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- 300+ từ vựng HSK 1 phiên bản mới
Từ vựng HSK 7, từ vựng HSK 8, từ vựng HSK 9 mới nhất
阿拉伯語 | 阿拉伯语 | Ālābóyǔ | Arabic (language) |
哎 | 哎 | āi | dissatisfaction, of surprise, swounds, warning |
哀求 | 哀求 | āiqiú | to entreat, to implore, to plead |
哎呀 | 哎呀 | āiyā | jeez, of wonder, alas, wirra, swounds, lummy, shock, admiration |
挨家挨戶 | 挨家挨户 | āijiā-āihù | to go from house to house, house-to-house (search) |
艾滋病 | 艾滋病 | àizībìng | AIDS (loanword) |
癌 | 癌 | ái | tumor, sarcoma, leukemia, cancerous, melanoma, malignant tumor, cancer, malignancy, neoplasm, carcinoma |
癌癥 | 癌症 | áizhèng | carcinomatosis, cancer |
愛不釋手 | 爱不释手 | àibùshìshǒu | to love sth too much to part with it (idiom), to fondle admiringly |
唉 | 唉 | āi | mild exclamation/sigh, Gosh!, My! |
愛理不理 | 爱理不理 | àilǐbùlǐ | to look cold and indifferent, standoffish |
愛面子 | 爱面子 | ài miànzi | to save face, to worry about losing face, proud of one’s reputation, sensitive about losing prestige, sense of propriety |
愛惜 | 爱惜 | àixī | cherish, treasure |
礙事 | 碍事 | ài shì | (usu used in the negative) to be of importance or to matter, to be in the way, to be a hindrance |
安定 | 安定 | āndìng | stabilize |
安眠藥 | 安眠药 | ānmiányào | sleeping pill, CL:粒[li4] |
安撫 | 安抚 | ānfǔ | to placate, to pacify, to appease |
安穩 | 安稳 | ānwěn | smooth and steady |
安寧 | 安宁 | ānníng | peaceful, tranquil, calm, composed, free from worry |
按鍵 | 按键 | ànjiàn | button or key (on a device), keystroke, CL:個|个[ge4], to press a button |
按理說 | 按理说 | ànlǐshuō | it is reasonable to say that… |
安逸 | 安逸 | ānyì | easy and comfortable, easy |
安心 | 安心 | ānxīn | reassured, disburden, set one’s mind at rest, feel at ease, reassuring, keep one’s mind on sth., be relieved |
案件 | 案件 | ànjiàn | a police case, law case, case (of law/etc.), a legal case, case |
暗地裡 | 暗地里 | àndìli | secretly, inwardly, on the sly |
暗中 | 暗中 | ànzhōng | in the dark, in secret, on the sly, surreptitiously |
按說 | 按说 | ànshuō | in the ordinary course of events, ordinarily, normally |
凹 | 凹 | āo | depressed, sunken, indented, concave, female (connector etc), variant of 窪|洼[wa1], (used in names) |
昂貴 | 昂贵 | ángguì | cost, costly, expensive |
熬 | 熬 | áo | to boil, to simmer, to cook on a slow fire, to extract by heating, to decoct, to endure |
傲 | 傲 | ào | proud, arrogant, to despise, unyielding, to defy |
暗殺 | 暗杀 | ànshā | to assassinate |
熬夜 | 熬夜 | áo yè | to stay up late or all night |
奧祕 | 奥秘 | àomì | secret, mystery |
傲慢 | 傲慢 | àomàn | arrogant, haughty |
八卦 | 八卦 | bāguà | the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], gossip, gossipy |
巴不得 | 巴不得 | bābude | (coll.) to be eager for, to long for, to look forward to |
奧運會 | 奥运会 | Àoyùnhuì | abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会, Olympic Games, the Olympics |
扒 | 扒 | bā | to peel, to skin, to tear, to pull down, to cling to (sth on which one is climbing), to dig, to rake up, to steal, to braise, to crawl |
芭蕾 | 芭蕾 | bālěi | ballet (loanword) |
把柄 | 把柄 | bǎbǐng | handle, (fig.) information that can be used against sb |
把關 | 把关 | bǎ guān | to guard a pass, to check on sth |
把手 | 把手 | bǎshou | handle, grip, knob |
罷免 | 罢免 | bàmiǎn | to remove sb from their post, to dismiss |
靶子 | 靶子 | bǎzi | target |
壩 | 坝 | bà | dam, dike, embankment, CL:條|条[tiao2] |
罷休 | 罢休 | bàxiū | to give up, to abandon (a goal etc), to let sth go, forget it, let the matter drop |
掰 | 掰 | bāi | to break off or break open sth with one’s hands, (fig.) to break off (a relationship) |
白白 | 白白 | báibái | in vain, to no purpose, for nothing, white |
霸占 | 霸占 | bàzhàn | to occupy by force, to seize, to dominate |
百分比 | 百分比 | bǎifēnbǐ | percent, per centum, pct, percentage, percent(age) |
百科全書 | 百科全书 | bǎikēquánshū | encyclopedia, CL:本[ben3],集[ji2] |
柏樹 | 柏树 | bǎishù | cypress tree, Taiwan pr. [bo2 shu4] |
百合 | 百合 | bǎihé | lily |
擺放 | 摆放 | bǎifàng | to set up, to arrange, to lay out |
擺設 | 摆设 | bǎishe | furnish and decorate (room) |
擺平 | 摆平 | bǎi píng | to be fair, to be impartial, to settle (a matter etc) |
拜會 | 拜会 | bàihuì | pay sb. a visit |
拜年 | 拜年 | bài nián | to pay a New Year call, to wish sb a Happy New Year |
拜託 | 拜托 | bàituō | to request sb to do sth, please! |
扳 | 扳 | bān | to pull, to turn (sth) around, to turn around (a situation), to recoup, variant of 攀[pan1] |
拜見 | 拜见 | bàijiàn | to pay a formal visit, to call to pay respects, to meet one’s senior or superior |
頒發 | 颁发 | bānfā | issue, promulgate, award |
頒獎 | 颁奖 | bān jiǎng | present reward/honor |
頒布 | 颁布 | bānbù | to issue, to proclaim, to enact (laws, decrees etc) |
斑點 | 斑点 | bāndiǎn | spot, stain, speckle |
搬遷 | 搬迁 | bānqiān | to move, to relocate, removal |
辦不到 | 办不到 | bànbudào | impossible, can’t be done, no can do, unable to accomplish |
半邊天 | 半边天 | bànbiāntiān | half the sky, women of the new society, womenfolk |
板塊 | 板块 | bǎnkuài | block, slab, tectonic plate, continental plate |
半場 | 半场 | bànchǎng | half of a game or contest, half-court |
半島 | 半岛 | bàndǎo | peninsula |
半路 | 半路 | bànlù | halfway, midway, on the way |
半數 | 半数 | bànshù | half, half (the number), det.: half |
半途而廢 | 半途而废 | bàntúérfèi | to give up halfway (idiom), leave sth unfinished |
半信半疑 | 半信半疑 | bànxìn-bànyí | half doubting, dubious, skeptical |
半真半假 | 半真半假 | bànzhēn-bànjiǎ | (idiom) half true and half false |
伴 | 伴 | bàn | accompany |
扮 | 扮 | bàn | to disguise oneself as, to dress up, to play (a role), to put on (an expression) |
伴侶 | 伴侣 | bànlǚ | companion, mate, helpmate, coachfellow, familiar, partner, fere, company |
伴隨 | 伴随 | bànsuí | accompany, follow |
伴奏 | 伴奏 | bànzòu | accompany (with musical instruments) |
幫手 | 帮手 | bāngshou | helper, assistant |
綁 | 绑 | bǎng | bind, tie, bind sb.’s hands behind him, truss up |
拌 | 拌 | bàn | to mix, to mix in, to toss (a salad) |
綁架 | 绑架 | bǎngjià | to kidnap, to abduct, to hijack, a kidnapping, abduction, staking |
榜樣 | 榜样 | bǎngyàng | example, model, CL:個|个[ge4] |
包袱 | 包袱 | bāofu | cloth wrapper, bundle wrapped in cloth, burden, millstone round one’s neck, punch line (in cross-talk) |
棒球 | 棒球 | bàngqiú | no-hitter, apple, grounder, baseball game, homer, change-up, baseball, extra innings, curve, ball game, horsehide, infielder |
磅 | 磅 | bàng | see 磅秤 scale, platform balance, (loanword) pound (unit of weight, about 454 grams) |
包容 | 包容 | bāoróng | forgive, pardon, contain |
包扎 | 包扎 | bāozā | to wrap up, to pack, to bind up (a wound) |
剝 | 剥 | bō | to peel, to skin, to shell, to shuck, to peel, to skin, to flay, to shuck |
煲 | 煲 | bāo | to cook slowly over a low flame, pot, saucepan |
飽和 | 饱和 | bǎohé | saturation |
飽滿 | 饱满 | bǎomǎn | full, plump |
寶藏 | 宝藏 | bǎozàng | precious (mineral) deposits, (budd.) the treasure of Buddha’s law |
保管 | 保管 | bǎoguǎn | to hold in safekeeping, to have in one’s care, to guarantee, certainly, surely, custodian, curator |
保姆 | 保姆 | bǎomǔ | nanny, housekeeper |
寶庫 | 宝库 | bǎokù | treasure-house, treasury, treasure-trove (often fig., book of treasured wisdom) |
保暖 | 保暖 | bǎo nuǎn | to stay warm, to protect against the cold |
保鮮 | 保鲜 | bǎo xiān | Preservation |
保修 | 保修 | bǎoxiū | to promise to keep sth in good repair, guarantee, warranty |
保佑 | 保佑 | bǎoyòu | to bless and protect, blessing |
保障 | 保障 | bǎozhàng | ensure, guarantee, safeguard |
保質期 | 保质期 | bǎozhìqī | date of use (on foodstuffs), best before date |
保重 | 保重 | bǎozhòng | to take care of oneself |
報 | 报 | bào | newspaper, periodical, bulletin, telegram |
堡壘 | 堡垒 | bǎolěi | fort |
報仇 | 报仇 | bào chóu | to take revenge, to avenge |
報酬 | 报酬 | bàochou | emolument, reward, fee, recompense, earnings, gratuity, requital, retribution, price, harvest, remuneration, quittance, pay, consideration, salary, compensation, honorarium, payment, meed, gratification, wage, guerdon |
報廢 | 报废 | bào fèi | to scrap, to be written off |
報社 | 报社 | bàoshè | newspaper (i.e. a company), CL:家[jia1] |
報亭 | 报亭 | bàotíng | kiosk, newsstand |
報復 | 报复 | bàofu | to make reprisals, to retaliate, revenge, retaliation |
報銷 | 报销 | bào xiāo | to submit an expense account, to apply for reimbursement, to write off, to wipe out |
抱負 | 抱负 | bàofù | aspiration, ambition |
豹 | 豹 | bào | leopard, panther |
暴風驟雨 | 暴风骤雨 | bàofēng-zhòuyǔ | violent wind and rainstorm, hurricane, tempest |
暴利 | 暴利 | bàolì | sudden huge profits |
暴躁 | 暴躁 | bàozào | irascible, irritable, violent |
曝光 | 曝光 | bào guāng | expose |
爆冷門 | 爆冷门 | bàolěngmén | an upset (esp. in sports), unexpected turn of events, to pull off a coup, a breakthrough |
爆竹 | 爆竹 | bàozhú | firecracker |
悲哀 | 悲哀 | bēiāi | grieved, sorrowful |
爆滿 | 爆满 | bàomǎn | filled to capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc) |
悲觀 | 悲观 | bēiguān | pessimistic |
悲歡離合 | 悲欢离合 | bēihuān-líhé | joys and sorrows, partings and reunions, the vicissitudes of life |
卑鄙 | 卑鄙 | bēibǐ | base, mean, contemptible, despicable |
悲痛 | 悲痛 | bēitòng | grieved, sorrowful |
碑 | 碑 | bēi | a monument, an upright stone tablet, stele, CL:塊|块[kuai4],面[mian4] |
貝殼 | 贝壳 | bèiké | cowrie, shell, cameo, conch, seashell, valve, clamshell |
備課 | 备课 | bèi kè | (of a teacher) to prepare lessons |
備受 | 备受 | bèishòu | fully experience (good or bad) |
背面 | 背面 | bèimiàn | the back, the reverse side, the wrong side |
備用 | 备用 | bèiyòng | reserve, spare, alternate, backup |
背誦 | 背诵 | bèisòng | to recite, to repeat from memory |
背叛 | 背叛 | bèipàn | to betray |
被捕 | 被捕 | bèibǔ | to be arrested, under arrest |
奔赴 | 奔赴 | bēnfù | to rush to, to hurry to |
奔波 | 奔波 | bēnbō | rush about, be busy running about |
本分 | 本分 | běnfèn | (to play) one’s part, one’s role, one’s duty, (to stay within) one’s bounds, dutiful, keeping to one’s role |
本能 | 本能 | běnnéng | whim, appetence, vagary, instinct, instinctive, native ability, inherent aptitude, impulse, caprice, faculty |
本錢 | 本钱 | běnqián | principal, capital |
本性 | 本性 | běnxìng | natural instincts, nature, inherent quality |
本著 | 本着 | běnzhe | based on…, in conformance with.., taking as one’s main principle |
本意 | 本意 | běnyì | original idea, real intention, etymon |
奔 | 奔 | bēn | hurry, rush, be getting on for, head for, flee, run, run quickly, approach, hasten, be getting close to, go straight towards |
笨蛋 | 笨蛋 | bèndàn | fool, idiot |
笨重 | 笨重 | bènzhòng | heavy, cumbersome, unwieldy |
崩潰 | 崩溃 | bēngkuì | collapse, fall apart |
繃帶 | 绷带 | bēngdài | bandage (loanword) |
繃 | 绷 | běng | to stretch, taut, to tie, to bind, to have a taut face |
本色 | 本色 | běnsè | inherent qualities, natural qualities, distinctive character, true qualities, natural color |
逼近 | 逼近 | bījìn | press on towards, approach |
蹦 | 蹦 | bèng | to jump, to bounce, to hop |
逼迫 | 逼迫 | bīpò | to force, to compel, to coerce |
比比皆是 | 比比皆是 | bǐbǐ-jiēshì | can be found everywhere |
逼真 | 逼真 | bīzhēn | lifelike, true to life, distinctly, clearly |
鼻涕 | 鼻涕 | bítì | nasal mucus, snivel |
比不上 | 比不上 | bǐbùshàng | not compare with |
比起 | 比起 | bǐqǐ | compared with |
比試 | 比试 | bǐshi | to have a competition, to measure with one’s hand or arm, to make a gesture of measuring |
比喻 | 比喻 | bǐyù | metaphor, analogy |
鄙視 | 鄙视 | bǐshì | to despise, to disdain, to look down upon |
必不可少 | 必不可少 | bìbùkěshǎo | absolutely necessary, indispensable, essential |
必定 | 必定 | bìdìng | inevitably, sure, for sure, by all means, needs, necessarily, sure enough, sure as shooting, be sure to, surely, certainly, of necessity, for certain |
碧綠 | 碧绿 | bìlǜ | dark green |
弊病 | 弊病 | bìbìng | malady, evil, malpractice, drawback, disadvantage |
弊端 | 弊端 | bìduān | malpractice, abuse, corrupt practice |
避難 | 避难 | bì nàn | refuge, to take refuge, to seek asylum (political etc) |
壁畫 | 壁画 | bìhuà | mural (painting), fresco |
避暑 | 避暑 | bì shǔ | to be away for the summer holidays, to spend a holiday at a summer resort, to prevent sunstroke |
邊界 | 边界 | biānjiè | confine, margin, bounds, marchland, boundary, demarcation line, demarcation, borderline, precinct, skirt, frontier, list, borderland, delimitation, butting, bound, boundary line, perimeter, outskirts, coast, march, line, border, mete, limit, skirting, edge |
邊疆 | 边疆 | biānjiāng | border area, borderland, frontier, frontier region |
邊遠 | 边远 | biānyuǎn | far from the center, remote, outlying |
編劇 | 编剧 | biānjù | to write a play, scenario, dramatist, screenwriter |
編號 | 编号 | biānhào | to number, numbering, serial number |
編寫 | 编写 | biānxiě | to compile |
編造 | 编造 | biānzào | to compile, to draw up, to fabricate, to invent, to concoct, to make up, to cook up |
編排 | 编排 | biānpái | to arrange, to lay out |
鞭策 | 鞭策 | biāncè | to spur on, to urge on, to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress) |
鞭炮 | 鞭炮 | biānpào | firecrackers, string of small firecrackers, CL:枚[mei2] |
變革 | 变革 | biàngé | change, revolution |
貶值 | 贬值 | biǎn zhí | to become devaluated, to devaluate, to depreciate |
變遷 | 变迁 | biànqiān | vicissitudinary, change |
變異 | 变异 | biànyì | variation |
變幻莫測 | 变幻莫测 | biànhuànmòcè | to change unpredictably, unpredictable, erratic, treacherous |
便道 | 便道 | biàndào | pavement, sidewalk, shortcut, makeshift road |
變質 | 变质 | biànzhì | to degenerate, to go bad, to deteriorate, metamorphosis |
便飯 | 便饭 | biànfàn | an ordinary meal, simple home cooking |
便利店 | 便利店 | biànlìdiàn | convenience store |
便捷 | 便捷 | biànjié | convenient and fast |
辨別 | 辨别 | biànbié | to differentiate, to distinguish, to discriminate |
遍布 | 遍布 | biànbù | to cover the whole (area), to be found throughout |
辨認 | 辨认 | biànrèn | to recognize, to identify |
辯 | 辩 | biàn | to dispute, to debate, to argue, to discuss |
辯護 | 辩护 | biànhù | to speak in defense of, to argue in favor of, to defend, to plead |
辮子 | 辫子 | biànzi | plait, braid, pigtail, a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent, handle, CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2] |
辯解 | 辩解 | biànjiě | to explain, to justify, to defend (a point of view etc), to provide an explanation, to try to defend oneself |
標榜 | 标榜 | biāobǎng | excessively praise, parade, glorify, advertisement, boast, boost, advertise, flaunt |
標 | 标 | biāo | mark, sign, label, to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc, to bear (a brand name, registration number etc), prize, award, bid, target, quota, (old) the topmost branches of a tree, visible symptom, classifier for military units |
標本 | 标本 | biāoběn | example, representative, pattern, specimen, root cause and symptoms of disease, sample, model |
標簽 | 标签 | biāoqiān | mark, ticket, gummed label, tab, markup, sticker, label, tally, tag |
標示 | 标示 | biāoshì | label |
標語 | 标语 | biāoyǔ | written slogan, placard, CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1],條|条[tiao2] |
飆升 | 飙升 | biāoshēng | to rise rapidly, to soar |
標致 | 标致 | biāozhi | Peugeot, beautiful (of woman), pretty |
表白 | 表白 | biǎobái | to explain oneself, to express, to reveal one’s thoughts or feelings, declaration, confession |
表決 | 表决 | biǎojué | (decide by) vote |
表述 | 表述 | biǎoshù | to formulate, enunciation, to explain sth precisely |
表率 | 表率 | biǎoshuài | example, model |
表彰 | 表彰 | biǎozhāng | to honor, to commend, to cite (in dispatches) |
憋 | 憋 | biē | to choke, to stifle, to restrain, to hold back, to hold in (urine), to hold (one’s breath) |
別具匠心 | 别具匠心 | biéjù-jiàngxīn | Unique |
別看 | 别看 | biékàn | Don’t look at |
表態 | 表态 | biǎo tài | to declare one’s position, to say where one stands |
別墅 | 别墅 | biéshù | villa |
別說 | 别说 | biéshuō | Don’t say |
別提了 | 别提了 | biétíle | say no more, don’t bring it up, drop the subject |
別扭 | 别扭 | bièniu | awkward, difficult, uncomfortable, not agreeing, at loggerheads, gauche |
別致 | 别致 | biézhì | unusual, unique, variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4] |
彬彬有禮 | 彬彬有礼 | bīnbīn-yǒulǐ | refined and courteous, urbane |
繽紛 | 缤纷 | bīnfēn | vast and various, rich and diverse |
冰棍兒 | 冰棍儿 | bīnggùnr5 | ice lolly, popsicle |
濱海 | 滨海 | bīnhǎi | Binhai (place name), Binhai New District, subprovincial district of Tianjin, Binhai county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu, fictitious city Binhai in political satire, coastal, bordering the sea |
丙 | 丙 | bǐng | third of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1], third in order, letter ‘C’ or roman ‘III’ in list ‘A, B, C’, or ‘I, II, III’ etc, ancient Chinese compass point: 165°, propyl |
秉承 | 秉承 | bǐngchéng | to take orders, to receive commands, to carry on (a tradition) |
冰山 | 冰山 | bīngshān | iceberg, CL:座[zuo4] |
併購 | 并购 | bìnggòu | merge into |
並列 | 并列 | bìngliè | appose, collocate, stand side by side, be juxtaposed, juxtapose |
並非 | 并非 | bìngfēi | really isn’t |
病床 | 病床 | bìngchuáng | hospital bed, sickbed |
並行 | 并行 | bìngxíng | to proceed in parallel, side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts etc) |
撥 | 拨 | bō | move with hand/foot/stick/etc., turn, stir, poke |
病癥 | 病症 | bìngzhèng | disease, illness |
撥款 | 拨款 | bōkuǎn | to allocate funds, appropriation |
波及 | 波及 | bōjí | affect, spread to |
撥通 | 拨通 | bōtōng | Dial |
波瀾 | 波澜 | bōlán | billows, great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum) |
波折 | 波折 | bōzhé | twists and turns |
剝奪 | 剥夺 | bōduó | to deprive, to expropriate, to strip (sb of his property) |
波濤 | 波涛 | bōtāo | great waves, billows |
伯伯 | 伯伯 | bóbo | uncle-in-law, father’s elder brother, uncle |
剝削 | 剥削 | bōxuē | to exploit, exploitation |
伯母 | 伯母 | bómǔ | wife of father’s elder brother, aunt, (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one’s mother), CL:個|个[ge4] |
駁回 | 驳回 | bóhuí | to reject, to turn down, to overrule |
脖子 | 脖子 | bózi | cervix, neck |
伯父 | 伯父 | bófù | father’s elder brother, term of respect for older man, CL:個|个[ge4] |
搏鬥 | 搏斗 | bódòu | to wrestle, to fight, to struggle |
不見得 | 不见得 | bùjiànde | not likely, not necessarily/likely, likely, unlikely, not necessarily |
不定 | 不定 | bùdìng | uncertain, indeterminate, indefinite, undetermined |
不慎 | 不慎 | bùshèn | incautious, inattentive |
不利於 | 不利于 | bù lìyú | is harmful to |
不算 | 不算 | bùsuàn | Not count |
不像話 | 不像话 | bù xiànghuà | unreasonable, shocking, outrageous |
不屑 | 不屑 | bùxiè | to disdain to do sth, to think sth not worth doing, to feel it beneath one’s dignity |
不適 | 不适 | bùshì | unwell, indisposed |
不亞於 | 不亚于 | bùyàyú | no less than, not inferior to |
不亦樂乎 | 不亦乐乎 | bùyìlèhū | lit. isn’t that a joy? (quote from Confucius), fig. (jocularly) extremely, awfully |
不懈 | 不懈 | bùxiè | untiring, unremitting, indefatigable |
不翼而飛 | 不翼而飞 | bùyìérfēi | to disappear without trace, to vanish all of a sudden, to spread fast, to spread like wildfire |
不正之風 | 不正之风 | bùzhèngzhīfēng | unhealthy tendency |
補給 | 补给 | bǔjǐ | supply, replenishment, to replenish |
不用說 | 不用说 | bùyòngshuō | Needless to say |
捕捉 | 捕捉 | bǔzhuō | seizure, seize, tackle, capture, snare, nobble, get, catch |
哺育 | 哺育 | bǔyù | to feed, to nurture, to foster |
不恥下問 | 不耻下问 | bùchǐ-xiàwèn | not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one’s subordinates |
不辭而別 | 不辞而别 | bùcíérbié | to leave without saying good-bye |
補救 | 补救 | bǔjiù | to remedy |
不得而知 | 不得而知 | bùdéérzhī | unknown, unable to find out |
不妨 | 不妨 | bùfáng | there is no harm in, might as well |
不得已 | 不得已 | bùdéyǐ | to act against one’s will, to have no alternative but to, to have to, to have no choice, must |
不服氣 | 不服气 | bùfúqì | Uncomfortable |
不假思索 | 不假思索 | bùjiǎ-sīsuǒ | to act without taking time to think (idiom), to react instantly, to fire from the hip |
不解 | 不解 | bùjiě | not understand |
不經意 | 不经意 | bùjīngyì | not paying attention, carelessly, by accident |
不景氣 | 不景气 | bù jǐngqì | depressive, in depression, in depressing state, recession |
不堪 | 不堪 | bùkān | can’t bear/stand |
不服 | 不服 | bùfú | not to accept sth, to want to have sth overruled or changed, to refuse to obey or comply, to refuse to accept as final, to remain unconvinced by, not to give in to |
不可思議 | 不可思议 | bùkě-sīyì | inconceivable (idiom), unimaginable, unfathomable |
不可避免 | 不可避免 | bùkěbìmiǎn | unavoidably |
不肯 | 不肯 | bù kěn | Refuse |
不理 | 不理 | bùlǐ | to refuse to acknowledge, to pay no attention to, to take no notice of, to ignore |
不了了之 | 不了了之 | bùliǎo-liǎozhī | to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled, to end up with nothing definite |
不難 | 不难 | bù nán | Not difficult |
不平 | 不平 | bùpíng | dissatisfaction |
不起眼 | 不起眼 | bùqǐyǎn | unremarkable, nothing out of the ordinary |
不如說 | 不如说 | bùrú shuō | rather say |
不同尋常 | 不同寻常 | bùtóngxúncháng | unusual |
不為人知 | 不为人知 | bùwéirénzhī | not known to anyone, secret, unknown |
不惜 | 不惜 | bùxī | not stint, not hesitate (to do sth.) |
不容 | 不容 | bùróng | must not, cannot, to not allow, cannot tolerate |
不相上下 | 不相上下 | bùxiāngshàngxià | equally matched, about the same |
不已 | 不已 | bùyǐ | incessantly, endlessly |
不宜 | 不宜 | bùyí | be unsuitable |
不以為然 | 不以为然 | bùyǐwéirán | disagree, not approve of, acceptable, object to, consider sth. not so, take exception to, right |
不由自主 | 不由自主 | bùyóu-zìzhǔ | can’t help, involuntarily (idiom) |
不予 | 不予 | bùyǔ | to withhold, to refuse |
不由得 | 不由得 | bùyóude | can’t help, cannot but |
不約而同 | 不约而同 | bùyuēértóng | happen to coincide, coincidentally do sth. |
不知 | 不知 | bùzhī | not to know, unaware, unknowingly, fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc) |
不知不覺 | 不知不觉 | bùzhī-bùjué | unconsciously, unaware |
不准 | 不准 | bùzhǔn | not to allow, to forbid, to prohibit |
布局 | 布局 | bùjú | arrangement, composition, layout, opening (chess jargon) |
步入 | 步入 | bùrù | go into, walk into |
步驟 | 步骤 | bùzhòu | process, instance, demarche, method, measure, approach, procedure, place, step, move |
部件 | 部件 | bùjiàn | part, component |
步伐 | 步伐 | bùfá | pace, (measured) step, march |
部署 | 部署 | bùshǔ | dispose, deploy |
猜謎 | 猜谜 | cāi mí | Guess |
猜想 | 猜想 | cāixiǎng | to guess, to conjecture, to suppose, to suspect |
財經 | 财经 | cáijīng | finance and economics |
財力 | 财力 | cáilì | financial resources |
財務 | 财务 | cáiwù | finance, financial affairs, financial |
才華 | 才华 | cáihuá | literary talent, artistic talent, literary, literacy, flair, literary/artistic talent |
財政 | 财政 | cáizhèng | finance |
裁 | 裁 | cái | to cut out (as a dress), to cut, to trim, to reduce, to diminish, to cut back (e.g. on staff), decision, judgment |
財物 | 财物 | cáiwù | property, belongings |
裁定 | 裁定 | cáidìng | ruling |
採 | 采 | cǎi | pick, gather |
裁決 | 裁决 | cáijué | ruling, adjudication |
採礦 | 采矿 | cǎi kuàng | mining |
彩虹 | 彩虹 | cǎihóng | rainbow, CL:道[dao4] |
彩電 | 彩电 | cǎidiàn | color TV |
彩霞 | 彩霞 | cǎixiá | clouds tinged with sunset hues |
菜市場 | 菜市场 | càishìchǎng | food market |
採集 | 采集 | cǎijí | oyster, collect, gather, pick up and put together |
參見 | 参见 | cānjiàn | to refer to, see also, confer (cf.), to pay respect to |
參謀 | 参谋 | cānmóu | staff officer, to give advice |
參軍 | 参军 | cān jūn | to join the army |
餐桌 | 餐桌 | cānzhuō | dining table, dinner table |
參照 | 参照 | cānzhào | to consult a reference, to refer to (another document) |
殘留 | 残留 | cánliú | to remain, left over, surplus, remnant |
殘缺 | 残缺 | cánquē | badly damaged, shattered |
殘 | 残 | cán | to destroy, to spoil, to ruin, to injure, cruel, oppressive, savage, brutal, incomplete, disabled, to remain, to survive, remnant, surplus |
殘忍 | 残忍 | cánrěn | cruel, mean, merciless, ruthless |
慚愧 | 惭愧 | cánkuì | ashamed |
慘痛 | 惨痛 | cǎntòng | bitter, painful, deeply distressed |
慘重 | 惨重 | cǎnzhòng | disastrous |
慘白 | 惨白 | cǎnbái | deathly pale |
蒼蠅 | 苍蝇 | cāngying | housefly, CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
滄桑 | 沧桑 | cāngsāng | great changes, abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2] |
艙 | 舱 | cāng | cabin, the hold of a ship or airplane |
燦爛 | 灿烂 | cànlàn | brilliant, glitter, splendid, resplend, resplendent, magnificent |
藏品 | 藏品 | cángpǐn | museum piece, collector’s item, precious object |
藏匿 | 藏匿 | cángnì | to cover up, to conceal, to go into hiding |
藏身 | 藏身 | cángshēn | to hide, to go into hiding, to take refuge |
操心 | 操心 | cāo xīn | to worry about |
操勞 | 操劳 | cāoláo | to work hard, to look after |
操控 | 操控 | cāokòng | to control, to manipulate |
槽 | 槽 | cáo | trough, manger, groove, channel, (Tw) (computing) hard drive |
草案 | 草案 | cǎoàn | ground plan, plan, blueprint, a protocol, skeleton, a draft plan, a draft, sketch, rough, an outline, draft |
草坪 | 草坪 | cǎopíng | lawn |
側面 | 侧面 | cèmiàn | lateral side, side, aspect, profile |
側重 | 侧重 | cèzhòng | to place particular emphasis on |
測算 | 测算 | cèsuàn | to take measurements and calculate |
測驗 | 测验 | cèyàn | test |
層出不窮 | 层出不穷 | céngchū-bùqióng | more and more emerge, innumerable succession, breeding like flies (idiom) |
蹭 | 蹭 | cèng | to rub against, to walk slowly, to freeload (colloquial) |
差錯 | 差错 | chācuò | mistake, slip-up, fault, error (in data transmission), accident, mishap |
差額 | 差额 | chāé | balance (financial), discrepancy (in a sum or quota), difference |
插手 | 插手 | chā shǒu | to get involved in, to meddle, interference |
插圖 | 插图 | chātú | illustration |
插嘴 | 插嘴 | chā zuǐ | to interrupt (sb talking), to butt in, to cut into a conversation |
茶道 | 茶道 | chádào | Japanese tea ceremony, sado |
茶館兒 | 茶馆儿 | cháguǎnr5 | a teashop |
查處 | 查处 | cháchǔ | to investigate and handle (a criminal case) |
查明 | 查明 | chámíng | to investigate and find out, to ascertain |
查找 | 查找 | cházhǎo | to search for, to look up |
察覺 | 察觉 | chájué | realize, be aware |
察看 | 察看 | chákàn | to watch, to look carefully at |
詫異 | 诧异 | chàyì | flabbergasted, astonished |
摻 | 掺 | càn | variant of 攙|搀[chan1], to mix, to grasp |
攙 | 搀 | chān | to take by the arm and assist, to mix, to blend, to dilute, to adulterate |
饞 | 馋 | chán | gluttonous, greedy, to have a craving |
禪杖 | 禅杖 | chánzhàng | the staff of a Buddhist monk |
纏 | 缠 | chán | to wind around, to wrap round, to coil, tangle, to involve, to bother, to annoy |
產 | 产 | chǎn | give birth to, be delivered of, produce |
產地 | 产地 | chǎndì | the source (of a product), place of origin, manufacturing location |
產物 | 产物 | chǎnwù | result, development, child, offspring, product, outcome, fruit, progeny, spawn |
產值 | 产值 | chǎnzhí | value of output, output value |
铲 | 铲 | chǎn | to shovel, to remove, spade, shovel |
鏟子 | 铲子 | chǎnzi | shovel, spade, trowel, spatula (kitchen utensil), CL:把[ba3] |
闡述 | 阐述 | chǎnshù | to expound (a position), to elaborate (on a topic), to treat (a subject) |
顫抖 | 颤抖 | chàndǒu | to shudder, to shiver, to shake, to tremble |
猖狂 | 猖狂 | chāngkuáng | savage, furious |
長達 | 长达 | chángdá | lengthen out to |
長期以來 | 长期以来 | chángqīyǐlái | ever since a long time ago |
長效 | 长效 | chángxiào | to be effective over an extended period |
長征 | 长征 | chángzhēng | Long March (retreat of the Red Army 1934-1935), expedition, long journey |
長足 | 长足 | chángzú | remarkable (progress, improvement, expansion etc) |
常理 | 常理 | chánglǐ | common sense, conventional reasoning and morals |
常人 | 常人 | chángrén | ordinary person |
常態 | 常态 | chángtài | normal, normalcy, normal conditions, normality, order, conditions, normal behavior/conditions, normal behavior |
常溫 | 常温 | chángwēn | room temperature, ordinary temperatures |
償還 | 偿还 | chánghuán | to repay, to reimburse |
嫦娥 | 嫦娥 | Chángé | Chang’e, the lady in the moon (Chinese mythology), one of the Chang’e series of PRC lunar spacecraft |
廠家 | 厂家 | chǎngjiā | factory, factory owners |
敞開 | 敞开 | chǎng kāi | to open wide, unrestrictedly |
暢談 | 畅谈 | chàngtán | to chat, a long talk, verbose, to talk freely to one’s heart’s content |
暢銷 | 畅销 | chàngxiāo | sell well |
倡議 | 倡议 | chàngyì | to suggest, to initiate, proposal, initiative |
抄襲 | 抄袭 | chāoxí | to plagiarize, to copy, to attack the flank or rear of an enemy |
鈔票 | 钞票 | chāopiào | bank note, paper money, bill |
超標 | 超标 | chāo biāo | to cross the limit, to be over the accepted norm, excessive |
超車 | 超车 | chāo chē | to overtake (another car) |
超前 | 超前 | chāoqián | to be ahead of one’s time, to surpass or outdo one’s predecessors, to be ahead of the pack, to take the lead, advanced |
超速 | 超速 | chāosù | to exceed the speed limit, to speed, high-speed |
朝代 | 朝代 | cháodài | dynasty, reign (of a king) |
朝著 | 朝着 | cháozhe | facing, advancing (towards) |
嘲弄 | 嘲弄 | cháonòng | to tease, to poke fun at, to make fun of |
嘲笑 | 嘲笑 | cháoxiào | to jeer at, to deride, to ridicule, mockery, derision |
吵嘴 | 吵嘴 | chǎo zuǐ | to quarrel |
車道 | 车道 | chēdào | traffic lane, driveway |
車禍 | 车祸 | chēhuò | smash-up, road accident, traffic accident |
車間 | 车间 | chējiān | workshop, CL:個|个[ge4] |
車速 | 车速 | chēsù | vehicle speed |
車輪 | 车轮 | chēlún | wheel |
車位 | 车位 | chēwèi | parking spot, unloading point, garage place, stand for taxi |
車廂 | 车厢 | chēxiāng | carriage, CL:節|节[jie2] |
車型 | 车型 | chēxíng | Model |
車軸 | 车轴 | chēzhóu | axle, CL:根[gen1] |
扯 | 扯 | chě | variant of 扯[che3], to pull, to tear |
徹夜 | 彻夜 | chèyè | the whole night |
撤 | 撤 | chè | to remove, to take away, to withdraw |
撤換 | 撤换 | chèhuàn | recall, dismiss and replace |
沉甸甸 | 沉甸甸 | chéndiàndiàn | heavy |
沉澱 | 沉淀 | chéndiàn | to settle, to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) |
沉浸 | 沉浸 | chénjìn | to soak, to permeate, to immerse |
沉悶 | 沉闷 | chénmèn | oppressive (of weather), heavy, depressed, not happy, (of sound) dull, muffled |
沉迷 | 沉迷 | chénmí | to be engrossed, to be absorbed with, to lose oneself in, to be addicted to |
沉思 | 沉思 | chénsī | to contemplate, to ponder, contemplation, meditation |
沉穩 | 沉稳 | chénwěn | steady, calm, unflustered |
沉著 | 沉着 | chénzhuó | steady, calm and collected, not nervous |
陳舊 | 陈旧 | chénjiù | old-fashioned |
陳列 | 陈列 | chénliè | display, exhibit |
陳述 | 陈述 | chénshù | an assertion, to declare, to state |
襯托 | 衬托 | chèntuō | to set off |
趁 | 趁 | chèn | while |
趁機 | 趁机 | chènjī | seizing the chance, take advantage of occasion, taking advantage of the occasion, seize chance |
趁早 | 趁早 | chènzǎo | as soon as possible, at the first opportunity, the sooner the better, before it’s too late |
趁著 | 趁着 | chènzhe | while |
稱呼 | 称呼 | chēnghu | call, address |
稱作 | 称作 | chēngzuò | to be called, to be known as |
成才 | 成才 | chéng cái | to make sth of oneself, to become a person who is worthy of respect |
成家 | 成家 | chéng jiā | to settle down and get married (of a man), to become a recognized expert |
成年 | 成年 | chéng nián | to grow to adulthood, fully grown, the whole year |
成千上萬 | 成千上万 | chéngqiān-shàngwàn | lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom), untold numbers, innumerable, thousands upon thousands |
成群結隊 | 成群结队 | chéngqún-jiéduì | making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom), in large numbers, as a large crowd |
成天 | 成天 | chéngtiān | (coll.) all day long, all the time |
成問題 | 成问题 | chéng wèntí | Problem |
成型 | 成型 | chéngxíng | to become shaped, to become formed |
呈現 | 呈现 | chéngxiàn | assume, crop out, dish, appearance, show, lay out, present, basset, appear, take_on, emergence, emerge, come forth |
誠懇 | 诚恳 | chéngkěn | sincere |
誠心誠意 | 诚心诚意 | chéngxīn-chéngyì | earnestly and sincerely (idiom), with all sincerity |
誠意 | 诚意 | chéngyì | candour, singleness, sincerity, good faith, candor |
誠摯 | 诚挚 | chéngzhì | sincere, cordial |
承包 | 承包 | chéngbāo | to contract, to undertake (a job) |
承載 | 承载 | chéngzài | to bear the weight, to sustain |
城牆 | 城墙 | chéngqiáng | enceinte, city wall, rampart |
乘人之危 | 乘人之危 | chéngrénzhīwēi | to take advantage of sb’s precarious position |
盛 | 盛 | shèng | flourishing, prosperous, vigorous, energetic, magnificent, grand, abundant, plentiful, popular, widespread |
懲處 | 惩处 | chéngchǔ | to punish, to administer justice |
懲罰 | 惩罚 | chéngfá | penalty, punishment, to punish |
澄清 | 澄清 | chéngqīng | clear up, clarify |
橙汁 | 橙汁 | chéngzhī | orange juice, CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2] |
逞能 | 逞能 | chěng néng | to show off one’s ability, to boast one’s merits |
逞強 | 逞强 | chěng qiáng | to show off, to try to be brave |
秤 | 秤 | chèng | variant of 稱|称[cheng1], to weigh, steelyard, Roman balance, CL:臺|台[tai2] |
吃不上 | 吃不上 | chībushàng | unable to get anything to eat, to miss a meal |
吃喝玩樂 | 吃喝玩乐 | chīhē-wánlè | to eat, drink and be merry (idiom), to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure |
吃苦 | 吃苦 | chī kǔ | to bear hardships |
吃虧 | 吃亏 | chī kuī | get the worst of it, come to grief, suffer loss, suffer losses |
痴呆 | 痴呆 | chīdāi | imbecility, dementia |
痴迷 | 痴迷 | chīmí | infatuated, obsessed |
痴心 | 痴心 | chīxīn | infatuation |
池塘 | 池塘 | chítáng | pool, pond |
馳名 | 驰名 | chímíng | famous |
遲遲 | 迟迟 | chíchí | late (with a task etc), slow |
遲疑 | 迟疑 | chíyí | to hesitate |
遲早 | 迟早 | chízǎo | sooner or later |
持 | 持 | chí | hold, grasp |
持久 | 持久 | chíjiǔ | lasting, enduring, persistent, permanent, protracted, endurance, persistence, to last long |
持之以恆 | 持之以恒 | chízhīyǐhéng | to pursue unremittingly (idiom), to persevere |
尺度 | 尺度 | chǐdù | measure, scale |
恥辱 | 耻辱 | chǐrǔ | disgrace, shame, humiliation |
恥笑 | 耻笑 | chǐxiào | to sneer at sb, to ridicule |
赤字 | 赤字 | chìzì | (financial) deficit, red letter |
翅膀 | 翅膀 | chìbǎng | pinion, vane, plumage, pennon, flier, wing |
衝刺 | 冲刺 | chōngcì | to sprint, to spurt, to dash, big effort |
衝浪 | 冲浪 | chōnglàng | to surf, surfing |
沖洗 | 冲洗 | chōngxǐ | to rinse, to wash, to develop (photographic film) |
衝撞 | 冲撞 | chōngzhuàng | to collide, jerking motion, to impinge, to offend, to provoke |
充 | 充 | chōng | to fill, to satisfy, to fulfill, to act in place of, substitute, sufficient, full |
充當 | 充当 | chōngdāng | to serve as, to act as, to play the role of |
充沛 | 充沛 | chōngpèi | abundant, plentiful, vigorous |
充實 | 充实 | chōngshí | substantiate, enrich, replenish |
重播 | 重播 | chóngbō | Replay |
重疊 | 重叠 | chóngdié | telescope, duplicate, superpose, overlap, repeated, lap |
重返 | 重返 | chóngfǎn | to return to |
重申 | 重申 | chóngshēn | to reaffirm, to reiterate |
重現 | 重现 | chóngxiàn | to reappear |
重合 | 重合 | chónghé | to match up, to coincide |
崇高 | 崇高 | chónggāo | lofty, sublime |
崇尚 | 崇尚 | chóngshàng | to hold up (as an model), to hold in esteem, to revere, to advocate |
寵 | 宠 | chǒng | to love, to pamper, to spoil, to favor |
寵愛 | 宠爱 | chǒngài | to dote on sb |
抽簽 | 抽签 | chōu qiān | to perform divination with sticks, to draw lots, a ballot (in share dealing) |
抽屜 | 抽屉 | chōuti | drawer |
抽象 | 抽象 | chōuxiàng | abstract |
仇 | 仇 | chóu | surname Qiu, hatred, animosity, enmity, foe, enemy, to feel animosity toward (the wealthy, foreigners etc), spouse, companion |
仇恨 | 仇恨 | chóuhèn | to hate, hatred, enmity, hostility |
仇人 | 仇人 | chóurén | foe, one’s personal enemy |
稠 | 稠 | chóu | dense, crowded, thick, many |
稠密 | 稠密 | chóumì | dense |
愁眉苦臉 | 愁眉苦脸 | chóuméi-kǔliǎn | to look anxious (idiom), to look miserable |
籌 | 筹 | chóu | chip (in gambling), token (for counting), ticket, to prepare, to plan, to raise (funds), resource, means |
籌辦 | 筹办 | chóubàn | to arrange, to make preparations |
籌措 | 筹措 | chóucuò | to raise (money) |
籌劃 | 筹划 | chóuhuà | to plan and prepare |
籌碼 | 筹码 | chóumǎ | counter, jetton, dib, poker chip, chip, bargaining chip, medium_of_exchange |
籌備 | 筹备 | chóubèi | prepare, arrange, plan |
籌集 | 筹集 | chóují | to collect money, to raise funds |
醜惡 | 丑恶 | chǒuè | ugly, repulsive |
醜陋 | 丑陋 | chǒulòu | ugly |
醜聞 | 丑闻 | chǒuwén | scandal |
瞅 | 瞅 | chǒu | (dialect) to look at, old variant of 瞅[chou3] |
出版社 | 出版社 | chūbǎnshè | publisher, press |
出廠 | 出厂 | chū chǎng | to leave the factory (of finished goods) |
出醜 | 出丑 | chū chǒu | shameful, scandalous, to be humiliated, to make a fool of sb or oneself, to make sb lose face |
出道 | 出道 | chū dào | to make one’s first public performance (of an entertainer etc), to start one’s career |
出發點 | 出发点 | chūfādiǎn | terminus a quo, base, takeoff, starting_point, start, starting_post, beachhead, springboard, starting, starting point, starting post |
出風頭 | 出风头 | chū fēngtou | to push oneself forward, to seek fame, to be in the limelight, same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chu1 feng1 tou5] |
出境 | 出境 | chū jìng | to leave a country or region, emigration, outbound (tourism) |
出局 | 出局 | chū jú | out, out of game |
出具 | 出具 | chūjù | to issue (document, certificate etc), to provide |
出口成章 | 出口成章 | chūkǒu-chéngzhāng | to speak like a printed book, quick and clever talking, the gift of the gab |
出賣 | 出卖 | chūmài | sell_out, traffic, sell out, barter_away, peach, sell sb. down the river, lead astray, betray, sell, betrayal, go_back_on, offer for sale, double-cross, deceive |
出毛病 | 出毛病 | chū máobing | a problem appears, to break down |
出難題 | 出难题 | chū nántí | to raise a tough question |
出人意料 | 出人意料 | chūrényìliào | unexpected (idiom), surprising |
出任 | 出任 | chūrèn | take up the post of |
出山 | 出山 | chū shān | to leave the mountain (of a hermit), to come out of obscurity to a government job, to take a leading position |
出身 | 出身 | chūshēn | class origin, family background;one’s previous experience/occupation |
出示 | 出示 | chūshì | to show, to take out and show to others, to display |
出手 | 出手 | chū shǒu | to dispose of, to spend (money), to undertake a task |
出頭 | 出头 | chū tóu | to get out of a predicament, to stick out, to take the initiative, remaining odd fraction after a division, a little more than |
出土 | 出土 | chū tǔ | be unearthed, come out of the ground |
出息 | 出息 | chūxi | to yield interest, profit etc, to exhale (Buddhism), future prospects, profit, to mature, to grow up |
出血 | 出血 | chūxiě | shed blood, have a hemorrhage, bleeding, bleed, spend money, phlebotomize, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, leech |
出演 | 出演 | chūyǎn | to appear (in a show etc), an appearance (on stage etc) |
出洋相 | 出洋相 | chū yángxiàng | to make a fool of oneself |
出遊 | 出游 | chūyóu | to go on a tour, to have an outing |
出眾 | 出众 | chūzhòng | to stand out, outstanding |
出主意 | 出主意 | chū zhǔyì | Idea |
出資 | 出资 | chū zī | to fund, to put money into sth, to invest |
出自 | 出自 | chūzì | come from, be out of |
初次 | 初次 | chūcì | for the first time, first (meeting, attempt etc) |
出走 | 出走 | chūzǒu | leave, run away, flee |
初衷 | 初衷 | chūzhōng | original intention or aspiration |
除此之外 | 除此之外 | chúcǐzhīwài | additionally, in addition, with the exception of this, in_addition, to boot, excepting this |
除去 | 除去 | chúqù | eliminate |
除外 | 除外 | chúwài | to exclude, not including sth (when counting or listing), except for |
處方 | 处方 | chǔfāng | medical prescription, recipe, formula |
處境 | 处境 | chǔjìng | situation, site, plight, situation (usu. unfavorable), predicament, circumstances |
處置 | 处置 | chǔzhì | deal with, manage, dispose of, punish |
儲備 | 储备 | chǔbèi | reserves, to store up |
儲蓄 | 储蓄 | chǔxù | to deposit money, to save, savings |
觸動 | 触动 | chùdòng | to touch, to stir up (trouble or emotions), to move (sb’s emotions or worry) |
觸犯 | 触犯 | chùfàn | to offend |
觸覺 | 触觉 | chùjué | touch, sense of touch |
觸摸 | 触摸 | chùmō | to touch |
觸目驚心 | 触目惊心 | chùmù-jīngxīn | lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom), shocking, horrible to see, a ghastly sight |
揣 | 揣 | chuāi | to put into (one’s pockets, clothes), Taiwan pr. [chuai3], to estimate, to guess, to figure, to surmise |
揣測 | 揣测 | chuǎicè | to guess, to conjecture |
揣摩 | 揣摩 | chuǎimó | to analyze, to try to figure out, to try to fathom |
踹 | 踹 | chuài | to kick, to trample, to tread on |
川流不息 | 川流不息 | chuānliú-bùxī | the stream flows without stopping (idiom), unending flow |
穿過 | 穿过 | chuān guò | thread, pass through, traverse, penetrate, hook, go through, riddle, pierce, twist, go across, cleave, pass, lace, put_through, lace up, cut_through, cut across, cross, break, shoot |
穿小鞋 | 穿小鞋 | chuān xiǎoxié | lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom), to make life difficult for sb |
穿越 | 穿越 | chuānyuè | cut, pass through, cut across, cross |
穿著 | 穿着 | chuānzhuó | dress, apparel |
傳承 | 传承 | chuánchéng | pass down through generations |
傳奇 | 传奇 | chuánqí | legendry, romance, Tang and Song short stories, Ming and Qing poetic dramas, fable, short_story, legend |
傳染 | 传染 | chuánrǎn | infect, be contagious |
傳染病 | 传染病 | chuánrǎnbìng | infectious disease, contagious disease, pestilence |
傳人 | 传人 | chuánrén | to teach, to impart, a disciple, descendant |
傳授 | 传授 | chuánshòu | to impart, to pass on, to teach |
傳聞 | 传闻 | chuánwén | rumor |
船舶 | 船舶 | chuánbó | shipping, boats |
船槳 | 船桨 | chuánjiǎng | Marker |
喘 | 喘 | chuǎn | to gasp, to pant, asthma |
喘息 | 喘息 | chuǎnxī | to gasp for breath, to take a breather |
串門 | 串门 | chuàn mén | to call on sb, to drop in, to visit sb’s home |
創傷 | 创伤 | chuāngshāng | wound, injury, trauma |
床位 | 床位 | chuángwèi | bed (in hospital, hotel, train etc), berth, bunk |
創 | 创 | chuàng | initiate, create, start doing, achieve … for the first time, initiate (sth.) |
創始人 | 创始人 | chuàngshǐrén | creator, founder, initiator |
吹了 | 吹了 | chuīle | failed, busted, to have not succeeded, to have died, to have parted company, to have chilled (of a relationship) |
吹牛 | 吹牛 | chuī niú | to talk big, to shoot off one’s mouth, to chat (dialect) |
吹捧 | 吹捧 | chuīpěng | to flatter, to laud sb’s accomplishments, adulation |
垂 | 垂 | chuí | to hang (down), droop, dangle, bend down, hand down, bequeath, nearly, almost, to approach |
垂頭喪氣 | 垂头丧气 | chuítóu-sàngqì | hanging one’s head dispiritedly (idiom), dejected, crestfallen |
捶 | 捶 | chuí | to beat with the fist, to hammer, to cudgel, variant of 捶[chui2] |
錘子 | 锤子 | chuízi | hammer, CL:把[ba3] |
純粹 | 纯粹 | chúncuì | unmixed, unalloyed, pure, unadulterated |
純潔 | 纯洁 | chúnjié | pure, clean and honest, to purify |
純樸 | 纯朴 | chúnpǔ | simple and honest, unsophisticated, guileless, variant of 淳樸|淳朴[chun2 pu3] |
醇厚 | 醇厚 | chúnhòu | mellow and rich, simple and kind |
蠢 | 蠢 | chǔn | stupid, sluggish, clumsy, to wiggle (of worms), to move in a disorderly fashion |
戳 | 戳 | chuō | to jab, to poke, to stab, to sprain, to blunt, to fuck (vulgar), to stand sth upright |
綽號 | 绰号 | chuòhào | nickname |
瓷 | 瓷 | cí | chinaware, porcelain, china |
瓷器 | 瓷器 | cíqì | porcelain, chinaware |
辭 | 辞 | cí | to resign, to dismiss, to decline, to take leave, ballad (archaic poetic genre), variant of 詞|词[ci2] |
辭呈 | 辞呈 | cíchéng | (written) resignation |
辭去 | 辞去 | cíqù | to resign, to quit |
辭退 | 辞退 | cítuì | to dismiss, to discharge, to fire |
慈善 | 慈善 | císhàn | benevolent, charitable, philanthropic, benevolently |
慈祥 | 慈祥 | cíxiáng | kindly, benevolent (often of older person) |
磁帶 | 磁带 | cídài | magnetic tape, CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2] |
磁卡 | 磁卡 | cíkǎ | magnetic card, IC Card (telephone) |
磁盤 | 磁盘 | cípán | (computer) disk |
此起彼伏 | 此起彼伏 | cǐqǐ-bǐfú | up here, down there (idiom), to rise and fall in succession, no sooner one subsides, the next arises, repeating continuously, occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc) |
次日 | 次日 | cìrì | next day, the morrow |
伺候 | 伺候 | cìhou | to serve, to wait upon |
刺耳 | 刺耳 | cìěr | ear-piercing |
刺骨 | 刺骨 | cìgǔ | piercing, cutting, bone-chilling, penetrating (cold) |
刺繡 | 刺绣 | cìxiù | to embroider, embroidery |
賜 | 赐 | cì | favor, award, favour, grant |
賜教 | 赐教 | cìjiào | Enlighten me |
匆匆 | 匆匆 | cōngcōng | hurriedly |
匆忙 | 匆忙 | cōngmáng | hasty, hurried |
蔥 | 葱 | cōng | scallion, green onion |
從今以後 | 从今以后 | cóngjīnyǐhòu | From now on |
從來不 | 从来不 | cóngláibù | never |
從容 | 从容 | cóngróng | calm, unhurried, leisurely |
從容不迫 | 从容不迫 | cóngróng-bùpò | calm, unruffled |
從頭 | 从头 | cóngtóu | anew, from the start |
從未 | 从未 | cóngwèi | ne’er, never |
從業 | 从业 | cóngyè | to practice (a trade) |
從早到晚 | 从早到晚 | cóngzǎodàowǎn | From early as late |
叢林 | 丛林 | cónglín | underbrush, chaparral, bosquet, brake, bosk, jungle, forest, copse, jungly, brushwood, grove, thickset, underwood, thicket, mott, Budd. monastery |
湊 | 凑 | còu | to gather together, pool or collect, to happen by chance, to move close to, to exploit an opportunity |
湊合 | 凑合 | còuhe | to bring together, to make do in a bad situation, to just get by, to improvise, passable, not too bad |
湊巧 | 凑巧 | còuqiǎo | fortuitously, luckily, as chance has it |
粗暴 | 粗暴 | cūbào | rough, cruel |
粗糙 | 粗糙 | cūcāo | crude, gruff, rough, coarse |
粗魯 | 粗鲁 | cūlu | coarse, crude (in one’s manner), boorish |
粗略 | 粗略 | cūlüè | rough (not precise or accurate), cursory |
粗心大意 | 粗心大意 | cūxīn-dàyì | negligent, careless, inadvertent |
促成 | 促成 | cùchéng | facilitate, effect |
簇擁 | 簇拥 | cùyōng | to crowd around, to escort |
竄 | 窜 | cuàn | to flee, to scuttle, to exile or banish, to amend or edit |
催 | 催 | cuī | urge, hurry, press, hasten, expedite |
催促 | 催促 | cuīcù | to urge |
催眠 | 催眠 | cuīmián | lull, hypnotize, mesmerize, hypnotic, lull (to sleep) |
摧毀 | 摧毁 | cuīhuǐ | take_out, blot_out, bang up, blast, devastate, mow_down, zap, tobreak, wreck, smash up, bust up, smite, destroy, bust, demolish, knock_down, destruction, ravage, unbuild, liquidate, smash, deflower, knock_off, break, wrack |
脆弱 | 脆弱 | cuìruò | fragile, frail, weak |
翠綠 | 翠绿 | cuìlǜ | greenish-blue, emerald green |
存放 | 存放 | cúnfàng | leave with, leave in sb.’s care, deposit (money) |
存心 | 存心 | cúnxīn | deliberately |
存折 | 存折 | cúnzhé | passbook, bankbook |
搓 | 搓 | cuō | to rub or roll between the hands or fingers, to twist |
磋商 | 磋商 | cuōshāng | to consult, to discuss seriously, to negotiate, to confer, negotiations, consultations |
挫折 | 挫折 | cuòzhé | frustratio, rebuff, defeat, founder, frustration, reverse, breakdown, blight, setback, throwback, abortion, backset, flivver, dash, cross |
措手不及 | 措手不及 | cuòshǒu-bùjí | no time to deal with it (idiom), caught unprepared |
錯覺 | 错觉 | cuòjué | misconception, illusion, misperception |
錯位 | 错位 | cuò wèi | to misplace, displacement (e.g. of broken bones), out of alignment, faulty contact, erroneous judgment, inversion (medical, e.g. breach delivery) |
錯綜複雜 | 错综复杂 | cuòzōng-fùzá | tangled and complicated (idiom) |
錯別字 | 错别字 | cuòbiézì | incorrectly written or mispronounced characters |
搭乘 | 搭乘 | dāchéng | travel by, travel, travel (by a conveyance), jet, take, fly, hitching, get_on |
搭建 | 搭建 | dājiàn | to build (esp. with simple materials), to knock together (a temporary shed), to rig up |
達標 | 达标 | dábiāo | to reach a set standard |
答辯 | 答辩 | dábiàn | to reply (to an accusation), to defend one’s dissertation |
打岔 | 打岔 | dǎ chà | interruption, to interrupt (esp. talk), to change the subject |
打倒 | 打倒 | dǎ dǎo | to overthrow, to knock down, Down with … ! |
打盹兒 | 打盹儿 | dǎ dǔnr5 | to doze off, erhua variant of 打盹[da3 dun3] |
打交道 | 打交道 | dǎ jiāodao | to come into contact with, to have dealings |
打攪 | 打搅 | dǎjiǎo | to disturb, to trouble |
打撈 | 打捞 | dǎlāo | to salvage, to dredge, to fish out (person or object from the sea) |
打量 | 打量 | dǎliang | estimate, conjecture, size up, reckon, look up and down, suppose, give the once over, think, look … up and down, measure with the eye, give the eye, calculate |
打獵 | 打猎 | dǎ liè | to go hunting |
打磨 | 打磨 | dǎmo | polish, grind |
打通 | 打通 | dǎ tōng | to open access, to establish contact, to remove a block, to put through (a phone connection) |
打仗 | 打仗 | dǎ zhàng | fight battle, outplay, war, make war, fight, wage war, battle, go to war |
打招呼 | 打招呼 | dǎ zhāohu | to greet sb by word or action, to give prior notice |
大包大攬 | 大包大揽 | dàbāodàlǎn | to take complete charge (idiom) |
大筆 | 大笔 | dàbǐ | Large |
大臣 | 大臣 | dàchén | courtier, court, secretary, referendary, vizier, government minister, viziership, high officials, cabinet ministers, president, chancellor, minister |
大吃一驚 | 大吃一惊 | dàchī-yījīng | to have a surprise (idiom), shocked or startled, gobsmacked |
大大咧咧 | 大大咧咧 | dàda-liēliē | carefree, offhand, casual |
大地 | 大地 | dàdì | terra_firma, mother earth, mold, earth, soli |
大隊 | 大队 | dàduì | a military group, production brigade, a large number (of) |
大幅度 | 大幅度 | dàfúdù | by a wide margin, substantial |
大公無私 | 大公无私 | dàgōng-wúsī | selfless, impartial |
大家庭 | 大家庭 | dàjiātíng | extended family |
大街小巷 | 大街小巷 | dàjiē-xiǎoxiàng | great streets and small alleys (idiom), everywhere in the city |
大驚小怪 | 大惊小怪 | dàjīng-xiǎoguài | to make a fuss about nothing (idiom) |
大局 | 大局 | dàjú | general situation, present conditions |
大款 | 大款 | dàkuǎn | very wealthy person |
大面積 | 大面积 | dàmiànjī | large area |
大名鼎鼎 | 大名鼎鼎 | dàmíng-dǐngdǐng | grand reputation, renowned, famous |
大模大樣 | 大模大样 | dàmú-dàyàng | Large model |
大棚 | 大棚 | dàpéng | Greenhouse |
大片 | 大片 | dàpiàn | wide expanse, large area, vast stretch, extending widely, blockbuster movie |
大氣 | 大气 | dàqì | atmosphere, air, grand air, heavy breathing |
大廈 | 大厦 | dàshà | building, mansion |
大數據 | 大数据 | dàshùjù | Big Data |
大肆 | 大肆 | dàsì | wantonly, without restraint (of enemy or malefactor), unbridled |
大體 | 大体 | dàtǐ | in general, more or less, in rough terms, basically, on the whole, overall situation, the big picture, (Tw) remains (of a dead person) |
大體上 | 大体上 | dàtǐshàng | overall, in general terms |
大同小異 | 大同小异 | dàtóng-xiǎoyì | virtually the same, differing only on small points |
大腕兒 | 大腕儿 | dàwànr5 | Big wrist |
大選 | 大选 | dàxuǎn | general election |
大雁 | 大雁 | dàyàn | wild goose, CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
大意 | 大意 | dàyi | general idea, main idea, careless |
大有可為 | 大有可为 | dàyǒu-kěwéi | with great prospects for the future (idiom), well worth doing |
大宗 | 大宗 | dàzōng | large amount, staple, influential family of long standing |
歹徒 | 歹徒 | dǎitú | evildoer, ruffian, scoundrel |
逮 | 逮 | dǎi | (coll.) to catch, to seize, (literary) to arrest, to seize, to overtake, until |
代號 | 代号 | dàihào | code name |
代理人 | 代理人 | dàilǐrén | agent |
代言人 | 代言人 | dàiyánrén | spokesperson |
帶隊 | 带队 | dài duì | Lead |
帶路 | 带路 | dài lù | to lead the way, to guide, to show the way, fig. to instruct |
帶頭 | 带头 | dài tóu | to take the lead, to be the first, to set an example |
帶頭人 | 带头人 | dàitóurén | Take the leader |
待 | 待 | dài | till |
怠工 | 怠工 | dài gōng | to slacken off in one’s work, to go slow (as a form of strike) |
怠慢 | 怠慢 | dàimàn | to slight, to neglect |
逮捕 | 逮捕 | dàibǔ | make an arrest |
擔 | 担 | dān | to undertake, to carry, to shoulder, to take responsibility, picul (100 catties, 50 kg), two buckets full, carrying pole and its load, classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole |
擔當 | 担当 | dāndāng | to take upon oneself, to assume |
擔負 | 担负 | dānfù | bear, shoulder, take on, be charged with |
單邊 | 单边 | dānbiān | unilateral |
單薄 | 单薄 | dānbó | weak, frail, thin, flimsy |
單方面 | 单方面 | dānfāngmiàn | unilateral |
單身 | 单身 | dānshēn | unmarried, single |
耽擱 | 耽搁 | dānge | to tarry, to delay, to stop over |
耽誤 | 耽误 | dānwu | to delay, to hold up, to waste time, to interfere with |
膽怯 | 胆怯 | dǎnqiè | timid, cowardly |
膽子 | 胆子 | dǎnzi | courage, nerve, guts |
但願 | 但愿 | dànyuàn | wish, if only…, I wish that…, may, might |
擔子 | 担子 | dànzi | carrying pole and the loads on it, burden, task, responsibility, CL:副[fu4] |
誕辰 | 诞辰 | dànchén | birthday |
淡化 | 淡化 | dànhuà | desalinate |
淡季 | 淡季 | dànjì | off season, slow business season, see also 旺季[wang4 ji4] |
蛋白質 | 蛋白质 | dànbáizhì | albuminoid, proteide, proteid, albumin, albumen, protein |
當即 | 当即 | dāngjí | at once, on the spot |
當今 | 当今 | dāngjīn | current, present, now, nowadays |
當面 | 当面 | dāng miàn | directly, face_to_face, face to face, in one’s presence |
當日 | 当日 | dāngrì | on that day, that very day, the same day |
當事人 | 当事人 | dāngshìrén | interested parties, those directly involved, principal, client, the party concerned, privy, party, litigant, person concerned |
當務之急 | 当务之急 | dāngwùzhījí | top priority job, matter of vital importance |
當下 | 当下 | dāngxià | immediately, at once, at that moment, at the moment |
當心 | 当心 | dāngxīn | to take care, to look out |
當著 | 当着 | dāngzhe | in front of, in the presence of |
當之無愧 | 当之无愧 | dāngzhī-wúkuì | fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom), entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc) |
當眾 | 当众 | dāngzhòng | in public, in front of everybody |
當晚 | 当晚 | dàngwǎn | on that evening, the same evening |
當真 | 当真 | dàngzhēn | to take seriously, serious, No joking, really! |
蕩漾 | 荡漾 | dàngyàng | to ripple, to undulate |
檔次 | 档次 | dàngcì | grade, class, quality, level |
導彈 | 导弹 | dǎodàn | guided missile, cruise missile, missile, CL:枚[mei2] |
導航 | 导航 | dǎoháng | navigation |
導火索 | 导火索 | dǎohuǒsuǒ | a fuse (for explosive) |
導師 | 导师 | dǎoshī | don, guide of a great cause, hierophant, teacher, tutor, imam, supervisor, leader in a cause, preceptor, professor, preceptorship, adviser, teacher in charge of class, mentor, counselor |
導向 | 导向 | dǎoxiàng | orientation |
島嶼 | 岛屿 | dǎoyǔ | island, islands, islands and islets, isle |
搗亂 | 捣乱 | dǎo luàn | to disturb, to look for trouble, to stir up a row, to bother sb intentionally |
倒賣 | 倒卖 | dǎomài | to resell at a profit, to speculate |
倒霉 | 倒霉 | dǎo méi | to have bad luck, to be out of luck |
倒塌 | 倒塌 | dǎotā | to collapse (of building), to topple over |
倒下 | 倒下 | dǎoxià | to collapse, to topple over |
到頭來 | 到头来 | dàotóulái | in the end, finally, as a result |
到位 | 到位 | dàowèi | to get to the intended location, to be in place, to be in position, precise, well (done) |
倒計時 | 倒计时 | dàojìshí | to count down, countdown |
倒數 | 倒数 | dàoshǔ | to count backwards (from 10 down to 0), to count down, from the bottom (lines on a page), from the back (rows of seats), inverse number, reciprocal (math.) |
盜 | 盗 | dào | to steal, to rob, to plunder, thief, bandit, robber |
盜竊 | 盗窃 | dàoqiè | to steal |
悼念 | 悼念 | dàoniàn | to grieve |
道具 | 道具 | dàojù | stage props |
稻草 | 稻草 | dàocǎo | rice straw |
得不償失 | 得不偿失 | débùchángshī | the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom) |
得當 | 得当 | dédàng | appropriate, suitable |
得力 | 得力 | dé lì | able, capable, competent, efficient |
得失 | 得失 | déshī | gains and losses, success and failure, merits and demerits |
得手 | 得手 | dé shǒu | to go smoothly, to come off, to succeed |
得體 | 得体 | détǐ | appropriate to the occasion, fitting |
得天獨厚 | 得天独厚 | détiān-dúhòu | blessed by heaven (idiom), enjoying exceptional advantages, favored by nature |
得益於 | 得益于 | déyìyú | Benefited from |
得意揚揚 | 得意扬扬 | déyì-yángyáng | joyfully satisfied, to be immensely proud of oneself, proudly, an air of complacency, variant of 得意洋洋[de2 yi4 yang2 yang2] |
得知 | 得知 | dézhī | find, hear, see, have, succeed, learn, get_onto, know, have learned of |
得罪 | 得罪 | dézui | disoblige, offend, displease, affront |
德 | 德 | dé | Germany |
燈籠 | 灯笼 | dēnglong | lantern |
燈泡 | 灯泡 | dēngpào | light bulb, see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[dian4 deng1 pao4], third-wheel or unwanted third party spoiling a couple’s date (slang), CL:個|个[ge4] |
登機 | 登机 | dēng jī | to board a plane |
登陸 | 登陆 | dēng lù | to land, to come ashore, to make landfall (of typhoon etc), to log in |
蹬 | 蹬 | dēng | to step on, to tread on, to wear (shoes), (slang) to dump (sb), Taiwan pr. [deng4] |
凳子 | 凳子 | dèngzi | stool, small seat |
瞪 | 瞪 | dèng | open wide, glom, stare, open (one’s eyes) wide, stare at, glower, open one’s eyes wide, glare |
低調 | 低调 | dīdiào | low pitch, quiet (voice), subdued, low-key, low-profile |
低估 | 低估 | dīgū | to underestimate, to underrate |
低谷 | 低谷 | dīgǔ | valley, trough (as opposed to peaks), fig. low point, lowest ebb, nadir of one’s fortunes |
低價 | 低价 | dījià | cheap, song, low, low price |
低迷 | 低迷 | dīmí | low |
低碳 | 低碳 | dītàn | Low carbon |
低下 | 低下 | dīxià | low status, lowly, to lower (one’s head) |
堤 | 堤 | dī | dike, Taiwan pr. [ti2], variant of 堤[di1] |
堤壩 | 堤坝 | dībà | dam |
提防 | 提防 | dīfang | to guard against, to be vigilant, watch you don’t (slip), also pr. [ti2 fang2] |
笛子 | 笛子 | dízi | bamboo flute, CL:管[guan3] |
抵觸 | 抵触 | dǐchù | to conflict, to contradict |
抵擋 | 抵挡 | dǐdǎng | to resist, to hold back, to stop, to ward off, to withstand |
抵消 | 抵消 | dǐxiāo | to counteract, to cancel out, to offset |
抵押 | 抵押 | dǐyā | to provide (an asset) as security for a loan, to put up collateral |
抵禦 | 抵御 | dǐyù | to resist, to withstand |
抵制 | 抵制 | dǐzhì | boycott |
底層 | 底层 | dǐcéng | first floor, understratum, bottom, underside, the lowest rung, first, undersurface, underlayer, ground level, ground floor, first/ground floor, substratum, first_floor, basement |
底線 | 底线 | dǐxiàn | to underline, bottom line, base line (in sports), baseline, minimum, spy, plant |
底蘊 | 底蕴 | dǐyùn | inside information, concrete details |
底子 | 底子 | dǐzi | base, foundation, bottom |
地步 | 地步 | dìbù | state, situation, extent, plight, condition |
地道 | 地道 | dìdao | tunnel, causeway, authentic, genuine, typical, from a place known for the product, thorough, conscientious |
地段 | 地段 | dìduàn | section, district |
地毯 | 地毯 | dìtǎn | carpet, footcloth, rug, carpeting, tapis |
地理 | 地理 | dìlǐ | geographical, geographic, geographics, geographical features of a place, geography |
地下水 | 地下水 | dìxiàshuǐ | groundwater |
地獄 | 地狱 | dìyù | the pit, hell, infernal, pandemonium, abyss, underworld, ballyhack, Hades, hades, blaze, Sheol, infernal region, Gehenna, Tartarus, Avernus, Topheth, Tophet, heck, nether region, Scheol, Acheron, perdition, the lower regions, Abaddon, netherworld, Hel, Inferno, inferno, Hell |
地域 | 地域 | dìyù | tract, area, latitude, quarter, territory, climate, region, scope, district, terrain, climactic |
地質 | 地质 | dìzhì | geology |
弟子 | 弟子 | dìzǐ | scholar, pupil, disciple, student, follower, child, adherent, youngster |
帝國 | 帝国 | dìguó | Reich, imperial, empery, empire |
帝國主義 | 帝国主义 | dìguózhǔyì | imperialism |
遞交 | 递交 | dìjiāo | to present, to give, to hand over, to hand in, to lay before |
第一手 | 第一手 | dìyīshǒu | first-hand |
第一線 | 第一线 | dìyīxiàn | forefront, front/first line |
顛倒 | 颠倒 | diāndǎo | to turn upside down, to reverse, back to front, confused, deranged, crazy |
顛覆 | 颠覆 | diānfù | overturn, subvert |
巔峰 | 巅峰 | diānfēng | summit, apex, pinnacle (of one’s career etc), peak (of a civilization etc) |
點火 | 点火 | diǎn huǒ | to ignite, to light a fire, to agitate, to start an engine, ignition, fig. to stir up trouble |
點擊率 | 点击率 | diǎnjīlǜ | click-through rate (CTR) (Internet) |
典範 | 典范 | diǎnfàn | quintessence, nonpareil, example, specimen, nonsuch, apotheosis, ideal, nonesuch, prototype, monument, paragon, role model, soul, saint, model |
點評 | 点评 | diǎnpíng | to comment, a point by point commentary |
點心 | 点心 | diǎnxin | light refreshments, pastry, dimsum (in Cantonese cooking), dessert |
點綴 | 点缀 | diǎnzhuì | to decorate, to adorn, sprinkled, studded, only for show |
點子 | 点子 | diǎnzi | drop (of liquid), drop, idea, hint, dot, beat (of percussion instruments), beat, spot, key point, speck, pointer |
電報 | 电报 | diànbào | telegram, cable, telegraph, CL:封[feng1],份[fen4] |
電線 | 电线 | diànxiàn | wire, power cord, CL:根[gen1] |
電網 | 电网 | diànwǎng | electrical network |
電鈴 | 电铃 | diànlíng | electric bell |
電信 | 电信 | diànxìn | telegraphy, telecommunications, telecommunication, telecom |
電訊 | 电讯 | diànxùn | telegraph, telecommunications, telecommunication, flash, telegraphic dispatch |
墊 | 垫 | diàn | pad, cushion, mat, to pad out, to fill a gap, to pay for sb, to advance (money) |
墊底 | 垫底 | diàndǐ | Bottom |
墊子 | 垫子 | diànzi | cushion, mat, pad |
澱粉 | 淀粉 | diànfěn | starch, amylum C6H10O5 |
惦記 | 惦记 | diànji | to think of, to keep thinking about, to be concerned about |
奠定 | 奠定 | diàndìng | establish, settle |
殿堂 | 殿堂 | diàntáng | mansion, manse, hall, palace, temple, residence, mansion house |
刁難 | 刁难 | diāonàn | to be hard on sb, to deliberately make things difficult |
叼 | 叼 | diāo | to hold with one’s mouth (as a smoker with a cigarette or a dog with a bone) |
雕 | 雕 | diāo | bird of prey |
雕刻 | 雕刻 | diāokè | statue |
雕塑 | 雕塑 | diāosù | a statue, a Buddhist image, sculpture, to carve |
吊銷 | 吊销 | diàoxiāo | to suspend (an agreement), to revoke |
釣魚 | 钓鱼 | diào yú | go fishing, fish, go angling, angle |
調度 | 调度 | diàodù | to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc), to schedule, to manage, dispatcher, scheduler |
掉隊 | 掉队 | diào duì | to fall behind, to drop out |
掉頭 | 掉头 | diào tóu | to turn one’s head, to turn round, to turn about |
爹 | 爹 | diē | old man, father, papa, pappa, daddy, pa, pop, dada, dad, pater |
迭起 | 迭起 | diéqǐ | continuously arising, to arise repeatedly |
疊 | 叠 | dié | to fold, to fold over in layers, to furl, to layer, to pile up, to repeat, to duplicate |
丁 | 丁 | dīng | surname Ding, fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1], fourth in order, letter ‘D’ or roman ‘IV’ in list ‘A, B, C’, or ‘I, II, III’ etc, ancient Chinese compass point: 195°, butyl, cubes (of food) |
叮囑 | 叮嘱 | dīngzhǔ | to warn repeatedly, to urge, to exhort again and again |
釘子 | 钉子 | dīngzi | nail, snag, saboteur |
盯 | 盯 | dīng | to watch attentively, to fix one’s attention on, to stare at, to gaze at |
頂多 | 顶多 | dǐngduō | at most, at best |
頂級 | 顶级 | dǐngjí | top-notch, first-rate |
頂尖 | 顶尖 | dǐngjiān | towering |
訂單 | 订单 | dìngdān | order_form, order, order form, order form for goods, purchase order, indent |
訂購 | 订购 | dìnggòu | to place an order, to subscribe |
訂婚 | 订婚 | dìng hūn | to get engaged |
訂立 | 订立 | dìnglì | to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc), to set up (a rule etc) |
釘 | 钉 | dīng | nail, to follow closely, to keep at sb (to do sth), variant of 盯[ding1], to join things together by fixing them in place at one or more points, to nail, to pin, to staple, to sew on |
定金 | 定金 | dìngjīn | down payment, advance payment |
定居 | 定居 | dìng jū | settle down |
定論 | 定论 | dìnglùn | final conclusion, accepted argument |
定為 | 定为 | dìng wèi | set to |
定向 | 定向 | dìngxiàng | to orientate, directional, directed, orienteering |
定心丸 | 定心丸 | dìngxīnwán | tranquilizer, sth that sets one’s mind at ease |
定做 | 定做 | dìngzuò | to have something made to order |
丟掉 | 丢掉 | diūdiào | to lose, to throw away, to discard, to cast away |
定義 | 定义 | dìngyì | definition |
丟臉 | 丢脸 | diū liǎn | to lose face, humiliation |
丟棄 | 丢弃 | diūqì | to discard, to abandon |
丟人 | 丢人 | diū rén | to lose face |
丟失 | 丢失 | diūshī | to lose, lost |
東奔西走 | 东奔西走 | dōngbēnxīzǒu | to run this way and that (idiom), to rush about busily, to bustle about, to hopscotch, also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠[dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1] |
東道主 | 东道主 | dōngdàozhǔ | host, official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference) |
東張西望 | 东张西望 | dōngzhāng-xīwàng | to look in all directions (idiom), to glance around |
董事 | 董事 | dǒngshì | director, trustee |
董事會 | 董事会 | dǒngshìhuì | board, board of directors, board of administration, syndicate, directorate, board of regents, board of trustees, board_of_directors, directory |
董事長 | 董事长 | dǒngshìzhǎng | board chair |
懂事 | 懂事 | dǒng shì | sensible, thoughtful, intelligent |
動不動 | 动不动 | dòngbudòng | apt to happen (usually of sth undesirable), frequently, happening easily (e.g. accident or illness) |
動蕩 | 动荡 | dòngdàng | unrest (social or political), turmoil, upheaval, commotion |
動感 | 动感 | dònggǎn | innervation, dynamism |
動工 | 动工 | dòng gōng | begin construction |
動靜 | 动静 | dòngjing | sound of activity or people talking, news of activity |
動脈 | 动脉 | dòngmài | artery |
動身 | 动身 | dòng shēn | to go on a journey, to leave |
動彈 | 动弹 | dòngtan | to budge |
動聽 | 动听 | dòngtīng | pleasant to listen to |
動向 | 动向 | dòngxiàng | set, development, tendency, trend, movement, drift |
動用 | 动用 | dòngyòng | put to use, draw on, put … to use, use, employ, employment |
凍結 | 冻结 | dòngjié | to freeze (loan, wage, price etc) |
棟 | 栋 | dòng | ridgepole, m.[general], |
棟梁 | 栋梁 | dòngliáng | ridgepole, ridgepole and beams, person able to bear heavy responsibility, mainstay (of organization), pillar (of state) |
兜 | 兜 | dōu | pocket, bag, to wrap up or hold in a bag, to move in a circle, to canvas or solicit, to take responsibility for, to disclose in detail, combat armor (old), old variant of 兜[dou1] |
兜兒 | 兜儿 | dōur5 | pocket, bag, to wrap up or hold in a bag, to move in a circle, to canvas or solicit, to take responsibility for, to disclose in detail, combat armor (old), erhua variant of 兜[dou1] |
兜售 | 兜售 | dōushòu | to hawk, to peddle |
陡 | 陡 | dǒu | steep, precipitous, abrubtly, suddenly, unexpectedly |
抖 | 抖 | dǒu | to tremble, to shake out, to reveal, to make it in the world |
鬥 | 斗 | dòu | abbr. for the Big Dipper constellation 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1], dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4], decaliter, peck, cup or dipper shaped object, old variant of 陡[dou3], variant of 鬥|斗[dou4] |
鬥志 | 斗志 | dòuzhì | will to fight, fighting spirit |
豆漿 | 豆浆 | dòujiāng | soy milk |
豆子 | 豆子 | dòuzi | bean, pea, CL:顆|颗[ke1] |
逗 | 逗 | dòu | to stay, to stop, to tease (play with), amusing, short pause in reading aloud, equivalent to comma (also written 讀|读[dou4]) |
都會 | 都会 | dūhuì | big city, city, metropolis |
督促 | 督促 | dūcù | to supervise and urge completion of a task, to urge on |
獨 | 独 | dú | by oneself, alone, in solitude, only |
獨唱 | 独唱 | dúchàng | (in singing) solo, to solo |
獨家 | 独家 | dújiā | exclusive |
獨立自主 | 独立自主 | dúlì-zìzhǔ | independent and autonomous (idiom), self-determination, to act independently, to maintain control over one’s own affairs |
獨身 | 独身 | dúshēn | unmarried, single |
獨一無二 | 独一无二 | dúyī-wúèr | unique and unmatched (idiom), unrivalled, nothing compares with it |
堵塞 | 堵塞 | dǔsè | to clog up, blockage |
杜絕 | 杜绝 | dùjué | to put an end to |
妒忌 | 妒忌 | dùjì | to be jealous of (sb’s achievements etc), to be envious, envy |
度 | 度 | dù | m.[activity] |
度假 | 度假 | dù jià | spend one’s holidays |
渡過 | 渡过 | dùguò | pass, spend (time/etc.) |
端正 | 端正 | duānzhèng | upright, regular, proper, correct |
短缺 | 短缺 | duǎnquē | shortage |
短暫 | 短暂 | duǎnzàn | fleet, of short duration, brief, transient |
段落 | 段落 | duànluò | phase, time interval, paragraph, (written) passage |
斷斷續續 | 断断续续 | duànduàn-xùxù | intermittent, off and on, discontinuous, stop-go, stammering, disjointed, inarticulate |
斷定 | 断定 | duàndìng | to conclude, to determine, to come to a judgment |
斷裂 | 断裂 | duànliè | fracture, rupture, to break apart |
堆砌 | 堆砌 | duīqì | lit. to pile up (bricks), to pack, fig. to pad out (writing with fancy phrases), ornate rhetoric |
隊形 | 队形 | duìxíng | formation |
對白 | 对白 | duìbái | stage dialog |
對策 | 对策 | duìcè | expedient, cure, countermeasure, antidote, way to deal with a situation, countermove |
對稱 | 对称 | duìchèn | symmetry, symmetrical |
對得起 | 对得起 | duìdeqǐ | not to let sb down, to treat sb fairly, be worthy of |
對聯 | 对联 | duìlián | rhyming couplet, pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway, CL:副[fu4],幅[fu2] |
對弈 | 对弈 | duìyì | to play go, chess etc |
對照 | 对照 | duìzhào | contrast, compare |
對峙 | 对峙 | duìzhì | to stand opposite, to confront, confrontation |
對準 | 对准 | duì zhǔn | to aim at, to target, to point at, to be directed at, registration, alignment (mechanical engineering) |
兌換 | 兑换 | duìhuàn | to convert, to exchange |
兌現 | 兑现 | duìxiàn | (of a check etc) to cash, to honor a commitment |
敦厚 | 敦厚 | dūnhòu | genuine, honest and sincere |
敦促 | 敦促 | dūncù | to press, to urge, to hasten |
頓時 | 顿时 | dùnshí | suddenly, at once, immediately |
多邊 | 多边 | duōbiān | multilateral |
炖 | 炖 | dùn | to stew |
多功能 | 多功能 | duōgōngnéng | multi-functional, multi-function |
多勞多得 | 多劳多得 | duōláo-duōdé | work more and get more |
多年來 | 多年来 | duōniánlái | for the past many years |
多心 | 多心 | duōxīn | oversensitive, suspicious |
多虧 | 多亏 | duōkuī | thanks to, luckily |
多元 | 多元 | duōyuán | multiplex, multicomponent, multivariate, poly- |
哆嗦 | 哆嗦 | duōsuo | to tremble, to shiver, uncontrolled shaking of the body |
多餘 | 多余 | duōyú | spare, redundant, unnecessary, superfluous, uncalled-for, surplus |
奪魁 | 夺魁 | duókuí | to seize, to win |
奪冠 | 夺冠 | duó guàn | to seize the crown, fig. to win a championship, to win gold medal |
躲藏 | 躲藏 | duǒcáng | to conceal oneself, to go into hiding, to take cover |
舵手 | 舵手 | duòshǒu | helmsman |
躲避 | 躲避 | duǒbì | hide (oneself), elude, dodge |
墮落 | 堕落 | duòluò | degenerate, sink low |
俄語 | 俄语 | Éyǔ | Russian (language) |
訛詐 | 讹诈 | ézhà | to extort under false pretenses, to blackmail, to bluff, to defraud |
鵝 | 鹅 | é | goose, variant of 鵝|鹅[e2] |
額外 | 额外 | éwài | extra, added, additional |
惡 | 恶 | è | evil, wicked, vicious |
厄運 | 厄运 | èyùn | bad luck, misfortune, adversity |
惡劣 | 恶劣 | èliè | vile, nasty |
惡化 | 恶化 | èhuà | worsen |
惡性 | 恶性 | èxìng | malignant, pernicious, vicious, deadly, malignancy, viciousness, lethal, venomous, fatal, virulent |
惡意 | 恶意 | èyì | malice, evil intention |
遏制 | 遏制 | èzhì | to check, to contain, to hold back, to keep within limits, to constrain, to restrain |
鱷魚 | 鳄鱼 | èyú | alligator, crocodile |
恩賜 | 恩赐 | ēncì | favor, to give charity to sb out of pity |
恩惠 | 恩惠 | ēnhuì | favor, grace |
恩情 | 恩情 | ēnqíng | kindness, affection, grace, favor |
而已 | 而已 | éryǐ | particle: imparting finality (that’s all) |
耳光 | 耳光 | ěrguāng | a slap on the face, CL:記|记[ji4] |
恩怨 | 恩怨 | ēnyuàn | gratitude and grudges, resentment, grudges, grievances |
耳目一新 | 耳目一新 | ěrmù-yīxīn | a pleasant change, a breath of fresh air, refreshing |
耳熟能詳 | 耳熟能详 | ěrshú-néngxiáng | what’s frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom) |
耳聞目睹 | 耳闻目睹 | ěrwén-mùdǔ | to witness personally |
二手車 | 二手车 | èrshǒuchē | second-hand car |
二氧化碳 | 二氧化碳 | èryǎnghuàtàn | carbon dioxide CO2 |
發佈會 | 发布会 | fābùhuì | news conference, briefing |
發財 | 发财 | fācái | to get rich |
發愁 | 发愁 | fā chóu | to worry, to fret, to be anxious, to become sad |
發電機 | 发电机 | fādiànjī | electricity generator, dynamo |
發抖 | 发抖 | fādǒu | to tremble, to shake, to shiver |
發光 | 发光 | fāguāng | to shine |
發憤圖強 | 发愤图强 | fāfèn-túqiáng | to be strongly determined to succeed (idiom) |
發酵 | 发酵 | fājiào | to ferment, fermentation |
發掘 | 发掘 | fājué | excavate, unearth, explore |
發火 | 发火 | fā huǒ | to catch fire, to ignite, to detonate, to get angry |
發脾氣 | 发脾气 | fā píqi | to get angry |
發起人 | 发起人 | fāqǐrén | proposer, initiator, founding member |
發熱 | 发热 | fā rè | to have a high temperature, feverish, unable to think calmly, to emit heat |
發誓 | 发誓 | fā shì | to vow, to pledge, to swear |
發愣 | 发愣 | fālèng | to daydream, in a daze |
發揚 | 发扬 | fāyáng | to develop, to make full use of |
發揚光大 | 发扬光大 | fāyáng-guāngdà | to develop and promote, to carry forward, to bring to great height of development |
發育 | 发育 | fāyù | grow, develop |
發源地 | 发源地 | fāyuándì | place of origin, birthplace, source |
發泄 | 发泄 | fāxiè | to give vent to (one’s feelings) |
發作 | 发作 | fāzuò | break out, flare up, explode, have fit of anger, get_into, have a fit of anger, show effect |
閥門 | 阀门 | fámén | valve (mechanical) |
髮型 | 发型 | fàxíng | hairstyle, coiffure, hairdo |
帆 | 帆 | fān | to gallop, Taiwan pr. [fan2], variant of 帆[fan1] |
帆船 | 帆船 | fānchuán | sailboat |
翻番 | 翻番 | fān fān | to double, to increase by a certain number of times |
翻來覆去 | 翻来覆去 | fānlái-fùqù | to toss and turn (sleeplessly), again and again |
翻天覆地 | 翻天覆地 | fāntiān-fùdì | sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom), fig. complete confusion, everything turned on its head |
凡 | 凡 | fán | conj.: whatever |
煩悶 | 烦闷 | fánmèn | moody, gloomy |
煩惱 | 烦恼 | fánnǎo | vexation |
煩躁 | 烦躁 | fánzào | jittery, twitchy, fidgety |
繁華 | 繁华 | fánhuá | flourishing, bustling, busy |
繁忙 | 繁忙 | fánmáng | busy |
繁體字 | 繁体字 | fántǐzì | traditional Chinese character |
繁重 | 繁重 | fánzhòng | heavy, burdensome, heavy-duty, arduous, onerous |
反駁 | 反驳 | fǎnbó | refute, retort, negate |
反差 | 反差 | fǎnchā | contrast, discrepancy |
反常 | 反常 | fǎncháng | unusual, abnormal |
反倒 | 反倒 | fǎndào | conj.: on the contrary, instead |
反感 | 反感 | fǎngǎn | to be disgusted with, to dislike, bad reaction, antipathy |
反過來 | 反过来 | fǎnguolai | conversely, in reverse order, in an opposite direction |
反擊 | 反击 | fǎnjī | to strike back, to beat back, to counterattack |
反饋 | 反馈 | fǎnkuì | to send back information, feedback |
反面 | 反面 | fǎnmiàn | reverse side, backside, the other side (of a problem etc), negative, bad |
反思 | 反思 | fǎnsī | to think back over sth, to review, to revisit, to rethink, reflection, reassessment |
反彈 | 反弹 | fǎntán | rebound |
反省 | 反省 | fǎnxǐng | introspect, self-questioning |
返還 | 返还 | fǎnhuán | restitution, return of something to its original owner, remittance |
犯愁 | 犯愁 | fàn chóu | to worry, to be anxious |
飯碗 | 饭碗 | fànwǎn | rice bowl, fig. livelihood, job, way of making a living |
泛濫 | 泛滥 | fànlàn | to be in flood, to overflow (the banks), to inundate, to spread unchecked |
範疇 | 范畴 | fànchóu | category |
販賣 | 贩卖 | fànmài | peddle, sell |
方方面面 | 方方面面 | fāngfāng-miànmiàn | all sides, all aspects, multi-faceted |
方向盤 | 方向盘 | fāngxiàngpán | steering wheel |
方言 | 方言 | fāngyán | the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yang2 Xiong2] in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters, topolect, dialect |
防盜 | 防盗 | fángdào | to guard against theft, anti-theft |
防盜門 | 防盗门 | fángdàomén | entrance door (for apartment) |
防護 | 防护 | fánghù | to defend, to protect |
防火牆 | 防火墙 | fánghuǒqiáng | firewall, CL:堵[du3] |
防衛 | 防卫 | fángwèi | defend |
防汛 | 防汛 | fángxùn | flood control, anti-flood (precautions) |
防疫 | 防疫 | fángyì | disease prevention, protection against epidemic |
防禦 | 防御 | fángyù | defense, to defend |
妨礙 | 妨碍 | fángài | preclude, clog, set_back, prevent, trammel, arrest, counteract, set back, impede, foul, hamper, discourage, thwart, obstruction, impediment, stymie, hinder, deter, debar, halter, intercept, interfere, retard, jam, detain, spoke, hobble, resist, balk, countercheck, stymy, blockade, stonewall, stop, beset, embarrass, hamstring, forbid, kibosh, handicap, block, prohibit, snag, fox, cramp, encumb |
房地產 | 房地产 | fángdìchǎn | blockbuster, real estate, realty, real_estate, real property, property |
妨害 | 妨害 | fánghài | traverse, impair, bar, cumber, be harmful to, trammel, encumber, sabotage, molest, obstruct, blanket, impairment, disturb, jeopardize, annoy, put in jeopardy |
仿 | 仿 | fǎng | seemingly |
仿製 | 仿制 | fǎngzhì | to copy, to imitate, to make by imitating a model |
訪談 | 访谈 | fǎngtán | interview |
紡織 | 纺织 | fǎngzhī | spinning and weaving, textile |
放過 | 放过 | fàngguò | let off, let slip, forgive, let off/slip, slip |
放水 | 放水 | fàng shuǐ | to turn on the water, to let water out, to throw a game (sports) |
放肆 | 放肆 | fàngsì | wanton, unbridled, presumptuous, impudent |
放映 | 放映 | fàngyìng | to show (a movie), to screen |
放置 | 放置 | fàngzhì | dispose, feed, set, locate, go, plant, pose, sit, lay, stick, shove, repose, bestow, sock, lay aside, perch, put, position, deposit, depose, get, lay up, mount, place, localize |
放縱 | 放纵 | fàngzòng | to indulge, to pamper, to connive at, permissive, indulgent, self-indulgent, unrestrained, undisciplined, uncultured, boorish |
飛速 | 飞速 | fēisù | flying speed, rapid (growth) |
飛往 | 飞往 | fēi wǎng | Go to |
飛翔 | 飞翔 | fēixiáng | to circle in the air, to soar |
飛躍 | 飞跃 | fēiyuè | to leap |
非 | 非 | fēi | not |
非得 | 非得 | fēiděi | (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must |
非法 | 非法 | fēifǎ | illegal, wrongfully, wrongful, unlawful, illegitimately, illicitly, unlawfully, lawlessly, nefariously, nefarious, illegally, illegitimate, lawless, illicit |
肥料 | 肥料 | féiliào | fertilizer, manure |
非凡 | 非凡 | fēifán | out of the ordinary, unusually (good, talented etc) |
肥胖 | 肥胖 | féipàng | fat, corpulent |
緋聞 | 绯闻 | fēiwén | sex scandal |
肥沃 | 肥沃 | féiwò | fertile |
肥皂 | 肥皂 | féizào | soap, CL:塊|块[kuai4],條|条[tiao2] |
誹謗 | 诽谤 | fěibàng | to slander, to libel |
廢 | 废 | fèi | variant of 廢|废[fei4], disabled |
廢除 | 废除 | fèichú | abolish, abrogate, repeal |
廢話 | 废话 | fèihuà | nonsense, rubbish, superfluous words, You don’t say!, No kidding! (gently sarcastic) |
廢品 | 废品 | fèipǐn | production rejects, seconds, scrap, discarded material |
廢寢忘食 | 废寝忘食 | fèiqǐn-wàngshí | to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom), to skip one’s sleep and meals, to be completely wrapped up in one’s work |
廢物 | 废物 | fèiwu | crap, plug, wastage, dreg, crock, garbage, weed, riffraff, obsolete, ejecta, trashery, rubbish, trash, cur, chaff, offal, food waste, recrement, rejectamenta, waste matter, lumber, sullage, write-off, waste material, sordes, dud, good-for-nothing, black sheep, culch, ruck, wastefulness, slag, scapegrace, dissipation, cultch, raffle, flotsam, dreck, off-scum, no-account, waste, offscouring |
廢墟 | 废墟 | fèixū | ruins |
沸沸揚揚 | 沸沸扬扬 | fèifèi-yángyáng | bubbling and gurgling, hubbubing, abuzz |
沸騰 | 沸腾 | fèiténg | (of a liquid) to boil, (of sentiments etc) to boil over, to flare up, to be impassioned |
分辨 | 分辨 | fēnbiàn | distinguish, differentiate |
費勁 | 费劲 | fèi jìn | to require effort, strenuous |
分寸 | 分寸 | fēncun | propriety, appropriate behavior, proper speech or action, within the norms |
分擔 | 分担 | fēndān | to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility) |
分割 | 分割 | fēngē | cut apart, break up, partition |
分紅 | 分红 | fēn hóng | dividend, to award a bonus |
分化 | 分化 | fēnhuà | disintegrate |
分泌 | 分泌 | fēnmì | to secrete, secretion |
分明 | 分明 | fēnmíng | clear, distinct, evidently, clearly |
分歧 | 分歧 | fēnqí | divergent, difference (of opinion, position), disagreement, bifurcation (math.) |
分贓 | 分赃 | fēn zāng | to share the booty, to divide ill-gotten gains |
分支 | 分支 | fēnzhī | branch (of company, river etc), to branch, to diverge, to ramify, to subdivide |
芬芳 | 芬芳 | fēnfāng | perfume, fragrant |
氛圍 | 氛围 | fēnwéi | ambience, atmosphere |
吩咐 | 吩咐 | fēnfu | to tell, to instruct, to command |
墳 | 坟 | fén | grave, tomb, CL:座[zuo4], embankment, mound, ancient book |
墳墓 | 坟墓 | fénmù | grave, tomb |
焚燒 | 焚烧 | fénshāo | to burn, to set on fire |
粉 | 粉 | fěn | powder, cosmetic face powder, food prepared from starch, noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour, whitewash, white, pink |
粉絲 | 粉丝 | fěnsī | bean vermicelli, mung bean starch noodles, Chinese vermicelli, cellophane noodles, CL:把[ba3], fan (loanword), enthusiast for sb or sth |
粉碎 | 粉碎 | fěnsuì | to crush, to smash, to shatter |
分量 | 分量 | fènliang | (vector) component, quantity, weight, measure |
分外 | 分外 | fènwài | exceptionally, not one’s responsibility or job |
份額 | 份额 | fèné | share, portion |
奮力 | 奋力 | fènlì | to do everything one can, to spare no effort, to strive |
奮勇 | 奋勇 | fènyǒng | dauntless, to summon up courage and determination, using extreme force of will |
糞 | 粪 | fèn | manure, dung |
糞便 | 粪便 | fènbiàn | excrement, feces, night soil |
豐富多彩 | 丰富多彩 | fēngfù-duōcǎi | richly colorful |
豐厚 | 丰厚 | fēnghòu | generous, ample |
豐滿 | 丰满 | fēngmǎn | Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province, ample, well developed, fully rounded |
豐碩 | 丰硕 | fēngshuò | plentiful, substantial, rich (in resources etc) |
豐盛 | 丰盛 | fēngshèng | rich, sumptuous |
風波 | 风波 | fēngbō | crisis, disturbance |
風采 | 风采 | fēngcǎi | carriage, graceful bearing, colour, mien, elegant demeanour, literary grace, elegant demeanor |
風餐露宿 | 风餐露宿 | fēngcān-lùsù | Wild meal |
風和日麗 | 风和日丽 | fēnghé-rìlì | moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom), fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime |
風風雨雨 | 风风雨雨 | fēngfēng-yǔyǔ | Wind and rain |
風浪 | 风浪 | fēnglàng | wind and waves, stormy sea |
風力 | 风力 | fēnglì | wind force, wind power |
風範 | 风范 | fēngfàn | air, manner, model, paragon, demeanor |
風流 | 风流 | fēngliú | distinguished and accomplished, outstanding, talented in letters and unconventional in lifestyle, romantic, dissolute, loose |
風貌 | 风貌 | fēngmào | view, scene, elegant appearance and bearing, appearance, style and features, style and feature |
風氣 | 风气 | fēngqì | mores, ethos, order_of_the_day, climate, established practice, genius, genius loci, atmosphere, tone, general mood, common practice, fashion |
風情 | 风情 | fēngqíng | demeanour, flavor, information about wind, local customs, bearing, feelings, flirtatious expressions, amorous feelings |
風尚 | 风尚 | fēngshàng | current custom, current way of doing things |
風趣 | 风趣 | fēngqù | charm, humor, wit, humorous, witty |
風沙 | 风沙 | fēngshā | sand blown by wind, sandstorm |
風水 | 风水 | fēngshui | feng shui, geomancy |
風味 | 风味 | fēngwèi | race, gust, special flavour, savor, flavor, savour, local color, relish, sapor, spice, tasting, local colour, smack, gusto, snack, savoriness, special flavor, flavorsomeness, zest, taste |
風雨 | 风雨 | fēngyǔ | wind and rain, the elements, trials and hardships |
風雲 | 风云 | fēngyún | weather, unstable situation |
風箏 | 风筝 | fēngzheng | kite |
封頂 | 封顶 | fēng dǐng | to put a roof (on a building), to cap the roof (finishing a building project), fig. to put a ceiling (on spending, prize, ambition etc), to top off, fig. to reach the highest point (of growth, profit, interest rates), to stop growing (of plant bud or branch) |
封面 | 封面 | fēngmiàn | lid, book binding, title page of thread-bound book, front cover, front and back cover of book, back, cover, binding, title page |
封建 | 封建 | fēngjiàn | system of enfeoffment, feudalism, feudal, feudalistic |
封鎖 | 封锁 | fēngsuǒ | to blockade, to seal off |
峰迴路轉 | 峰回路转 | fēnghuí-lùzhuǎn | the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom), (of a mountain road) twisting and turning, fig. an opportunity has come unexpectedly, things have taken a new turn |
瘋子 | 疯子 | fēngzi | madman, lunatic |
蜂蜜 | 蜂蜜 | fēngmì | honey |
逢 | 逢 | féng | meet, come upon |
縫 | 缝 | fèng | to sew, to stitch, seam, crack, narrow slit, CL:道[dao4] |
縫合 | 缝合 | fénghé | to sew together, suture (in surgery), to sew up (a wound) |
諷刺 | 讽刺 | fěngcì | satirize, mock |
鳳凰 | 凤凰 | fènghuáng | Fenghuang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], phoenix |
孵化 | 孵化 | fūhuà | breeding, to incubate, innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing) |
否決 | 否决 | fǒujué | to veto, to overrule |
扶持 | 扶持 | fúchí | to help, to assist |
敷 | 敷 | fū | to spread, to lay out, to apply (powder, ointment etc), sufficient (to cover), enough |
服飾 | 服饰 | fúshì | neckline, attire, furnishings, costume, dress, trappings, finery, rig-out, apparel, dress and personal adornment |
服務器 | 服务器 | fúwùqì | server (computer), CL:臺|台[tai2] |
服用 | 服用 | fúyòng | take, use, take (medicine) |
俘獲 | 俘获 | fúhuò | to capture (enemy property or personnel), capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus) |
俘虜 | 俘虏 | fúlǔ | captive |
浮力 | 浮力 | fúlì | buoyancy |
浮現 | 浮现 | fúxiàn | appear before one’s eyes, float, suggest, come up, rise up, surface, ray, rise, appear, emerge |
浮躁 | 浮躁 | fúzào | fickle and impatient, restless, giddy, scatterbrained |
輻射 | 辐射 | fúshè | radiancy, Geigers, radiation, radiant |
福氣 | 福气 | fúqi | good fortune, a blessing |
撫摸 | 抚摸 | fǔmō | to gently caress and stroke, to pet, to fondle |
撫恤 | 抚恤 | fǔxù | (of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury |
撫養 | 抚养 | fǔyǎng | to foster, to bring up, to raise |
撫養費 | 抚养费 | fǔyǎngfèi | child support payment (after a divorce) |
斧子 | 斧子 | fǔzi | axe, hatchet, CL:把[ba3] |
俯首 | 俯首 | fǔshǒu | to bend one’s head |
輔導 | 辅导 | fǔdǎo | coach, tutor |
腐敗 | 腐败 | fǔbài | rotten, putrid, decayed, corrupt |
腐化 | 腐化 | fǔhuà | to rot, to decay, to become corrupt |
腐爛 | 腐烂 | fǔlàn | to rot, to putrefy, (fig.) corrupt |
腐蝕 | 腐蚀 | fǔshí | corrosion, to corrode (degrade chemically), to rot, corruption |
腐朽 | 腐朽 | fǔxiǔ | rotten, decayed, decadent, degenerate |
付費 | 付费 | fù fèi | fee, expense, pay |
負面 | 负面 | fùmiàn | negative, negativeness, reverse (side), reverse |
付款 | 付款 | fù kuǎn | ante_up, ante up, foot, pay out, pay up, pay, shell_out, cash, pay a sum of money, disburse |
負有 | 负有 | fùyǒu | to be responsible for |
附 | 附 | fù | comply with, agree to, appose, attachment, enclose, get close to, enclosure, depend on, add, be near, rely on, attach |
附帶 | 附带 | fùdài | supplementary, incidentally, in parentheses, by chance, in passing, additionally, secondary, subsidiary, to attach |
附和 | 附和 | fùhè | to agree, to go along with, to echo (what sb says) |
附加 | 附加 | fùjiā | hang on, supervene, suffix, additional, affix, superimpose, inset, tack on, tack, attachment, tag on, append, add, subjoin, annex, engraft, attach |
附屬 | 附属 | fùshǔ | adjunct, belong, pertain, appertain, affiliated, be attached, attached, adjective, auxiliary, be affiliated, subsidiary |
復查 | 复查 | fùchá | rechecking, re-inspection, reexamination |
赴 | 赴 | fù | repair, attendance, go, go to, come, seek, attend, betake |
復發 | 复发 | fùfā | to recur (of a disease), to reappear, to relapse (into a former bad state) |
複合 | 复合 | fùhé | complex, compound, composite, hybrid |
復活 | 复活 | fùhuó | resurrection |
復興 | 复兴 | fùxīng | Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei, Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan, to revive, to rejuvenate |
復原 | 复原 | fù yuán | to restore (sth) to (its) former condition, to recover from illness, recovery |
副作用 | 副作用 | fùzuòyòng | side-effect |
富含 | 富含 | fùhán | Rich |
賦予 | 赋予 | fùyǔ | indue, endow, lend, girt, gift, endue, entrust, inspire, give, impart, confer, grant |
富豪 | 富豪 | fùháo | rich and powerful person |
富強 | 富强 | fùqiáng | rich and powerful |
富翁 | 富翁 | fùwēng | rich person, millionaire, billionaire |
富裕 | 富裕 | fùyù | plentiful, abundant, rich |
腹部 | 腹部 | fùbù | abdomen, belly, flank |
腹瀉 | 腹泻 | fùxiè | diarrhea, to have the runs |
富足 | 富足 | fùzú | rich, plentiful |
覆蓋 | 覆盖 | fùgài | to cover |
該 | 该 | gāi | det.: this, that |
改版 | 改版 | gǎi bǎn | to revise the current edition, revised edition |
改編 | 改编 | gǎibiān | adapt, rearrange, revise |
改革開放 | 改革开放 | gǎigé-kāifàng | to reform and open to the outside world, refers to Deng Xiaoping’s policies from around 1980 |
改動 | 改动 | gǎidòng | to alter, to modify, to revise |
改良 | 改良 | gǎiliáng | improve, ameliorate |
改名 | 改名 | gǎimíng | to change one’s name |
改日 | 改日 | gǎirì | another day, some other day |
改為 | 改为 | gǎiwéi | change … into, change to |
改邪歸正 | 改邪归正 | gǎixié-guīzhèng | to mend one’s ways (idiom), to turn over a new leaf |
鈣 | 钙 | gài | atomic number 20, calcium, Ca, calcic |
蓋子 | 盖子 | gàizi | cover, lid, shell |
概況 | 概况 | gàikuàng | general situation, summary |
概率 | 概率 | gàilǜ | probability (math.) |
概論 | 概论 | gàilùn | outline, introduction, survey, general discussion |
干戈 | 干戈 | gāngē | weapons of war, arms |
乾旱 | 干旱 | gānhàn | drought, arid, dry |
乾燥 | 干燥 | gānzào | dry, arid |
甘心 | 甘心 | gānxīn | be reconciled, be willing, pleased, resigned to, be content with, be reconciled to, be reconciled/resigned to, be resigned to, resign oneself to |
尷尬 | 尴尬 | gāngà | awkward, embarrassed |
肝臟 | 肝脏 | gānzàng | liver |
趕赴 | 赶赴 | gǎnfù | to hurry, to rush |
趕往 | 赶往 | gǎnwǎng | to hurry to (somewhere) |
敢情 | 敢情 | gǎnqing | actually, as it turns out, indeed, of course |
感 | 感 | gǎn | feel, sense, move, touch, be affected (by cold) |
感觸 | 感触 | gǎnchù | feel, texture, sentiment, thoughts and feelings, feeling, tactile property |
感恩 | 感恩 | gǎn ēn | to be grateful |
感激 | 感激 | gǎnjī | feel grateful/indebted |
感慨 | 感慨 | gǎnkǎi | sigh with emotion |
感染 | 感染 | gǎnrǎn | infect, influence, affect |
感染力 | 感染力 | gǎnrǎnlì | inspiration, infectious (enthusiasm) |
感嘆 | 感叹 | gǎntàn | to sigh (with feeling), to lament |
感性 | 感性 | gǎnxìng | sensitive |
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