, to restrain
鱷魚鳄鱼èyúalligator, crocodile
恩賜恩赐ēncìfavor, to give charity to sb out of pity
恩惠恩惠ēnhuìfavor, grace
恩情恩情ēnqíngkindness, affection, grace, favor
而已而已éryǐparticle: imparting finality (that’s all)
耳光耳光ěrguānga slap on the face, CL:記|记[ji4]
恩怨恩怨ēnyuàngratitude and grudges, resentment, grudges, grievances
耳目一新耳目一新ěrmù-yīxīna pleasant change, a breath of fresh air, refreshing
耳熟能詳耳熟能详ěrshú-néngxiángwhat’s frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom)
耳聞目睹耳闻目睹ěrwén-mùdǔto witness personally
二手車二手车èrshǒuchēsecond-hand car
二氧化碳二氧化碳èryǎnghuàtàncarbon dioxide CO2
發佈會发布会fābùhuìnews conference, briefing
發財发财fācáito get rich
發愁发愁fā chóuto worry, to fret, to be anxious, to become sad
發電機发电机fādiànjīelectricity generator, dynamo
發抖发抖fādǒuto tremble, to shake, to shiver
發光发光fāguāngto shine
發憤圖強发愤图强fāfèn-túqiángto be strongly determined to succeed (idiom)
發酵发酵fājiàoto ferment, fermentation
發掘发掘fājuéexcavate, unearth, explore
發火发火fā huǒto catch fire, to ignite, to detonate, to get angry
發脾氣发脾气fā píqito get angry
發起人发起人fāqǐrénproposer, initiator, founding member
發熱发热fā rèto have a high temperature, feverish, unable to think calmly, to emit heat
發誓发誓fā shìto vow, to pledge, to swear
發愣发愣fālèngto daydream, in a daze
發揚发扬fāyángto develop, to make full use of
發揚光大发扬光大fāyáng-guāngdàto develop and promote, to carry forward, to bring to great height of development
發育发育fāyùgrow, develop
發源地发源地fāyuándìplace of origin, birthplace, source
發泄发泄fāxièto give vent to (one’s feelings)
發作发作fāzuòbreak out, flare up, explode, have fit of anger, get_into, have a fit of anger, show effect
閥門阀门fáménvalve (mechanical)
髮型发型fàxínghairstyle, coiffure, hairdo
fānto gallop, Taiwan pr. [fan2], variant of 帆[fan1]
翻番翻番fān fānto double, to increase by a certain number of times
翻來覆去翻来覆去fānlái-fùqùto toss and turn (sleeplessly), again and again
翻天覆地翻天覆地fāntiān-fùdìsky and the earth turning upside down (idiom), fig. complete confusion, everything turned on its head
fánconj.: whatever
煩悶烦闷fánmènmoody, gloomy
煩躁烦躁fánzàojittery, twitchy, fidgety
繁華繁华fánhuáflourishing, bustling, busy
繁體字繁体字fántǐzìtraditional Chinese character
繁重繁重fánzhòngheavy, burdensome, heavy-duty, arduous, onerous
反駁反驳fǎnbórefute, retort, negate
反差反差fǎnchācontrast, discrepancy
反常反常fǎnchángunusual, abnormal
反倒反倒fǎndàoconj.: on the contrary, instead
反感反感fǎngǎnto be disgusted with, to dislike, bad reaction, antipathy
反過來反过来fǎnguolaiconversely, in reverse order, in an opposite direction
反擊反击fǎnjīto strike back, to beat back, to counterattack
反饋反馈fǎnkuìto send back information, feedback
反面反面fǎnmiànreverse side, backside, the other side (of a problem etc), negative, bad
反思反思fǎnsīto think back over sth, to review, to revisit, to rethink, reflection, reassessment
反省反省fǎnxǐngintrospect, self-questioning
返還返还fǎnhuánrestitution, return of something to its original owner, remittance
犯愁犯愁fàn chóuto worry, to be anxious
飯碗饭碗fànwǎnrice bowl, fig. livelihood, job, way of making a living
泛濫泛滥fànlànto be in flood, to overflow (the banks), to inundate, to spread unchecked
販賣贩卖fànmàipeddle, sell
方方面面方方面面fāngfāng-miànmiànall sides, all aspects, multi-faceted
方向盤方向盘fāngxiàngpánsteering wheel
方言方言fāngyánthe first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yang2 Xiong2] in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters, topolect, dialect
防盜防盗fángdàoto guard against theft, anti-theft
防盜門防盗门fángdàoménentrance door (for apartment)
防護防护fánghùto defend, to protect
防火牆防火墙fánghuǒqiángfirewall, CL:堵[du3]
防汛防汛fángxùnflood control, anti-flood (precautions)
防疫防疫fángyìdisease prevention, protection against epidemic
防禦防御fángyùdefense, to defend
妨礙妨碍fángàipreclude, clog, set_back, prevent, trammel, arrest, counteract, set back, impede, foul, hamper, discourage, thwart, obstruction, impediment, stymie, hinder, deter, debar, halter, intercept, interfere, retard, jam, detain, spoke, hobble, resist, balk, countercheck, stymy, blockade, stonewall, stop, beset, embarrass, hamstring, forbid, kibosh, handicap, block, prohibit, snag, fox, cramp, encumb
房地產房地产fángdìchǎnblockbuster, real estate, realty, real_estate, real property, property
妨害妨害fánghàitraverse, impair, bar, cumber, be harmful to, trammel, encumber, sabotage, molest, obstruct, blanket, impairment, disturb, jeopardize, annoy, put in jeopardy
仿製仿制fǎngzhìto copy, to imitate, to make by imitating a model
紡織纺织fǎngzhīspinning and weaving, textile
放過放过fàngguòlet off, let slip, forgive, let off/slip, slip
放水放水fàng shuǐto turn on the water, to let water out, to throw a game (sports)
放肆放肆fàngsìwanton, unbridled, presumptuous, impudent
放映放映fàngyìngto show (a movie), to screen
放置放置fàngzhìdispose, feed, set, locate, go, plant, pose, sit, lay, stick, shove, repose, bestow, sock, lay aside, perch, put, position, deposit, depose, get, lay up, mount, place, localize
放縱放纵fàngzòngto indulge, to pamper, to connive at, permissive, indulgent, self-indulgent, unrestrained, undisciplined, uncultured, boorish
飛速飞速fēisùflying speed, rapid (growth)
飛往飞往fēi wǎngGo to
飛翔飞翔fēixiángto circle in the air, to soar
飛躍飞跃fēiyuèto leap
非得非得fēiděi(followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must
非法非法fēifǎillegal, wrongfully, wrongful, unlawful, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, lawlessly, nefariously, nefarious, illegally, illegitimate, lawless, illicit
肥料肥料féiliàofertilizer, manure
非凡非凡fēifánout of the ordinary, unusually (good, talented etc)
肥胖肥胖féipàngfat, corpulent
緋聞绯闻fēiwénsex scandal
肥皂肥皂féizàosoap, CL:塊|块[kuai4],條|条[tiao2]
誹謗诽谤fěibàngto slander, to libel
fèivariant of 廢|废[fei4], disabled
廢除废除fèichúabolish, abrogate, repeal
廢話废话fèihuànonsense, rubbish, superfluous words, You don’t say!, No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
廢品废品fèipǐnproduction rejects, seconds, scrap, discarded material
廢寢忘食废寝忘食fèiqǐn-wàngshíto neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom), to skip one’s sleep and meals, to be completely wrapped up in one’s work
廢物废物fèiwucrap, plug, wastage, dreg, crock, garbage, weed, riffraff, obsolete, ejecta, trashery, rubbish, trash, cur, chaff, offal, food waste, recrement, rejectamenta, waste matter, lumber, sullage, write-off, waste material, sordes, dud, good-for-nothing, black sheep, culch, ruck, wastefulness, slag, scapegrace, dissipation, cultch, raffle, flotsam, dreck, off-scum, no-account, waste, offscouring
沸沸揚揚沸沸扬扬fèifèi-yángyángbubbling and gurgling, hubbubing, abuzz
沸騰沸腾fèiténg(of a liquid) to boil, (of sentiments etc) to boil over, to flare up, to be impassioned
分辨分辨fēnbiàndistinguish, differentiate
費勁费劲fèi jìnto require effort, strenuous
分寸分寸fēncunpropriety, appropriate behavior, proper speech or action, within the norms
分擔分担fēndānto share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)
分割分割fēngēcut apart, break up, partition
分紅分红fēn hóngdividend, to award a bonus
分泌分泌fēnmìto secrete, secretion
分明分明fēnmíngclear, distinct, evidently, clearly
分歧分歧fēnqídivergent, difference (of opinion, position), disagreement, bifurcation (math.)
分贓分赃fēn zāngto share the booty, to divide ill-gotten gains
分支分支fēnzhībranch (of company, river etc), to branch, to diverge, to ramify, to subdivide
芬芳芬芳fēnfāngperfume, fragrant
氛圍氛围fēnwéiambience, atmosphere
吩咐吩咐fēnfuto tell, to instruct, to command
féngrave, tomb, CL:座[zuo4], embankment, mound, ancient book
墳墓坟墓fénmùgrave, tomb
焚燒焚烧fénshāoto burn, to set on fire
fěnpowder, cosmetic face powder, food prepared from starch, noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour, whitewash, white, pink
粉絲粉丝fěnsībean vermicelli, mung bean starch noodles, Chinese vermicelli, cellophane noodles, CL:把[ba3], fan (loanword), enthusiast for sb or sth
粉碎粉碎fěnsuìto crush, to smash, to shatter
分量分量fènliang(vector) component, quantity, weight, measure
分外分外fènwàiexceptionally, not one’s responsibility or job
份額份额fènéshare, portion
奮力奋力fènlìto do everything one can, to spare no effort, to strive
奮勇奋勇fènyǒngdauntless, to summon up courage and determination, using extreme force of will
fènmanure, dung
糞便粪便fènbiànexcrement, feces, night soil
豐富多彩丰富多彩fēngfù-duōcǎirichly colorful
豐厚丰厚fēnghòugenerous, ample
豐滿丰满fēngmǎnFengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province, ample, well developed, fully rounded
豐碩丰硕fēngshuòplentiful, substantial, rich (in resources etc)
豐盛丰盛fēngshèngrich, sumptuous
風波风波fēngbōcrisis, disturbance
風采风采fēngcǎicarriage, graceful bearing, colour, mien, elegant demeanour, literary grace, elegant demeanor
風餐露宿风餐露宿fēngcān-lùsùWild meal
風和日麗风和日丽fēnghé-rìlìmoderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom), fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime
風風雨雨风风雨雨fēngfēng-yǔyǔWind and rain
風浪风浪fēnglàngwind and waves, stormy sea
風力风力fēnglìwind force, wind power
風範风范fēngfànair, manner, model, paragon, demeanor
風流风流fēngliúdistinguished and accomplished, outstanding, talented in letters and unconventional in lifestyle, romantic, dissolute, loose
風貌风貌fēngmàoview, scene, elegant appearance and bearing, appearance, style and features, style and feature
風氣风气fēngqìmores, ethos, order_of_the_day, climate, established practice, genius, genius loci, atmosphere, tone, general mood, common practice, fashion
風情风情fēngqíngdemeanour, flavor, information about wind, local customs, bearing, feelings, flirtatious expressions, amorous feelings
風尚风尚fēngshàngcurrent custom, current way of doing things
風趣风趣fēngqùcharm, humor, wit, humorous, witty
風沙风沙fēngshāsand blown by wind, sandstorm
風水风水fēngshuifeng shui, geomancy
風味风味fēngwèirace, gust, special flavour, savor, flavor, savour, local color, relish, sapor, spice, tasting, local colour, smack, gusto, snack, savoriness, special flavor, flavorsomeness, zest, taste
風雨风雨fēngyǔwind and rain, the elements, trials and hardships
風雲风云fēngyúnweather, unstable situation
封頂封顶fēng dǐngto put a roof (on a building), to cap the roof (finishing a building project), fig. to put a ceiling (on spending, prize, ambition etc), to top off, fig. to reach the highest point (of growth, profit, interest rates), to stop growing (of plant bud or branch)
封面封面fēngmiànlid, book binding, title page of thread-bound book, front cover, front and back cover of book, back, cover, binding, title page
封建封建fēngjiànsystem of enfeoffment, feudalism, feudal, feudalistic
封鎖封锁fēngsuǒto blockade, to seal off
峰迴路轉峰回路转fēnghuí-lùzhuǎnthe mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom), (of a mountain road) twisting and turning, fig. an opportunity has come unexpectedly, things have taken a new turn
瘋子疯子fēngzimadman, lunatic
féngmeet, come upon
fèngto sew, to stitch, seam, crack, narrow slit, CL:道[dao4]
縫合缝合fénghéto sew together, suture (in surgery), to sew up (a wound)
諷刺讽刺fěngcìsatirize, mock
鳳凰凤凰fènghuángFenghuang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], phoenix
孵化孵化fūhuàbreeding, to incubate, innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)
否決否决fǒujuéto veto, to overrule
扶持扶持fúchíto help, to assist
to spread, to lay out, to apply (powder, ointment etc), sufficient (to cover), enough
服飾服饰fúshìneckline, attire, furnishings, costume, dress, trappings, finery, rig-out, apparel, dress and personal adornment
服務器服务器fúwùqìserver (computer), CL:臺|台[tai2]
服用服用fúyòngtake, use, take (medicine)
俘獲俘获fúhuòto capture (enemy property or personnel), capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus)
浮現浮现fúxiànappear before one’s eyes, float, suggest, come up, rise up, surface, ray, rise, appear, emerge
浮躁浮躁fúzàofickle and impatient, restless, giddy, scatterbrained
輻射辐射fúshèradiancy, Geigers, radiation, radiant
福氣福气fúqigood fortune, a blessing
撫摸抚摸fǔmōto gently caress and stroke, to pet, to fondle
撫恤抚恤fǔxù(of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury
撫養抚养fǔyǎngto foster, to bring up, to raise
撫養費抚养费fǔyǎngfèichild support payment (after a divorce)
斧子斧子fǔziaxe, hatchet, CL:把[ba3]
俯首俯首fǔshǒuto bend one’s head
輔導辅导fǔdǎocoach, tutor
腐敗腐败fǔbàirotten, putrid, decayed, corrupt
腐化腐化fǔhuàto rot, to decay, to become corrupt
腐爛腐烂fǔlànto rot, to putrefy, (fig.) corrupt
腐蝕腐蚀fǔshícorrosion, to corrode (degrade chemically), to rot, corruption
腐朽腐朽fǔxiǔrotten, decayed, decadent, degenerate
付費付费fù fèifee, expense, pay
負面负面fùmiànnegative, negativeness, reverse (side), reverse
付款付款fù kuǎnante_up, ante up, foot, pay out, pay up, pay, shell_out, cash, pay a sum of money, disburse
負有负有fùyǒuto be responsible for
comply with, agree to, appose, attachment, enclose, get close to, enclosure, depend on, add, be near, rely on, attach
附帶附带fùdàisupplementary, incidentally, in parentheses, by chance, in passing, additionally, secondary, subsidiary, to attach
附和附和fùhèto agree, to go along with, to echo (what sb says)
附加附加fùjiāhang on, supervene, suffix, additional, affix, superimpose, inset, tack on, tack, attachment, tag on, append, add, subjoin, annex, engraft, attach
附屬附属fùshǔadjunct, belong, pertain, appertain, affiliated, be attached, attached, adjective, auxiliary, be affiliated, subsidiary
復查复查fùchárechecking, re-inspection, reexamination
repair, attendance, go, go to, come, seek, attend, betake
復發复发fùfāto recur (of a disease), to reappear, to relapse (into a former bad state)
複合复合fùhécomplex, compound, composite, hybrid
復興复兴fùxīngFuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei, Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan, to revive, to rejuvenate
復原复原fù yuánto restore (sth) to (its) former condition, to recover from illness, recovery
賦予赋予fùyǔindue, endow, lend, girt, gift, endue, entrust, inspire, give, impart, confer, grant
富豪富豪fùháorich and powerful person
富強富强fùqiángrich and powerful
富翁富翁fùwēngrich person, millionaire, billionaire
富裕富裕fùyùplentiful, abundant, rich
腹部腹部fùbùabdomen, belly, flank
腹瀉腹泻fùxièdiarrhea, to have the runs
富足富足fùzúrich, plentiful
覆蓋覆盖fùgàito cover
gāidet.: this, that
改版改版gǎi bǎnto revise the current edition, revised edition
改編改编gǎibiānadapt, rearrange, revise
改革開放改革开放gǎigé-kāifàngto reform and open to the outside world, refers to Deng Xiaoping’s policies from around 1980
改動改动gǎidòngto alter, to modify, to revise
改良改良gǎiliángimprove, ameliorate
改名改名gǎimíngto change one’s name
改日改日gǎirìanother day, some other day
改為改为gǎiwéichange … into, change to
改邪歸正改邪归正gǎixié-guīzhèngto mend one’s ways (idiom), to turn over a new leaf
gàiatomic number 20, calcium, Ca, calcic
蓋子盖子gàizicover, lid, shell
概況概况gàikuànggeneral situation, summary
概率概率gàilǜprobability (math.)
概論概论gàilùnoutline, introduction, survey, general discussion
干戈干戈gāngēweapons of war, arms
乾旱干旱gānhàndrought, arid, dry
乾燥干燥gānzàodry, arid
甘心甘心gānxīnbe reconciled, be willing, pleased, resigned to, be content with, be reconciled to, be reconciled/resigned to, be resigned to, resign oneself to
尷尬尴尬gāngàawkward, embarrassed
趕赴赶赴gǎnfùto hurry, to rush
趕往赶往gǎnwǎngto hurry to (somewhere)
敢情敢情gǎnqingactually, as it turns out, indeed, of course
gǎnfeel, sense, move, touch, be affected (by cold)
感觸感触gǎnchùfeel, texture, sentiment, thoughts and feelings, feeling, tactile property
感恩感恩gǎn ēnto be grateful
感激感激gǎnjīfeel grateful/indebted
感慨感慨gǎnkǎisigh with emotion
感染感染gǎnrǎninfect, influence, affect
感染力感染力gǎnrǎnlìinspiration, infectious (enthusiasm)
感嘆感叹gǎntànto sigh (with feeling), to lament

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