Từ khi HSK chuyển sang 9 cấp độ thay vì 6 cấp độ như trước thì số lượng từ vựng tăng lên rất nhiều. Hãy cùng O2 Education tham khảo 1000+ từ vựng HSK 5 phiên bản mới.
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- 1000+ từ vựng HSK 5 phiên bản mới!
- 1000 từ vựng HSK 4 phiên bản mới
- 900+ từ vựng HSK 3 phiên bản mới
- 700+ từ vựng HSK 2 phiên bản mới
- 300+ từ vựng HSK 1 phiên bản mới
Từ vựng HSK 6 phiên bản mới
挨著 | 挨着 | āizhe | near |
挨 | 挨 | āi | in order, in sequence, close to, adjacent to, to suffer, to endure, to pull through (hard times), to delay, to stall, to play for time, to dawdle |
安檢 | 安检 | ānjiǎn | safety check |
罷工 | 罢工 | bàgōng | go on strike |
挨打 | 挨打 | ái dǎ | to take a beating, to get thrashed, to come under attack |
白領 | 白领 | báilǐng | white collar, business person |
辦公 | 办公 | bàn gōng | work (usu. in an office), transact, work, handle official business |
百分點 | 百分点 | bǎifēndiǎn | percentage point |
辦學 | 办学 | bàn xué | to run a school |
辦事處 | 办事处 | bànshìchù | office, agency |
半決賽 | 半决赛 | bànjuésài | semifinals |
罷了 | 罢了 | bàle | particle: elucidating a previous proposition so as to diminish its effect |
保健 | 保健 | bǎojiàn | health care, health protection, care for one’s health |
報刊 | 报刊 | bàokān | newspapers and periodicals, the press |
傍晚 | 傍晚 | bàngwǎn | in the evening, when night falls, towards evening, at night fall, at dusk |
暴風雨 | 暴风雨 | bàofēngyǔ | rainstorm, storm, tempest |
抱歉 | 抱歉 | bàoqiàn | to be sorry, to feel apologetic, sorry! |
暴露 | 暴露 | bàolù | unmask, divulge, expose, develop, bewray, unhood, unhusk, uncover, lay bare, show_up, reveal, flash, uncase, debunk, discover, unkennel, revelation, betray, give_away, unveil |
報考 | 报考 | bàokǎo | enter oneself for an examination |
爆 | 爆 | bào | to explode or burst, to quick fry or quick boil |
暴雨 | 暴雨 | bàoyǔ | torrential rain, rainstorm, CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4] |
爆炸 | 爆炸 | bàozhà | explode, blow up |
暴力 | 暴力 | bàolì | violence, force |
悲慘 | 悲惨 | bēicǎn | tragic, pathetic, miserable |
爆發 | 爆发 | bàofā | erupt, burst/break out |
背著 | 背着 | bēizhe | Carry on |
背心 | 背心 | bèixīn | sleeveless garment (vest, waistcoat, singlet, tank top etc), CL:件[jian4] |
本 | 本 | běn | det.: this |
奔跑 | 奔跑 | bēnpǎo | to run |
被告 | 被告 | bèigào | tenant, indictee, accused, respondent, defendant, suspect, the accused, appellee |
本期 | 本期 | běnqī | the current period, this term (usually in finance) |
本身 | 本身 | běnshēn | per se, self, oneself, identity, itself |
本質 | 本质 | běnzhì | suchness, basic nature, intrinsic quality, substantial, essentiality, innate character, entity, essential quality, basics, inbeing, essential, nature, self, feather, intrinsic, quiddity, being, substance, metal, quintessence, principle, kind, hypostasis, essence, fiber, internal, spirit, inwardness, woof, basis, gist |
本土 | 本土 | běntǔ | mainland, native, one’s native country, metropolitan territory, continent |
逼 | 逼 | bī | extort, press for, press on towards, drive, force, compel, close in on, press up to |
本地 | 本地 | běndì | local, this locality |
必將 | 必将 | bìjiāng | inevitably |
筆試 | 笔试 | bǐshì | written examination, paper test (for an applicant) |
邊緣 | 边缘 | biānyuán | margin, brink, periphery, bead, brim, borderline, skirt, lip, fringe, delimitation, flange, threshold, boundary line, perimeter, rand, outer boundary, hem, line, border, verge, marginality, marge, skirting, edging, edge, corner, rim |
必修 | 必修 | bìxiū | required/obligatory (course), obligatory, obligatory (course), required |
閉 | 闭 | bì | shut, stop, close, stop up, obstruct, switch off, obstruction, turn off, seel |
扁 | 扁 | biǎn | surname Pian, flat, (coll.) to beat (sb) up, old variant of 匾[bian3], small boat |
編制 | 编制 | biānzhì | authorized staff/force |
變更 | 变更 | biàngēng | change, modify |
變形 | 变形 | biàn xíng | deformation, to become deformed, to change shape, to morph |
變換 | 变换 | biànhuàn | to transform, to convert, to vary, to alternate, a transformation |
便是 | 便是 | biànshì | even if |
便 | 便 | biàn | as early as, soon afterwards, little as, as early, and then, and so, so, as early/little as, as little as, then, in that case |
遍地 | 遍地 | biàndì | everywhere, all over |
表面上 | 表面上 | biǎomiànshang | Surface on the surface |
病情 | 病情 | bìngqíng | patient’s condition |
撥打 | 拨打 | bōdǎ | to call, to dial |
病房 | 病房 | bìngfáng | sickroom, ward, hospital ward, hospital room |
波浪 | 波浪 | bōlàng | wave |
播 | 播 | bō | to sow, to scatter, to spread, to broadcast, Taiwan pr. [bo4] |
波動 | 波动 | bōdòng | undulate, fluctuate |
不見 | 不见 | bùjiàn | not to see, not to meet, to have disappeared, to be missing |
不便 | 不便 | bùbiàn | inconvenient, inappropriate |
不再 | 不再 | bùzài | no more/longer |
不料 | 不料 | bùliào | unexpectedly |
不至於 | 不至于 | bùzhìyú | unlikely to go so far as to, not as bad as |
補考 | 补考 | bǔkǎo | to sit for a makeup exam, to resit an exam, makeup exam, resit |
補習 | 补习 | bǔxí | take lessons after school/work |
補課 | 补课 | bǔ kè | to make up missed lesson, to reschedule a class |
補助 | 补助 | bǔzhù | subsidize |
不成 | 不成 | bùchéng | won’t do, unable to, (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? |
捕 | 捕 | bǔ | prawn, seizure, seize, arrest, catch |
不禁 | 不禁 | bùjīn | can’t help (doing sth.) |
不僅僅 | 不仅仅 | bùjǐnjǐn | not only |
不通 | 不通 | bùtōng | to be obstructed, to be blocked up, to be impassable, to make no sense, to be illogical |
不怎麼樣 | 不怎么样 | bù zěnmeyàng | not up to much, very indifferent, nothing great about it, nothing good to be said about it |
不值 | 不值 | bùzhí | not worth |
不怎麼 | 不怎么 | bùzěnme | not very, not particularly |
布滿 | 布满 | bùmǎn | to be covered with, to be filled with |
部隊 | 部队 | bùduì | military personnel, troops, troop, regular army, soldiery, army, party, company |
採納 | 采纳 | cǎinà | to accept, to adopt |
參賽 | 参赛 | cān sài | take part in match, enter competition |
踩 | 踩 | cǎi | tread, tramp, tromp, scrunch, trample, walk, step, step on |
參展 | 参展 | cān zhǎn | participate in exhibition |
餐 | 餐 | cān | m.[event] |
殘疾 | 残疾 | cánji | disabled, handicapped, deformity on a person or animal |
殘疾人 | 残疾人 | cánjírén | disabled person |
殘酷 | 残酷 | cánkù | brutal, ruthless |
倉庫 | 仓库 | cāngkù | depot, storehouse, warehouse |
慘 | 惨 | cǎn | tragic, gloomy, savage, sorrowful, cruel, pitiful, miserable, dark |
藏 | 藏 | cáng | lay by, concealment, conceal, hide, store |
操縱 | 操纵 | cāozòng | operate, control, rig, manipulate |
側 | 侧 | cè | the side, to incline towards, to lean, inclined, lateral, side, lean on one side |
廁所 | 厕所 | cèsuǒ | john, W.C., can, jakes, lavatory, lav, cloaca, crapper, privy, water closet, bathroom, bog, washroom, closet, convenience, stool, rear, latrine, loo, facility, toilet, John, cloakroom |
測定 | 测定 | cèdìng | to survey and evaluate |
策劃 | 策划 | cèhuà | to plot, to scheme, to bring about, to engineer, planning, producer, planner |
策略 | 策略 | cèlüè | coup, resource, enginery, wile, stratagem, gambit, practice, plant, diplomacy, artifice, trap, twist, tactical manoeuver, policy, game, mechanism, game plan, ambush, chicanery, finesse, lying in wait, maneuvering, joker, tactics, gimmick, manoeuvering, plan, device, art, tactical maneuver, maneuver, measure, play, tactic, manoeuvre, mechanics, tack, ambuscade, trickery, strategy, setup, r |
層面 | 层面 | céngmiàn | storey, level, side, story, range, floor, coverage |
差異 | 差异 | chāyì | gap, departure, spread, variance, divergence, difference, diversity, discrepancy, imparity, disparity, contrast, interval, differentia, distinction |
查出 | 查出 | cháchū | find, look_up, smell, investigate, find_out, find out, smoke_out, detect, track_down, smoke out, examine |
查看 | 查看 | chákàn | to look over, to examine, to check up, to ferret out |
拆遷 | 拆迁 | chāiqiān | to demolish a building and relocate the inhabitants |
產量 | 产量 | chǎnliàng | turnout, turnoff, outturn, capacity, output, produce, product, fruitage, throughput, fruit, production, yield, crop |
昌盛 | 昌盛 | chāngshèng | prosperous |
長假 | 长假 | chángjià | long vacation, refers to one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1st Oct |
長短 | 长短 | chángduǎn | length, duration, accident, right and wrong, good and bad, long and short |
長跑 | 长跑 | chángpǎo | long-distance running |
長遠 | 长远 | chángyuǎn | long-range, long, long-term, far-reaching |
常規 | 常规 | chángguī | code of conduct, conventions, common practice, routine (medical procedure etc) |
長久 | 长久 | chángjiǔ | permanently, long, for a long time |
常年 | 常年 | chángnián | all year round, for years on end, average year |
場地 | 场地 | chǎngdì | grounds, site, ground, yard, precinct, space, course, place, park, property |
廠商 | 厂商 | chǎngshāng | factory owner, factories and stores, firm, maker, business organization, business concern, manufacturing business, concern, manufacturer, business |
場館 | 场馆 | chǎngguǎn | sporting venue, arena |
場景 | 场景 | chǎngjǐng | stage set, set, scenery, spectacle, scene, setting, set decoration |
暢通 | 畅通 | chàngtōng | unimpeded, free-flowing, straight path, unclogged, move without obstruction |
超出 | 超出 | chāo chū | to exceed, to overstep, to go too far, to encroach |
炒 | 炒 | chǎo | saute, stir-fry, roast, speculate, parch, fry, saut#2e, fire, saut#2 e, sack, scramble |
超 | 超 | chāo | to exceed, to overtake, to surpass, to transcend, to pass, to cross, ultra-, super- |
炒股 | 炒股 | chǎo gǔ | (coll.) to speculate in stocks |
車號 | 车号 | chēhào | Car number |
炒作 | 炒作 | chǎozuò | stir |
車展 | 车展 | chēzhǎn | motor show |
車牌 | 车牌 | chēpái | license plate |
撤銷 | 撤销 | chèxiāo | cancel, rescind, revoke |
撤離 | 撤离 | chèlí | to withdraw from, to evacuate |
撐 | 撑 | chēng | prop up, brace, push/move with a pole, maintain, keep up |
成分 | 成分 | chéngfen | constitution, class/economic status, composition, economic status, component_part, ingredient, one’s profession or economic status, profession, component part, grammatical constituent, class, constituent, one’s class status, class status, element, component, metal |
成品 | 成品 | chéngpǐn | end, end product, turnoff, end/finished product, finished product, facture |
承諾 | 承诺 | chéngnuò | promise |
城區 | 城区 | chéngqū | city district, urban area |
城鄉 | 城乡 | chéngxiāng | urban and rural, town and country |
城鎮 | 城镇 | chéngzhèn | cities and towns |
成 | 成 | chéng | become, turn into |
衝擊 | 冲击 | chōngjī | lash, pound, charge, assault |
持有 | 持有 | chíyǒu | boast, take, possess, hold, carry |
重建 | 重建 | chóngjiàn | to rebuild, to reestablish, reconstruction, rebuilding |
寵物 | 宠物 | chǒngwù | pet |
崇拜 | 崇拜 | chóngbài | worship, adore |
重組 | 重组 | chóngzǔ | to reorganize, to recombine, recombination |
沖 | 冲 | chōng | charge, rush, dash |
出場 | 出场 | chū chǎng | to appear (on stage, in a show, in a photo etc), to play (for a team), to enter (arena or stage), to send sb out (e.g. off the field for a foul) |
出動 | 出动 | chūdòng | to start out on a trip, to dispatch troops |
出訪 | 出访 | chūfǎng | to travel on business, to visit (a foreign country), same as 外出訪問|外出访问[wai4 chu1 fang3 wen4] |
出路 | 出路 | chūlù | way out, outlet, employment opportunities |
出面 | 出面 | chū miàn | act in one’s own capacity or on behalf o, act in one’s own capacity or on behalf of an organization, act in one’s own capacity or on behalf of an organ, appear personally |
出入 | 出入 | chūrù | come in and go out |
出事 | 出事 | chū shì | to have an accident, to meet with a mishap |
出名 | 出名 | chū míng | lend one’s name, out, fame, become well-known, become famous, famous, use the name of, be famous, well-known |
出臺 | 出台 | chū tái | to officially launch (a policy, program etc), to appear on stage, to appear publicly, (of a bar girl) to leave with a client |
初等 | 初等 | chūděng | elementary (i.e. easy) |
除 | 除 | chú | except |
出行 | 出行 | chūxíng | to set out on a long journey, to travel afar |
廚師 | 厨师 | chúshī | cook, chef |
儲存 | 储存 | chǔcún | lay in/up, store, stockpile |
處處 | 处处 | chùchù | everywhere, in all respects |
處長 | 处长 | chùzhǎng | department, section chief, commissioner, department/office head, department head, head of a department, office head |
傳輸 | 传输 | chuánshū | transmission, transmit |
傳媒 | 传媒 | chuánméi | media |
傳言 | 传言 | chuányán | rumor, hearsay |
傳出 | 传出 | chuánchū | to transmit outwards, to disseminate, efferent (nerve) |
船員 | 船员 | chuányuán | crew, sailorman, sailor, shipmate, crewman, tarpaulin, old salt, seaman, bargeman, tar, boatman, Jack-tar, mariner, sea dog, gob, waister, seafarer |
船隻 | 船只 | chuánzhī | boat, watercraft, marine, ship, vessel |
船長 | 船长 | chuánzhǎng | captain (of a boat), skipper |
串 | 串 | chuàn | to string together, to skewer, to connect wrongly, to gang up, to rove, string, bunch, skewer, classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of, to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus), to move across |
窗口 | 窗口 | chuāngkǒu | window, wicket, ticket window |
創建 | 创建 | chuàngjiàn | to found, to establish |
創意 | 创意 | chuàngyì | create new meanings, get-up-and-go, unique idea, new idea |
創辦 | 创办 | chuàngbàn | found, launch, establishment, set up, establish |
此處 | 此处 | cǐchù | this place, here (literary) |
此前 | 此前 | cǐqián | before this, before then, previously |
此次 | 此次 | cǐcì | this time |
此事 | 此事 | cǐshì | This matter |
次數 | 次数 | cìshù | number of times, frequancy, frequency, absolute frequency, legal case, oftenness, lawsuit, time, frequence |
此致 | 此致 | cǐzhì | (used at the end of a letter to introduce a polite salutation) |
從不 | 从不 | cóngbù | ne’er, never |
從沒 | 从没 | cóngméi | never (in the past), never did |
醋 | 醋 | cù | vinegar, jealousy (in love rivalry) |
村莊 | 村庄 | cūnzhuāng | village, hamlet, CL:座[zuo4] |
搭 | 搭 | dā | put up, construct, join together, add (money/etc.) |
錯過 | 错过 | cuòguò | pass up, muff, throw_away, lose, let slip, miss, overslip, balk, overlook, cross, pass_up, slip |
搭配 | 搭配 | dāpèi | group, pair |
搭檔 | 搭档 | dādàng | to cooperate, partner |
打動 | 打动 | dǎdòng | to move (to pity), arousing (sympathy), touching |
打斷 | 打断 | dǎ duàn | to interrupt, to break off, to break (a bone) |
打牌 | 打牌 | dǎ pái | to play mahjong or cards |
打發 | 打发 | dǎfa | to dispatch sb to do sth, to make sb leave, to pass (the time), (old) to make arrangements, (old) to bestow (alms etc) |
打官司 | 打官司 | dǎ guānsi | to file a lawsuit, to sue, to dispute |
打印機 | 打印机 | dǎyìnjī | printer |
大道 | 大道 | dàdào | wide road, the way of virtue and justice |
打造 | 打造 | dǎzào | to create, to build, to develop, to forge (of metal) |
大街 | 大街 | dàjiē | street, main street, CL:條|条[tiao2] |
大米 | 大米 | dàmǐ | (husked) rice |
大批 | 大批 | dàpī | large quantities of |
大賽 | 大赛 | dàsài | race, game, tournament, contest |
大師 | 大师 | dàshī | great master, lord, workmaster, artiste, Very Reverend, overlord, master, priest, maestro, non-Christian priest, Great Master |
大力 | 大力 | dàlì | vigorously, energetically |
大使 | 大使 | dàshǐ | elchee, embassador, ambassadorial, nuncio, ambassadorship, ambassador |
待會兒 | 待会儿 | dāihuir5 | in a moment, later, Taiwan pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] |
擔憂 | 担忧 | dānyōu | be apprehensive |
誕生 | 诞生 | dànshēng | be born, come into being, emerge |
單打 | 单打 | dāndǎ | play by oneself |
黨 | 党 | dǎng | section, Dang, political party, CCP, KMT, Ku_Klux_Klan, clique, The Party, party, tong, kinsfolk, the Party, faction, gang |
當 | 当 | dāng | when, while |
當天 | 当天 | dāngtiān | on that day, the same day |
當成 | 当成 | dàngchéng | regard as, take for, consider as, regard/consider as, treat as, regard |
檔 | 档 | dàng | (Tw) variant of 擋|挡[dang3], gear, official records, grade (of goods), file, records, shelves, slot, gap, crosspiece, classifier for crosspieces, classifier for events, affairs etc, Taiwan pr. [dang3] |
當作 | 当作 | dàngzuò | regard_as, regard as, look upon as, treat as, presume |
檔案 | 档案 | dàngàn | data file, documentation, record, archive, archives, file, dossier |
到期 | 到期 | dào qī | to fall due (loan etc), to expire (visa etc), to mature (investment bond etc) |
盜版 | 盗版 | dào bǎn | pirated, illegal, see also 正版[zheng4 ban3] |
島 | 岛 | dǎo | island, isle |
道教 | 道教 | Dàojiào | Taoism, Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs) |
道歉 | 道歉 | dào qiàn | apologize |
低溫 | 低温 | dīwēn | low temperature |
低頭 | 低头 | dī tóu | submission, surrender, submit, bow/hang one’s head, bow, crouch, lower, yield, hang one’s head, bow one’s head, lower one’s head |
抵達 | 抵达 | dǐdá | reach, arrive at |
抵抗 | 抵抗 | dǐkàng | resist, stand up to |
地名 | 地名 | dìmíng | place name, toponym |
地板 | 地板 | dìbǎn | boarding, planking, hatch, plat, floorboard, hatchway, floor board, flooring, planch, floor, footplate |
地下室 | 地下室 | dìxiàshì | rumpus_room, soutane, undercroft, rooms built below ground, ground_floor, serdab, cellar, hypogeum, crypt, subterranean, silo, subterrane, souterrain, vault, cellarage, basement |
電動 | 电动 | diàndòng | electric |
滴 | 滴 | dī | a drop, to drip |
電車 | 电车 | diànchē | trolleybus, CL:輛|辆[liang4] |
電器 | 电器 | diànqì | electrical equipment/appliance |
電力 | 电力 | diànlì | electrical line of force, electrical energy, power, electricity, potential, electric power |
吊 | 吊 | diào | a string of 100 cash (arch.), to lament, to condole with, variant of 吊[diao4] |
調研 | 调研 | diàoyán | to investigate and research, research, investigation |
定價 | 定价 | dìngjià | to set a price, to fix a price |
定時 | 定时 | dìngshí | to fix a time, fixed time, timed (of explosive etc) |
跌 | 跌 | diē | fall, tumble |
定位 | 定位 | dìngwèi | fixed position |
鬥爭 | 斗争 | dòuzhēng | battle, fight |
動畫 | 动画 | dònghuà | (animated) cartoon |
毒品 | 毒品 | dúpǐn | kif, kaif, narcotics, drug, weed, grass, narcotic drugs, drugs |
賭 | 赌 | dǔ | gamble, bet |
賭博 | 赌博 | dǔbó | gamble |
端 | 端 | duān | old variant of 端[duan1], start, origin |
都市 | 都市 | dūshì | city, metropolis |
端午節 | 端午节 | Duānwǔjié | Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month) |
短片 | 短片 | duǎnpiàn | short film, video clip |
渡 | 渡 | dù | cross (river/sea/etc.), tide over, ferry across |
隊伍 | 队伍 | duìwu | cue, procession, contingent, ranks, troops, gang |
對外 | 对外 | duìwài | external, foreign, pertaining to external or foreign (affairs) |
對抗 | 对抗 | duìkàng | baulk, pit, combat, antagonise, encounter, counterwork, countervail, counteract, opposition, resistance, cope, breast, defend, fight, stem, play, battle, fight down, meet, fight back, antagonize, face, confront, front, oppose, contradict, controvert, balk, resist, jib, countercheck, take on, counterbalance, match |
多半 | 多半 | duōbàn | det : the greater part |
多方面 | 多方面 | duōfāngmiàn | many-sided, in many aspects |
多媒體 | 多媒体 | duōméitǐ | multi-media |
奪 | 夺 | duó | to seize, to take away forcibly, to wrest control of, to compete or strive for, to force one’s way through, to leave out, to lose |
蹲 | 蹲 | dūn | squat on heels, stay |
奪取 | 夺取 | duóqǔ | to seize, to capture, to wrest control of |
恩人 | 恩人 | ēnrén | a benefactor, a person who has significantly helped sb else |
兒科 | 儿科 | érkē | pediatrics |
發病 | 发病 | fā bìng | onset, outbreak (of a disease) |
發電 | 发电 | fā diàn | electricity generation, generate electricity |
發放 | 发放 | fāfàng | provide, grant, extend |
發起 | 发起 | fāqǐ | initiate, commence, stage, instigate, sparkplug, sponsor, inauguraion, start, launch, promote, inaugurate, initiation |
發怒 | 发怒 | fā nù | to get angry |
發言人 | 发言人 | fāyánrén | voice, spokesman, representative, interpreter, prophet, addresser, spokesperson, prolocutor, addressor, fugleman, coryphaeus |
法庭 | 法庭 | fǎtíng | judicature, areopagy, court, courtroom, tribunal, banc, forum, gate, banco, lockup, lawcourt, bailey |
發炎 | 发炎 | fā yán | inflame, inflammation, inflamed |
番 | 番 | fān | m.[event] |
番茄 | 番茄 | fānqié | tomato |
凡是 | 凡是 | fánshì | conj.: whatever |
法語 | 法语 | Fǎyǔ | French (language) |
繁殖 | 繁殖 | fánzhí | breed, reproduce, propagate |
反問 | 反问 | fǎnwèn | to ask (a question) in reply, to answer a question with a question, rhetorical question |
反響 | 反响 | fǎnxiǎng | repercussions, reaction, echo |
犯規 | 犯规 | fàn guī | to break the rules, an illegality, a foul |
犯 | 犯 | fàn | violate, offend, attack, assail, work against, commit, have recurrence (of old illness), revert (to bad habit) |
反抗 | 反抗 | fǎnkàng | revolt, resist |
犯罪 | 犯罪 | fàn zuì | commit crime/offense |
防守 | 防守 | fángshǒu | to defend, to protect (against) |
房價 | 房价 | fángjià | house/apartment purchase price, house purchase price, apartment purchase price, house |
防範 | 防范 | fángfàn | be on guard, keep lookout |
仿佛 | 仿佛 | fǎngfú | to seem, as if, alike, similar |
飛船 | 飞船 | fēichuán | airship, spaceship |
飛行員 | 飞行员 | fēixíngyuán | pilot, aviator |
肺 | 肺 | fèi | lung, CL:個|个[ge4] |
分工 | 分工 | fēn gōng | division of labour, divide the work |
憤怒 | 愤怒 | fènnù | indignant, angry |
分裂 | 分裂 | fēnliè | split, divide, break up |
峰會 | 峰会 | fēnghuì | summit meeting |
奉獻 | 奉献 | fèngxiàn | offer as tribute, present with all respect |
風暴 | 风暴 | fēngbào | tempest, roughness, firestorm, windstorm, squall, blow, tempestuousness, storm |
佛教 | 佛教 | Fójiào | Bodhisattva, Buddhist religion, Buddhism |
佛 | 佛 | fú | Buddha, Buddhism, image of Buddha |
服 | 服 | fú | clothes, dress, garment, to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc), to obey, to convince, to admire, to acclimatize, to take (medicine), mourning clothes, to wear mourning clothes, dose (measure word for medicine), Taiwan pr. [fu2] |
父女 | 父女 | fùnǚ | father and daughter |
父子 | 父子 | fùzǐ | father and son |
負 | 负 | fù | betray, abandon, go against |
浮 | 浮 | fú | to float, superficial, floating, unstable, movable, provisional, temporary, transient, impetuous, hollow, inflated, to exceed, superfluous, excessive, surplus |
婦女 | 妇女 | fùnǚ | feme, womankind, female, femininity, cummer, woman, femme, quean, bevy, matron, toots, womanhood, feminine, womenfolk, women |
副 | 副 | fù | m.[general] |
復蘇 | 复苏 | fùsū | variant of 復甦|复苏[fu4 su1], to recover (health, economic), to resuscitate, anabiosis |
富人 | 富人 | fùrén | rich man |
改裝 | 改装 | gǎizhuāng | to change one’s costume, to repackage, to remodel, to refit, to modify, to convert |
干涉 | 干涉 | gānshè | interfere, intervene, meddle |
肝 | 肝 | gān | hepatic, liver |
富有 | 富有 | fùyǒu | be rich/wealthy |
杆 | 杆 | gān | pole, CL:條|条[tiao2],根[gen1], stick, pole, lever, classifier for long objects such as guns |
趕不上 | 赶不上 | gǎnbushàng | can’t keep up with, can’t catch up with, cannot overtake |
趕上 | 赶上 | gǎn shàng | to keep up with, to catch up with, to overtake, to chance upon, in time for |
趕忙 | 赶忙 | gǎnmáng | to hurry, to hasten, to make haste |
剛好 | 刚好 | gānghǎo | exact, just right |
感人 | 感人 | gǎnrén | touching, moving |
崗位 | 岗位 | gǎngwèi | post, station |
港口 | 港口 | gǎngkǒu | harbour, port, seaport, haven, harbor |
高層 | 高层 | gāocéng | high-level |
敢於 | 敢于 | gǎnyú | to have the courage to do sth, to dare to, bold in |
高檔 | 高档 | gāodàng | superior quality, high grade, top grade |
高峰 | 高峰 | gāofēng | summit, apex, alp, vertex, acme, peak, height, pinnacle, high, all-time high |
高等 | 高等 | gāoděng | higher, advanced |
高考 | 高考 | gāokǎo | college entrance exam (especially as abbr. for 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試|普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[Pu3 tong1 Gao1 deng3 Xue2 xiao4 Zhao1 sheng1 Quan2 guo2 Tong3 yi1 Kao3 shi4]), entrance exam for senior government service posts (Taiwan) |
高科技 | 高科技 | gāokējì | high technology, high tech |
稿子 | 稿子 | gǎozi | draft of a document, script, manuscript, mental plan, precedent |
高手 | 高手 | gāoshǒu | dab, master-hand, expert, master, facility, proficient, ace |
歌詞 | 歌词 | gēcí | words of song, lyrics |
歌星 | 歌星 | gēxīng | singing star |
革新 | 革新 | géxīn | innovate |
工商 | 工商 | gōngshāng | industrial and commercial circles, business circles, industry and commerce |
公 | 公 | gōng | public, collectively owned, common, international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar), make public, fair, just, Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4], honorable (gentlemen), father-in-law, male (animal) |
更是 | 更是 | gèngshì | even more |
公雞 | 公鸡 | gōngjī | cock, rooster |
公眾 | 公众 | gōngzhòng | community, the public, masses, the people, public |
公安 | 公安 | gōngān | (Ministry of) Public Security, public safety, public security |
歌唱 | 歌唱 | gēchàng | sing |
攻擊 | 攻击 | gōngjī | attack, assault, accuse, vilify |
供給 | 供给 | gōngjǐ | supply, provide, furnish |
宮 | 宫 | gōng | surname Gong, palace, temple, castration (as corporal punishment), first note in pentatonic scale |
公主 | 公主 | gōngzhǔ | princess |
鞏固 | 巩固 | gǒnggù | to consolidate, consolidation, to strengthen |
貢獻 | 贡献 | gòngxiàn | contribution |
孤獨 | 孤独 | gūdú | lonely, solitary |
孤兒 | 孤儿 | gūér | orphan |
古典 | 古典 | gǔdiǎn | classical |
構建 | 构建 | gòujiàn | to construct (sth abstract) |
股 | 股 | gǔ | m.[general] |
姑姑 | 姑姑 | gūgu | paternal aunt, CL:個|个[ge4] |
股票 | 股票 | gǔpiào | capital stock, share, stock certificate, security, share certificate, stock |
故障 | 故障 | gùzhàng | malfunction, break |
顧 | 顾 | gù | turn round and look at, attend to, look after, take into consideration, visit, call on |
刮 | 刮 | guā | to blow (of the wind) |
拐 | 拐 | guǎi | to turn (a corner etc), to kidnap, to swindle, to misappropriate, walking stick, crutch, seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1]) |
關愛 | 关爱 | guānài | care for |
關聯 | 关联 | guānlián | related, linked, affiliated |
觀光 | 观光 | guānguāng | rubberneck, take in, visit, sightsee, travel to, go sightseeing, tour |
官司 | 官司 | guānsi | lawsuit, CL:場|场[chang2] |
管道 | 管道 | guǎndào | pipeline, conduit, piping, channel (for communication/etc.) |
廣闊 | 广阔 | guǎngkuò | wide, vast |
股東 | 股东 | gǔdōng | raider, shareholder, interest, old fogy, shareowner, curio, antique, partner, stockholder, interest group |
光輝 | 光辉 | guānghuī | radiancy, irradiancy, blaze, sparkle, fire, shininess, shine, resplendency, glory, glare, magnificence, sheen, lustre, grandeur, splendor, lucidity, coruscation, refulgence, grandness, burnish, brilliance, flame, glow, luminosity, glitter, luster, refulgency, radiance, irradiance, glowing, halo, resplendence, splendour, effulgence |
軌道 | 轨道 | guǐdào | circle, path, trajectory, railroad track, orbital, course, proper way of doing things, trackage, track, orbit, flight, rail, railway, trackway, tramroad, career, orb |
跪 | 跪 | guì | to kneel |
國產 | 国产 | guóchǎn | made in China, made in our country, make domestically |
國會 | 国会 | guóhuì | Storthing, Oireachtas, Cortes, Congress, congress, diet, the Diet, duma, congressional, Capitol, parliament, house |
國旗 | 国旗 | guóqí | flag, ensign, national flag |
國王 | 国王 | guówáng | regal, crowned_head, Rex, crown, kingdom, Pharaoh, male monarch, roi, king |
果醬 | 果酱 | guǒjiàng | jam |
果樹 | 果树 | guǒshù | fruit tree, CL:棵[ke1] |
國歌 | 国歌 | guógē | national anthem |
過後 | 过后 | guòhòu | after the event |
過渡 | 过渡 | guòdù | to cross over (by ferry), transition, interim, caretaker (administration) |
海報 | 海报 | hǎibào | throwaway, poster, bill, flier, flyer, broadside, a playbill, a placard, circular, playbill, placard, broadsheet, handbill, a poster |
過時 | 过时 | guò shí | old-fashioned, out of date, to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon |
海浪 | 海浪 | hǎilàng | sea wave |
海外 | 海外 | hǎiwài | oversea, overseas, abroad |
海底 | 海底 | hǎidǐ | seabed, seafloor, bottom of the ocean |
海軍 | 海军 | hǎijūn | marine, naval, admiralty, jolly, navy |
海洋 | 海洋 | hǎiyáng | briny, profound, main, deep, sea, oceanic, Neptune, brine, nautical, ocean, seas and oceans |
海灣 | 海湾 | hǎiwān | (Persian) Gulf, bay, gulf (body of water) |
好轉 | 好转 | hǎozhuǎn | to improve, to take a turn for the better, improvement |
好容易 | 好容易 | hǎoróngyi | with great difficulty, to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc) |
好學 | 好学 | hàoxué | eager to study, studious, erudite |
好似 | 好似 | hǎosì | to seem, to be like |
合約 | 合约 | héyuē | contract, booking, obligation, treaty |
核心 | 核心 | héxīn | nub, nucleus, meat, heart, core group, substance, center, core, the center, crux, essence, root, kernel, nitty-gritty, inwardness, pith, sum, marrow, bosom, gist |
黑夜 | 黑夜 | hēiyè | night |
和諧 | 和谐 | héxié | harmonious, concordant |
很難說 | 很难说 | hěn nánshuō | Hard to say |
橫 | 横 | héng | horizontal, across, (horizontal character stroke), harsh and unreasonable, unexpected |
衡量 | 衡量 | héngliang | weigh, measure, judge |
狠 | 狠 | hěn | fierce, very |
宏大 | 宏大 | hóngdà | great, grand |
洪水 | 洪水 | hóngshuǐ | deluge, flood |
互動 | 互动 | hùdòng | relate |
忽略 | 忽略 | hūlüè | overpass, fail, pretermit, outlook, pass, overlook, neglectful, snub, cut, neglect, marginalize, miss, lose sight of, disregard, slur, ignore, forget |
戶外 | 户外 | hùwài | air, outdoor, open_air, out-of-doors, open, outdoors, open air, open-air |
護 | 护 | hù | to protect |
花瓶 | 花瓶 | huāpíng | flower vase, fig. just a pretty face, CL:對|对[dui4] |
花費 | 花费 | huāfei | spend, expend |
花生 | 花生 | huāshēng | peanut, groundnut, CL:粒[li4] |
化解 | 化解 | huàjiě | remove |
幻想 | 幻想 | huànxiǎng | imagine, daydream, reverie, stargaze, fantasticate, fancify, dream, visionary, fancy, illusion, fantasize, chimerical, woolgather, illusory, fantasy |
壺 | 壶 | hú | pot, classifier for bottled liquid |
患者 | 患者 | huànzhě | patient, subject, sufferer |
回應 | 回应 | huíyìng | echo, react, answer, respond |
皇帝 | 皇帝 | huángdì | emperor |
會見 | 会见 | huìjiàn | to meet with (sb who is paying a visit), CL:次[ci4] |
會長 | 会长 | huìzhǎng | president (of club/society/etc.) |
毀 | 毁 | huǐ | destruction, ruin, slay, damage, slander, spoil, bugger up, burn up, refashion, make over, destroy, defame, demolish |
混 | 混 | hùn | fool/play around together |
繪畫 | 绘画 | huìhuà | painting |
混亂 | 混乱 | hùnluàn | confused, chaotic |
混合 | 混合 | hùnhé | associate, immingle, muddle, incorporate, mixed, meld, confect, amalgamate, blend in, fuse, interblend, hybrid, admix, mingle, wuzzle, mix, shuffle, mercurify, engraft, concoct, interlace, interweave, immix, go, interfuse, mix_up, sophisticate, marry, combine, mix in, conflate, merge, intermix, jumble, commingle, decompound, intermingle, knead, coalesce, interflow, compound, commix, blend, |
活躍 | 活跃 | huóyuè | animate, kick around, active, invigoration, knock_about, cavort, enliven, vitalize, knock about, energize, flourish, invigorate, brighten, kick about, vitalization, vivify, move |
火箭 | 火箭 | huǒjiàn | rocket, CL:枚[mei2] |
機動車 | 机动车 | jīdòngchē | motor vehicle |
昏 | 昏 | hūn | muddle-headed, twilight, to faint, to lose consciousness, old variant of 昏[hun1] |
機關 | 机关 | jīguān | mechanism, stratagem, scheme, intrigue |
基督教 | 基督教 | Jīdūjiào | Christian religion, Christianity, Christendom, Christianism, Christian |
機械 | 机械 | jīxiè | mechanics, enginery, rig, machinery, mechanism, machine, appliance, mechanical |
激情 | 激情 | jīqíng | passion, fervor, enthusiasm, strong emotion |
吉祥 | 吉祥 | jíxiáng | lucky, auspicious, propitious |
極端 | 极端 | jíduān | extreme, exceeding |
急救 | 急救 | jíjiù | first aid, emergency treatment |
集 | 集 | jí | gather, collect |
疾病 | 疾病 | jíbìng | trouble, attack, evil, ailment, affection, misery, malfunction, complaint, infirmity, disease, ill, illness, malady, decline, sickness, condition |
加盟 | 加盟 | jiāméng | align |
吉利 | 吉利 | jílì | Geely, Chinese car make, auspicious, lucky, propitious |
家電 | 家电 | jiādiàn | electrical household appliance, electrical home appliance, household electrical appliances |
家園 | 家园 | jiāyuán | home, homestead, native heath, homestall, homeland |
嘉賓 | 嘉宾 | jiābīn | esteemed guest, honored guest, guest (on a show) |
給予 | 给予 | jǐyǔ | bring, feed, offer, afford, hold_out, impart, adduce, lend, grant, contribute, given, concede, give to, give, bestow, add, put, render, deal, ladle, administer, assign, give_in, allow |
假日 | 假日 | jiàrì | holiday, non-working day |
監督 | 监督 | jiāndū | supervise, superintend, control |
監測 | 监测 | jiāncè | monitor, supervise |
撿 | 捡 | jiǎn | to pick up, to collect, to gather |
簡介 | 简介 | jiǎnjiè | brief introduction, synopsis |
劍 | 剑 | jiàn | sword, skewer, fox, sabre, steel, snickersnee, brand, bilbo, saber, blade, glaive, falchion |
鑒定 | 鉴定 | jiàndìng | to appraise, to identify, to evaluate |
箭 | 箭 | jiàn | arrow, CL:支[zhi1] |
將軍 | 将军 | jiāngjūn | problem, mate, general, high-rank officer, marshal, full general, shogun, aga, warlord, tycoon, check |
講課 | 讲课 | jiǎng kè | teach, lecture |
醬 | 酱 | jiàng | thick paste of fermented soybean, marinated in soy paste, paste, jam |
驕傲 | 骄傲 | jiāoào | be proud, take pride in |
醬油 | 酱油 | jiàngyóu | soy sauce |
焦點 | 焦点 | jiāodiǎn | focal point, point at issue, focal, focus, focal_point, central issue |
尖 | 尖 | jiān | sharp-pointed, piercing, cuspidal, shrill, sharp |
腳印 | 脚印 | jiǎoyìn | footprint |
教堂 | 教堂 | jiàotáng | tabernacle, kirk, house_of_God, church, temple, fane, cathedral, church building, bema |
教育部 | 教育部 | Jiàoyùbù | Education, Ministry of Education, Department of Education, Education Department |
接收 | 接收 | jiēshōu | receive, take over (property/etc.) |
街頭 | 街头 | jiētóu | street corner, street_corner, street (corner), street |
覺 | 觉 | jué | sense, feel, wake (up), become aware/awakened, discover |
節 | 节 | jié | m.[event] |
節假日 | 节假日 | jiéjiàrì | public holiday |
節能 | 节能 | jié néng | to save energy, energy-saving |
傑出 | 杰出 | jiéchū | excel at, exceed, shine at, outstanding, stand_out |
揭 | 揭 | jiē | to take the lid off, to expose, to unmask |
截止 | 截止 | jiézhǐ | end, cut off, expire, close |
解 | 解 | jiě | separate, divide, cut apart, untie, undo, explain, interpret, dissolve |
解說 | 解说 | jiěshuō | explain orally, appease |
截至 | 截至 | jiézhì | by (specified time), up to |
界 | 界 | jiè | boundary, scope, extent, circles, group, kingdom (taxonomy) |
金額 | 金额 | jīné | amount of money, sum_of_money, sum, money, penny, amount/sum of money, sum of money, amount |
節奏 | 节奏 | jiézòu | pacing, cadency, musical rhythm, pulse, speech rhythm, rhythm, regular recurrence, pulsation, beat, pace, movement, tune, cadence, clip, tempo |
借鑒 | 借鉴 | jièjiàn | to use other people’s experience, to borrow from a source, to use as reference |
金錢 | 金钱 | jīnqián | pewter, splosh, green, Oscar, siller, gelt, tin, coin, roll, dollar sign, funds, dollar mark, shekels, wealth, lucre, pecuniary, dinero, bankroll, dough, scratch, bread, means, moolah, shekel, shiner, cabbage, kale, spondulicks, pelf, oof, money, loot, wampum, brass, dollar |
儘 | 尽 | jǐn | use up, exhaust, try one’s best, put to best use, end |
進攻 | 进攻 | jìngōng | attack, assault |
近日 | 近日 | jìnrì | in the past few days, recently, in the last few days |
近視 | 近视 | jìnshì | shortsighted, nearsighted, myopia |
驚人 | 惊人 | jīngrén | alarming, whacking, astounding, spectacular, amazing, astonishing |
精 | 精 | jīng | essence, extract, vitality, energy, semen, sperm, mythical goblin spirit, highly perfected, elite, the pick of sth, proficient (refined ability), extremely (fine), selected rice (archaic) |
精美 | 精美 | jīngměi | exquisite, elegant |
精品 | 精品 | jīngpǐn | plum, showpiece, fine work, quality goods, top quality article, article of fine quality |
井 | 井 | jǐng | Jing, well, Surname, something in the shape of a well |
驚喜 | 惊喜 | jīngxǐ | nice surprise, to be pleasantly surprised |
金融 | 金融 | jīnróng | finance, banking |
景點 | 景点 | jǐngdiǎn | scenic spot, place of interest (tourism) |
糾紛 | 纠纷 | jiūfēn | entanglement, embarrassment, cobweb, skein, embroilment, dissension, complication, issue, conflict, confusion, dispute, shindig, knottiness, dustup, aggro, tangle, betanglement, maze, imbroglio, strife |
糾正 | 纠正 | jiūzhèng | correct, redress |
淨 | 净 | jìng | clean, completely, only, net (income, exports etc), (Chinese opera) painted face male role |
酒水 | 酒水 | jiǔshuǐ | beverage, a drink |
救命 | 救命 | jiù mìng | to save sb’s life, (interj.) Help!, Save me! |
救援 | 救援 | jiùyuán | to save, to support, to help, to assist |
救助 | 救助 | jiùzhù | to help sb in trouble, aid, assistance |
景 | 景 | jǐng | view, Jing, shot, routine, bit, act, number, situation, scene, scenery, Surname, turn, condition |
就算 | 就算 | jiùsuàn | conj.: even if, granted that |
就是說 | 就是说 | jiùshìshuō | that is to say, in other words, namely |
據 | 据 | jù | according to, on the grounds of |
捐 | 捐 | juān | donation, subscription, relinquish, abandonment, subscribe, contribution, donate, abandon, contribute |
局 | 局 | jú | m.[event] |
捐款 | 捐款 | juānkuǎn | to donate money, to contribute funds, donation, contribution (of money) |
捐贈 | 捐赠 | juānzèng | contribute (as gift), donate, present |
捐助 | 捐助 | juānzhù | to donate, to offer (aid), contribution, donation |
劇 | 剧 | jù | theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc), dramatic (change, increase etc), acute, severe |
決策 | 决策 | juécè | policy decision |
覺悟 | 觉悟 | juéwù | to come to understand, to realize, consciousness, awareness, Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda) |
絕 | 绝 | jué | extremely, most, absolutely, in the least, by any means, on any account |
絕大多數 | 绝大多数 | juédàduōshù | det.: most of, majority |
軍艦 | 军舰 | jūnjiàn | warship, military naval vessel, CL:艘[sou1] |
軍事 | 军事 | jūnshì | war, martial, military affairs, legion, military |
軍隊 | 军队 | jūnduì | military personnel, troops, armed forces, armament, military, soldiery, force, Sabaoth, array, army troops, military unit, host, military force, cohort, battalion, legion, troop, regular army, army, armed_forces, rank |
開關 | 开关 | kāiguān | power switch, to open a gate |
開創 | 开创 | kāichuàng | start, initiate |
開通 | 开通 | kāitong | to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transport routes etc), open-minded |
開設 | 开设 | kāishè | open (shop/etc.), offer (course/etc.) |
開夜車 | 开夜车 | kāi yèchē | to burn the midnight oil, to work late into the night |
看得見 | 看得见 | kàndéjiàn | can see, visible |
開頭 | 开头 | kāitóu | beginning, to start |
看 | 看 | kàn | see, look at, watch, read, look upon, regard, look after, call on, visit |
看管 | 看管 | kānguǎn | to look after |
看得起 | 看得起 | kàndeqǐ | to show respect for, to think highly of |
看作 | 看作 | kànzuò | to look upon as, to regard as |
康復 | 康复 | kāngfù | to recuperate, to recover (health), to convalesce |
看好 | 看好 | kànhǎo | believe something/someone will be worthy in the future |
考場 | 考场 | kǎochǎng | exam room |
抗議 | 抗议 | kàngyì | protest |
科研 | 科研 | kēyán | (scientific) research |
客車 | 客车 | kèchē | coach, bus, passenger train |
考題 | 考题 | kǎotí | exam question |
空軍 | 空军 | kōngjūn | airforce, air_force, Luftwaffe, air force, squadron |
肯 | 肯 | kěn | be willing/ready to |
口試 | 口试 | kǒushì | oral examination, oral test |
扣 | 扣 | kòu | button |
跨 | 跨 | kuà | lead, go, bestride, straddle, go beyond, run, pass, extend, stride, ride, cut across, step |
快車 | 快车 | kuàichē | express (train, bus etc) |
酷 | 酷 | kù | ruthless, strong (e.g. of wine), (loanword) cool, hip |
礦 | 矿 | kuàng | ore, minevariant of 礦|矿[kuang4] |
寬闊 | 宽阔 | kuānkuò | expansive, wide, width, thickness |
闊 | 阔 | kuò | rich, wide, broad |
來往 | 来往 | láiwang | associate, contact |
賴 | 赖 | lài | to depend on, to hang on in a place, bad, to renege (on promise), to disclaim, to rat (on debts), rascally, to blame, to put the blame on, surname Lai, variant of 賴|赖[lai4] |
啦 | 啦 | la | particle: used when informing sb. of st.; indicating excitement/doubt/comfort/etc. |
藍天 | 蓝天 | lántiān | blue sky |
欄目 | 栏目 | lánmù | regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program), program (TV or radio) |
藍領 | 蓝领 | lánlǐng | blue collar, common laborer |
牢 | 牢 | láo | firm, sturdy, fold (for animals), sacrifice, prison |
老鄉 | 老乡 | lǎoxiāng | fellow townsman, fellow villager, sb from the same hometown |
冷氣 | 冷气 | lěngqì | air conditioning |
冷水 | 冷水 | lěngshuǐ | cold water, unboiled water, fig. not yet ready (of plans) |
理財 | 理财 | lǐ cái | financial management, finance |
禮堂 | 礼堂 | lǐtáng | assembly hall, auditorium, CL:座[zuo4],處|处[chu4] |
理 | 理 | lǐ | texture, grain (in wood/etc.), reason, logic, truth, natural science (esp. physics), law, principle, doctrine, theory |
力 | 力 | lì | power, strength, ability, force, physical strength |
理智 | 理智 | lǐzhì | reason, intellect, rationality, rational |
聯盟 | 联盟 | liánméng | conference, alliance, coalition, hookup, ally, Verein, confederacy, federacy, circuit, combination, Bund, confederation, federation, union, bloc, league, axis |
利 | 利 | lì | profit, interest, advantage, benefit |
懶 | 懒 | lǎn | lazy |
聯賽 | 联赛 | liánsài | loop, league matches, league match |
涼鞋 | 凉鞋 | liángxié | sandal |
兩側 | 两侧 | liǎngcè | two sides, both sides |
兩手 | 两手 | liǎngshǒu | Two hands |
聊天兒 | 聊天儿 | liáo tiānr5 | to chat, to gossip, erhua variant of 聊天[liao2 tian1] |
聊 | 聊 | liáo | endure, rely/depend on, rely on, depend on, chat |
聯手 | 联手 | liánshǒu | lit. to join hands, to act together |
靈活 | 灵活 | línghuó | nimble, agile, flexible, elastic |
裂 | 裂 | liè | to split, to crack, to break open, to rend |
料 | 料 | liào | material, stuff, grain, feed, to expect, to anticipate, to guess |
領袖 | 领袖 | lǐngxiù | foreman, leader, head, guru, cob, doyen, cacique, Duce, duce, gaffer, chief, boss, soul, sovereign, honcho |
留言 | 留言 | liúyán | to leave a message, to leave one’s comments, message |
另 | 另 | lìng | det.: another |
流感 | 流感 | liúgǎn | flu, influenza |
樓道 | 楼道 | lóudào | corridor, passageway (in storied building) |
樓房 | 楼房 | lóufáng | a building of two or more stories, CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] |
領取 | 领取 | lǐngqǔ | draw, receive |
陸軍 | 陆军 | lùjūn | army |
錄像 | 录像 | lùxiàng | to videotape, to videorecord, video recording, CL:盤|盘[pan2] |
露 | 露 | lù | betray, betrayal, appear, reveal, show |
錄音機 | 录音机 | lùyīnjī | (tape) recording machine, tape recorder, CL:臺|台[tai2] |
旅店 | 旅店 | lǚdiàn | inn, small hotel |
馬車 | 马车 | mǎchē | cart, chariot, carriage, buggy |
路過 | 路过 | lùguò | to pass by or through |
埋 | 埋 | mái | hide away, burial, bury, inter |
綠化 | 绿化 | lǜhuà | make (a place) green, afforest |
慢車 | 慢车 | mànchē | local bus or train, slow train with many stops |
饅頭 | 馒头 | mántou | steamed roll, steamed bun, steamed bread, CL:個|个[ge4] |
盲人 | 盲人 | mángrén | blind person |
嘛 | 嘛 | ma | particle: used to persuade someone to do something; used to emphasize the obvious |
梅花 | 梅花 | méihuā | plum blossom, clubs (on playing cards), wintersweet |
美容 | 美容 | měiróng | improve looks |
猛 | 猛 | měng | suddenly, abruptly |
蒙 | 蒙 | méng | to cover, ignorant, to suffer (misfortune), to receive (a favor), to cheat, (knocked) unconscious, dazed, stunned, surname Meng, Mongol ethnic group, abbr. for Mongolia 蒙古國|蒙古国[Meng3 gu3 guo2], Taiwan pr. [Meng2] |
免得 | 免得 | miǎnde | conj.: so as not to, so as to avoid |
棉 | 棉 | mián | generic term for cotton or kapok, cotton, padded or quilted with cotton |
面對面 | 面对面 | miànduìmiàn | face to face |
面嚮 | 面向 | miànxiàng | to face, to turn towards, to incline to, geared towards, catering for, -oriented, facial feature, appearance, aspect, facet |
妙 | 妙 | miào | wonderful, excellent, fine, ingenious, clever, subtle |
滅 | 灭 | miè | destruction, go out, put out, wipe out, extermination, put/go out, put, exterminate, turn off, destroy, extinguish |
民歌 | 民歌 | míngē | folk song, CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3] |
民工 | 民工 | míngōng | migrant worker, temporary worker enlisted on a public project |
民警 | 民警 | mínjǐng | civil police, PRC police, abbr. for 人民警察 |
民主 | 民主 | mínzhǔ | democracy, democratic rights |
名勝 | 名胜 | míngshèng | a place famous for its scenery or historical relics, scenic spot, CL:處|处[chu4] |
名額 | 名额 | míngé | number of people allowed, quota of people |
民意 | 民意 | mínyì | public_opinion, popular will |
名譽 | 名誉 | míngyù | honour, laurel, celebrity, worship, character, odor, credit, repute, fame, name, rep, reputation, honorary, distinction, regard, honor |
名義 | 名义 | míngyì | title, name |
命 | 命 | mìng | life, lot, fate, destiny |
明日 | 明日 | míngrì | tomorrow |
磨 | 磨 | mó | grind, mill, turn round/about |
沒收 | 没收 | mòshōu | to confiscate, to seize |
膜 | 膜 | mó | membrane, film |
墨水 | 墨水 | mòshuǐ | ink, CL:瓶[ping2] |
母 | 母 | mǔ | mother, elderly female relative, origin, source, (of animals) female |
母雞 | 母鸡 | mǔjī | hen |
母女 | 母女 | mǔ-nǚ | mother-daughter |
墓 | 墓 | mù | grave, tomb, mausoleum |
拿走 | 拿走 | názǒu | to take away |
母子 | 母子 | mǔzǐ | mother and child, parent and subsidiary (companies), principal and interest |
奶粉 | 奶粉 | nǎifěn | powdered milk |
難忘 | 难忘 | nánwàng | unforgettable, memorable |
奶牛 | 奶牛 | nǎiniú | milk cow, dairy cow |
內外 | 内外 | nèiwài | inside and outside, domestic and foreign |
內地 | 内地 | nèidì | mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Kong and Macau, but including islands such as Hainan), Japan (used in Taiwan during Japanese colonization), inland, interior, hinterland |
內衣 | 内衣 | nèiyī | undergarment, underwear, CL:件[jian4] |
能否 | 能否 | néngfǒu | can or not |
泥 | 泥 | ní | mud, clay, paste, pulp, restrained |
扭 | 扭 | niǔ | to turn, to twist, to wring, to sprain, to swing one’s hips |
排行榜 | 排行榜 | páihángbǎng | seniority among siblings |
判 | 判 | pàn | to judge, to sentence, to discriminate, to discern, obviously (different) |
派出 | 派出 | pàichū | send, dispatch |
盼望 | 盼望 | pànwàng | hope/long for, look forward to |
泡 | 泡 | pào | steep, soak, immerse |
陪同 | 陪同 | péitóng | accompany |
皮球 | 皮球 | píqiú | ball (made of rubber, leather etc) |
配置 | 配置 | pèizhì | dispose (troops/etc.), deploy |
偏 | 偏 | piān | stubbornly, on the contrary |
貧困 | 贫困 | pínkùn | impoverished, poverty |
聘請 | 聘请 | pìnqǐng | engage, invite |
炮 | 炮 | pào | to sauté, to fry, to dry by heating, to prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan), variant of 炮[pao4] |
品牌 | 品牌 | pǐnpái | brand, make, trademark |
平凡 | 平凡 | píngfán | ordinary, common |
平衡 | 平衡 | pínghéng | balance |
評 | 评 | píng | to discuss, to comment, to criticize, to judge, to choose (by public appraisal) |
平臺 | 平台 | píngtái | patio, terrace, hathpace, platform |
屏幕 | 屏幕 | píngmù | screen (TV, computer or movie) |
評選 | 评选 | píngxuǎn | to select on the basis of a vote or consensus |
撲 | 扑 | pū | pat, attack, throw oneself at, rush at, tap, beat, dab, bend over, pounce on, lie_down, throw oneself on, flap, flutter, fling self at |
平方米 | 平方米 | píngfāngmǐ | square meter |
鋪 | 铺 | pù | pave, spread, overlay, extend, unfold, lay, surface, set in order, bespread |
奇妙 | 奇妙 | qímiào | wonderful, marvelous |
坡 | 坡 | pō | slope, CL:個|个[ge4], sloping, slanted |
欺負 | 欺负 | qīfu | browbeat, take advantage of, pick on |
企圖 | 企图 | qǐtú | attempt, intend |
氣氛 | 气氛 | qìfēn | mood, air, look, feeling, aura, aurae, spirit, smell, genius loci, feel, flavor, atmosphere, tone, karma, ambiance, ambience |
恰當 | 恰当 | qiàdàng | appropriate, proper, suitable, fitting |
恰好 | 恰好 | qiàhǎo | as it turns out, by lucky coincidence, (of number, time, size etc) just right |
起訴 | 起诉 | qǐsù | to sue, to bring a lawsuit against, to prosecute |
恰恰 | 恰恰 | qiàqià | exactly, just, precisely |
鉛筆 | 铅笔 | qiānbǐ | (lead) pencil, CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1],桿|杆[gan3] |
謙虛 | 谦虚 | qiānxū | make modest remarks |
牽 | 牵 | qiān | lead along (by holding hand/halter/etc.), pull, involve, implicate |
起點 | 起点 | qǐdiǎn | starting point |
前方 | 前方 | qiánfāng | ahead, the front |
強盜 | 强盗 | qiángdào | hijacker, ravener, robber, rifler, freebooter, housebreaker, mugger, stickup, highwayman, brigand, ripoff, robbery, bandit, dacoit |
潛力 | 潜力 | qiánlì | bottom, possibility, ability, potency, capability, capableness, potentiality, potential, potential(ity), latent capacity |
前來 | 前来 | qiánlái | come |
強勢 | 强势 | qiángshì | powerful influence |
強壯 | 强壮 | qiángzhuàng | strong, sturdy, robust |
巧妙 | 巧妙 | qiǎomiào | felicitous, skillful, ingenious, clever, shrewd |
橋梁 | 桥梁 | qiáoliáng | bridge, fig. connection between two areas |
強化 | 强化 | qiánghuà | strengthen, intensify, consolidate |
切實 | 切实 | qièshí | feasible, realistic, practical, earnestly, conscientiously |
侵犯 | 侵犯 | qīnfàn | violate, infringe on (sb.’s rights) |
茄子 | 茄子 | qiézi | eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), aubergine, brinjal, Guinea squash, phonetic ‘cheese’ (when being photographed), equivalent of ‘say cheese’ |
親屬 | 亲属 | qīnshǔ | kin, kindred, relatives |
傾向 | 倾向 | qīngxiàng | tendency, trend, inclination |
清 | 清 | qīng | pure, clean, fresh, cool, lonely, poor |
清潔 | 清洁 | qīngjié | clean, sanitary |
清潔工 | 清洁工 | qīngjié gōng | cleaner, janitor, garbage collector |
親眼 | 亲眼 | qīnyǎn | with one’s own eyes, personally |
清明節 | 清明节 | Qīngmíngjié | Qingming or Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day, celebration for the dead (in early April) |
情緒 | 情绪 | qíngxù | form, pulse, humor, depression, temper, feeling, spirits, monkey, emotion, sentiment, humour, soulfulness, mood, heartbeat, heartstrings, sulks, chord, vein, feelings, emotional state, spirit, frame_of_mind, sentiments, moodiness, emotions, steam, tune, soul |
球拍 | 球拍 | qiúpāi | racket |
清洗 | 清洗 | qīngxǐ | to wash, to clean, to purge |
球星 | 球星 | qiúxīng | sports star (ball sport) |
求職 | 求职 | qiúzhí | seek for job |
球員 | 球员 | qiúyuán | ballplayer, player, ball team member |
渠道 | 渠道 | qúdào | irrigation ditch, (fig.) channel, means |
取款 | 取款 | qǔ kuǎn | to withdraw money from a bank |
去掉 | 去掉 | qùdiào | to get rid of, to exclude, to eliminate, to remove, to delete, to strip out, to extract |
區分 | 区分 | qūfēn | section, demarcate, compart, sectionalize, zone, screen, compartmentalize, individuate, differentiation, distinguish, mark off, secern, district, segment, separate, mark, sieve, differentiate, mark out, classify, divide, ramify, screen out, set apart, sort |
取款機 | 取款机 | qǔkuǎnjī | ATM |
權 | 权 | quán | surname Quan, authority, power, right, (literary) to weigh, expedient, temporary |
全力 | 全力 | quánlì | all one’s strength, wholehearted dedication |
權力 | 权力 | quánlì | influence, rod, authoritativeness, clutches, whip_hand, dominance, say-so, reins, force, emirate, might, pretension, station, commission, grasp, leverage, danger, authority, place, power, arm, disposal, puissance |
全新 | 全新 | quánxīn | all new, completely new |
券 | 券 | quàn | bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half), contract, deed (i.e. title deeds), ticket, voucher, certificate, variant of 券[quan4] |
缺陷 | 缺陷 | quēxiàn | gap, deficiency, trouble, flaw, blemishment, blemish, shortage, limitation, incapacity, defect, shortcoming, deformity, defacement, drawback, disfigurement, disadvantage |
讓座 | 让座 | ràng zuò | to give up one’s seat for sb |
熱點 | 热点 | rèdiǎn | hot spot, point of special interest |
熱水 | 热水 | rèshuǐ | hot water |
熱水器 | 热水器 | rèshuǐqì | water heater |
熱線 | 热线 | rèxiàn | hotline (communications link) |
人權 | 人权 | rénquán | human rights |
日夜 | 日夜 | rìyè | day and night, around the clock |
卻是 | 却是 | quèshì | nevertheless, actually, the fact is … |
認同 | 认同 | rèntóng | identify, have meeting of the minds |
融合 | 融合 | rónghé | mix together, fuse, stick together |
融入 | 融入 | róngrù | melt, thaw, blend, merge |
日語 | 日语 | Rìyǔ | Japanese language |
如 | 如 | rú | according to, in accordance with, such as, as if, like, for example |
如一 | 如一 | rúyī | As one |
乳製品 | 乳制品 | rǔzhìpǐn | dairy products |
入 | 入 | rù | agree with, set (of sun), set, take in, join, receive, be admitted into, become a member of, enter, descend, infiltrate, conform with, conform to, interlard |
入學 | 入学 | rù xué | enter a school, enrol, college, enter school, enter, start school, matriculate, enter college |
若 | 若 | ruò | conj.: if, as if |
塞 | 塞 | sāi | fill in, stuff in, stuff, fill, squeeze in, bung, spile, squeeze, line, stick, fill/stuff in |
賽 | 赛 | sài | to compete, competition, match, to surpass, better than, superior to, to excel |
賽場 | 赛场 | sàichǎng | racetrack, field (for athletics competition) |
三明治 | 三明治 | sānmíngzhì | sandwich (loanword), CL:個|个[ge4] |
山峰 | 山峰 | shānfēng | (mountain) peak |
山谷 | 山谷 | shāngǔ | mountain valley |
喪失 | 丧失 | sàngshī | cost, forfeiture, forfeit, give_away, lapse, loss, bereaved, lose, jump |
傷口 | 伤口 | shāngkǒu | wound, cut |
傷亡 | 伤亡 | shāngwáng | casualties, injuries and deaths |
山坡 | 山坡 | shānpō | hillside, mountain slope |
傷員 | 伤员 | shāngyuán | wounded person |
商城 | 商城 | shāngchéng | see 商城縣|商城县[Shang1 cheng2 xian4], shopping center, department store |
上市 | 上市 | shàng shì | go/appear on market |
上當 | 上当 | shàng dàng | be duped, be taken in, get_stuck, be fooled, be tricked |
上演 | 上演 | shàngyǎn | produce, bring on, put on stage, play, stage, mount, perform, bring out, performance |
上帝 | 上帝 | Shàngdì | Creator, god, Yahveh, Almighty, almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Being, Supreme_Being, God Almighty, Maker, Allah, deity, omnipotent, king, abba, Omniscience, omniscient, God, creator, Providence, Omnipotence, Deus, providence, Divine, lording, Lord, lord, maker, Supreme Being, judge, Dominus, Heaven, All-father, Adonai, Father-God, divinity, Father |
上臺 | 上台 | shàng tái | enter |
勺 | 勺 | sháo | spoon, ladle, CL:把[ba3], abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume) |
舌頭 | 舌头 | shétou | lingua, clack, tongue, clapper, ability to talk, glossa, enemy soldier captured to extract inform, enemy soldier captured to extract information, an enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extra |
少兒 | 少儿 | shàoér | child |
設計師 | 设计师 | shèjìshī | architect, designer, stylist |
深化 | 深化 | shēnhuà | to deepen, to intensify |
涉及 | 涉及 | shèjí | come to, pertain, involvement, implicate, entail, relate, cover, deal, concern, bear on, run_on, involve, touch on, refer, touch upon, deal with, touch, come_to, relate to |
深深 | 深深 | shēnshēn | deep, profound |
審查 | 审查 | shěnchá | examine, investigate |
升級 | 升级 | shēng jí | upgrade, go up (in grade/etc.), escalate |
升學 | 升学 | shēng xué | enter higher school |
生活費 | 生活费 | shēnghuófèi | cost of living, living expenses, alimony |
省錢 | 省钱 | shěngqián | to save money |
升值 | 升值 | shēngzhí | revalue, appreciate |
聖誕節 | 圣诞节 | Shèngdàn Jié | Christmas time, Christmas season, Christmas |
師父 | 师父 | shīfu | guru, address for nun/etc., teacher, tutor, address for monk, professional, master, nun, a polite form of address to a monk or nun, address for monk/nun/etc., etc. |
盛行 | 盛行 | shèngxíng | be current, be in vogue |
時節 | 时节 | shíjié | season, time |
師生 | 师生 | shī-shēng | teacher and student |
時時 | 时时 | shíshí | always, constantly, often |
時期 | 时期 | shíqī | epoch, season, date, period_of_time, phase, day, occasion, estate, period, length, period (of time), phase angle, stage, conjuncture, chapter, times, era, leg, guardianship |
時裝 | 时装 | shízhuāng | fashion, fashionable clothes |
時而 | 时而 | shíér | occasionally, from time to time |
識 | 识 | shí | know, recognize |
實踐 | 实践 | shíjiàn | practice |
食慾 | 食欲 | shíyù | appetite |
市民 | 市民 | shìmín | citizen, burgess, citizenry, metropolitan, townsman, townsfolk, town, towner, civic, residents of a city, townee, burgher, townspeople |
試點 | 试点 | shìdiǎn | test point, to carry out trial, pilot scheme |
適當 | 适当 | shìdàng | beseem, proper, suitable, suit |
事後 | 事后 | shìhòu | after the event, in hindsight, in retrospect |
收藏 | 收藏 | shōucáng | collect, store up |
識字 | 识字 | shí zì | to learn to read |
收養 | 收养 | shōuyǎng | to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc), to adopt (a child), adoption |
手續費 | 手续费 | shǒuxùfèi | service charge, processing fee, commission |
收取 | 收取 | shōuqǔ | collect, gather |
首 | 首 | shǒu | m.[general] |
首腦 | 首脑 | shǒunǎo | head (of state), summit (meeting), leader |
首席 | 首席 | shǒuxí | chief (representative, correspondent etc) |
首次 | 首次 | shǒucì | first, first time, for the first time |
書房 | 书房 | shūfáng | study (room), studio, CL:間|间[jian1] |
首相 | 首相 | shǒuxiàng | prime minister (of Japan or UK etc) |
薯片 | 薯片 | shǔpiàn | fried potato chips |
雙打 | 双打 | shuāngdǎ | foursome, doubles |
爽 | 爽 | shuǎng | comfortable |
水泥 | 水泥 | shuǐní | cement |
稅 | 税 | shuì | droit, tax, geld, due, scot, exaction, capital levy, gabelle, duty, taxation, revenue enhancement |
順 | 顺 | shùn | to obey, to follow, to arrange, to make reasonable, along, favorable |
薯條 | 薯条 | shǔtiáo | french fries, french fried potatoes, chips |
說明書 | 说明书 | shuōmíngshū | (technical) manual, (book of) directions, synopsis (of play/etc.) |
司長 | 司长 | sīzhǎng | bureau chief |
說實話 | 说实话 | shuō shíhuà | to speak the truth, truth to tell, frankly |
死亡 | 死亡 | sǐwáng | be dead/doomed |
四處 | 四处 | sìchù | about, all around, everywhere, everyplace, all over, throughout, around |
寺 | 寺 | sì | Buddhist temple, mosque, government office (old) |
送禮 | 送礼 | sòng lǐ | to give a present |
送行 | 送行 | sòng xíng | to see someone off, to throw someone a send-off party |
素質 | 素质 | sùzhì | calibre, fibre, stuff, vocation, diathesis, caliber, character, strain, predisposition, quality, timber |
算是 | 算是 | suànshì | regard_as, considered to be |
雖 | 虽 | suī | conj.: though, although, even if |
算了 | 算了 | suànle | Forget about it., That’s enough! |
踏實 | 踏实 | tāshi | dependable, at ease, solid |
歲數 | 岁数 | suìshu | age (number of years old) |
塔 | 塔 | tǎ | pagoda, stupa, tower |
踏 | 踏 | tà | tread, trample, stamp, step, step on |
所 | 所 | suǒ | that which |
檯燈 | 台灯 | táidēng | desk lamp, table lamp |
嘆氣 | 叹气 | tàn qì | to sigh, to heave a sigh |
探索 | 探索 | tànsuǒ | explore, probe |
太陽能 | 太阳能 | tàiyángnéng | solar energy |
探討 | 探讨 | tàntǎo | inquire into, explore |
趟 | 趟 | tàng | m.[activity] |
掏 | 掏 | tāo | to fish out (from pocket), to scoop, variant of 掏[tao1] |
特大 | 特大 | tèdà | Extraordinary |
特地 | 特地 | tèdì | purposely, specially, on purpose |
特 | 特 | tè | unusual, special, extraordinarily |
特快 | 特快 | tèkuài | express (train, delivery etc) |
疼痛 | 疼痛 | téngtòng | pain, soreness, fester, suffer, hurt, ache, sore |
特意 | 特意 | tèyì | specially, intentionally |
踢 | 踢 | tī | shin, spurn, drop-kick, prick, boot, kick, toe, dropkick, play, lunge, punt |
提交 | 提交 | tíjiāo | to submit (a report etc), to refer (a problem) to sb |
提升 | 提升 | tíshēng | promote, hoist, elevate |
天然 | 天然 | tiānrán | natural |
天堂 | 天堂 | tiāntáng | paradise, heaven |
田 | 田 | tián | farmland, glebe, cropland, Surname, field, plow, Tian |
天下 | 天下 | tiānxià | rule, world, China, domination, everywhere under heaven |
添 | 添 | tiān | add, fuel, appose, addition, increase, have a baby |
田徑 | 田径 | tiánjìng | track and field, track-and-field, athlete, athletics, sport |
跳水 | 跳水 | tiàoshuǐ | dive |
通報 | 通报 | tōngbào | to inform, to notify, to announce, circular, bulletin, (scientific) journal |
聽取 | 听取 | tīngqǔ | to hear (news), to listen to |
通道 | 通道 | tōngdào | path, scuttle, headway, corridor, passageway, gateway, gallery, close, walkway, areaway, hatchway, thoroughfare, lobby, winze, passage, aisle, opening, gangway, gap, passage(way), clearance, passing, headroom, enterclose, inlet, jackladder, access, byway |
通紅 | 通红 | tōnghóng | very red, red through and through, to blush (deep red) |
通行 | 通行 | tōngxíng | pass/go through, be current or of general use |
通話 | 通话 | tōnghuà | converse, communicate by telephone |
同 | 同 | tóng | det.: simialr, same |
同胞 | 同胞 | tóngbāo | offspring of same parents, paisano, neighbour, countrymen, countryfolk, fellow countryman, neighbor, compatriot, countryman, cousin |
同期 | 同期 | tóngqī | the corresponding time period (in a different year etc), concurrent, synchronous |
通訊 | 通讯 | tōngxùn | communication, news report, newsletter |
同行 | 同行 | tóngháng | person of the same profession, of the same trade, occupation or industry, to journey together |
銅牌 | 铜牌 | tóngpái | bronze medal, bronze plaque bearing a business name or logo etc, CL:枚[mei2] |
同一 | 同一 | tóngyī | identical, the same |
頭疼 | 头疼 | tóuténg | headache |
投票 | 投票 | tóu piào | ballot, tender, bid, poll, cast, cast a vote, vote |
圖書 | 图书 | túshu | picture_book, books |
透露 | 透露 | tòulù | expose, disclose, divulge, develop, impart, unrip, confide, sound, fall, disembosom, get around, reveal, let_on, disclosure, let on, leakage, divulgence, get out, discover, let out, leak, declare, break, give away, bring out |
途徑 | 途径 | tújìng | track, path, pathway, footpath, avenue, gateway, channel, road, way, pipeline, curriculum |
徒弟 | 徒弟 | túdi | apprentice, disciple |
土 | 土 | tǔ | soil, earth, clay, land |
團隊 | 团队 | tuánduì | team |
退票 | 退票 | tuìpiào | to bounce (a check), to return a ticket, ticket refund |
吞 | 吞 | tūn | to swallow, to take |
推出 | 推出 | tuīchū | present to public |
托 | 托 | tuō | hold in palm, support from under, serve as foil, set off, plead, give as a pretext, rely on, entrust, put lining in |
拖 | 拖 | tuō | pull, drag, haul |
拖鞋 | 拖鞋 | tuōxié | slippers, sandals, flip-flops, CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] |
挖 | 挖 | wā | scrape, scoop up, scoop, pick, excavate, excavation, grub, lift out, take up, scoop out, dig, grave |
娃娃 | 娃娃 | wáwa | mammet, baby, doll, child |
外幣 | 外币 | wàibì | foreign currency |
外部 | 外部 | wàibù | outer, surface, external, outwall, outside, exterior |
外出 | 外出 | wàichū | go out |
哇 | 哇 | wa | Wah! |
外科 | 外科 | wàikē | surgery, chirurgery, surgical, surgical department |
外觀 | 外观 | wàiguān | shell, outward appearance, show, externality, visual aspect, exterior, effect, superficies, look, likeness, appearance, facade, surface, presentment, apparel, impression, facies, aspect, complexion, resemblance, semblance, guise, frontage, outwardness, rind, garb, showing, face, veneer, outside, garment, getup |
外衣 | 外衣 | wàiyī | outer clothing, semblance, appearance |
外來 | 外来 | wàilái | foreign, adventive, externally, incoming, external, outside, exotic |
外資 | 外资 | wàizī | foreign capital |
外頭 | 外头 | wàitou | outside, out |
彎曲 | 弯曲 | wānqū | distort |
頑皮 | 顽皮 | wánpí | naughty |
頑強 | 顽强 | wánqiáng | tenacious, hard to defeat |
王后 | 王后 | wánghòu | queen, CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] |
王子 | 王子 | wángzǐ | king’s son, prince |
往後 | 往后 | wǎnghòu | from now on, in the future, time to come |
網吧 | 网吧 | wǎngbā | Internet café |
網頁 | 网页 | wǎngyè | web page |
往年 | 往年 | wǎngnián | in former years, in previous years |
望見 | 望见 | wàngjiàn | to espy, to spot |
危機 | 危机 | wēijī | ambush, clutch, climacteric, crisis, precipice, hump, conjuncture, juncture, sharpness, gravity, edge |
威脅 | 威胁 | wēixié | threat |
往來 | 往来 | wǎnglái | contact, intercourse |
微波爐 | 微波炉 | wēibōlú | microwave oven, CL:臺|台[tai2] |
維生素 | 维生素 | wéishēngsù | vitamin |
為此 | 为此 | wèicǐ | for this reason, with regards to this, in this respect, in order to do this, to this end |
為何 | 为何 | wèihé | why, for what reason |
臥鋪 | 卧铺 | wòpù | a bed (on a train), a couchette |
文娛 | 文娱 | wényú | cultural recreation, entertainment |
無邊 | 无边 | wúbiān | without boundary, not bordered |
烏雲 | 乌云 | wūyún | black cloud |
無關 | 无关 | wúguān | have nothing to do with |
物品 | 物品 | wùpǐn | whatchamacallit, sundry, stuff, commodity, affair, physical object, goods, article, object, content, whatsis, res, sundries |
無效 | 无效 | wúxiào | of/to no avail, null and void |
誤 | 误 | wù | mistake, error, to miss, to harm, to delay, to neglect, mistakenly |
舞蹈 | 舞蹈 | wǔdǎo | dancing, saltation, nautch, dance, terpsichore, choreography, stage dancing |
西班牙語 | 西班牙语 | Xībānyáyǔ | Spanish language |
吸毒 | 吸毒 | xī dú | take drugs |
犧牲 | 牺牲 | xīshēng | sacrifice oneself, die martyr’s death, do sth. at the expense of self or sb. else |
洗衣粉 | 洗衣粉 | xǐyīfěn | laundry detergent, washing powder |
細胞 | 细胞 | xìbāo | cell |
戲曲 | 戏曲 | xìqǔ | traditional opera, drama, trad. opera, singing parts in ^chuan2 qi2 ^ and ^za2, singing parts in ^chuan2qi2^ and ^za2ju4^ |
細菌 | 细菌 | xìjūn | bacillus, bacilli, bacteria, B, bacteriological, microbe, contaminant, bacterium, clump, germ, microphyte, bacterial |
先鋒 | 先锋 | xiānfēng | vanguard, pioneer |
嫌 | 嫌 | xián | dislike, mind |
顯出 | 显出 | xiǎn chū | to express, to exhibit |
險 | 险 | xiǎn | danger, dangerous, rugged |
陷入 | 陷入 | xiànrù | plunge, be immersed in, land oneself in, slump, be caught in, lapse, launch, get_into, fall_in, invaginate, be deep in, engulf, run_into, fall_into, be lost/immersed in, be lost, sink into, tangle, fall into, immerse, sink, be lost in, bed, immersed in, get bogged down in, land, sink/fall into |
響聲 | 响声 | xiǎngshēng | noise |
線路 | 线路 | xiànlù | wiring, line, route, circuit |
想不到 | 想不到 | xiǎngbudào | unable to anticipate |
消耗 | 消耗 | xiāohào | consume, use up, deplete |
消滅 | 消灭 | xiāomiè | eradicate, die out, eliminate, abolish, wipe out, annihilate, kill, slake, decimate, carry off, disappear, exterminate, lapse, expunge, abolition, knock out, quell, destroy, pass away, kill off, deafen, extermination, detruncate, liquidate, snuff_out, snuff out, extirpate, snuff, elimination, perish, discreate, vanish, extinguish |
小費 | 小费 | xiǎofèi | tip, gratuity |
小麥 | 小麦 | xiǎomài | wheat, CL:粒[li4] |
小於 | 小于 | xiǎoyú | less than, < |
笑臉 | 笑脸 | xiàoliǎn | smiling face, smiley 🙂 ☺, CL:副[fu4] |
曉得 | 晓得 | xiǎode | tell, know, ken |
笑容 | 笑容 | xiàoróng | grinning, smiling expression, laugh, smiling, a smile, a smiling face, smile, grin |
笑聲 | 笑声 | xiàoshēng | laughter |
協會 | 协会 | xiéhuì | an association, a society, CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1] |
協商 | 协商 | xiéshāng | consult, talk things over |
協調 | 协调 | xiétiáo | coordinate, harmonize, bring into line |
寫字樓 | 写字楼 | xiězìlóu | office building |
協助 | 协助 | xiézhù | assist, help |
寫字檯 | 写字台 | xiězìtái | writing desk |
心願 | 心愿 | xīnyuàn | breathing |
心臟 | 心脏 | xīnzàng | ticker, cardiac, center, pump, heart |
心靈 | 心灵 | xīnlíng | psychical, mind, psyche, soul, spirit, mens, heart |
心臟病 | 心脏病 | xīnzàngbìng | heart disease |
新人 | 新人 | xīnrén | newlywed |
新興 | 新兴 | xīnxīng | burgeoning, new and developing, newly_arisen, rising |
薪水 | 薪水 | xīnshui | stipend, emolument, remuneration, screw, pay, wages, earnings, fee, compensation, pay_packet, salary, wage, living |
信仰 | 信仰 | xìnyǎng | belief |
信用 | 信用 | xìnyòng | honour, trustfulness, confidence, trustingness, trustworthiness, repute, affiance, credit, reposal, trust, tick, reputation, credence, jawbone, honor |
行程 | 行程 | xíngchéng | throw, travel, tenor, itinerary, route, journey, route/distance of travel, distance of travel, stroke, route of travel |
興旺 | 兴旺 | xīngwàng | prosperous, thriving, to prosper, to flourish |
形 | 形 | xíng | form, shape, body, entity |
凶手 | 凶手 | xiōngshǒu | murderer, assassin |
袖珍 | 袖珍 | xiùzhēn | pocket-sized, pocket (book etc) |
修車 | 修车 | xiūchē | to repair a bike (car etc) |
凶 | 凶 | xiōng | vicious, fierce, ominous, inauspicious, famine, variant of 兇|凶[xiong1] |
懸 | 悬 | xuán | to hang or suspend, to worry, public announcement, unresolved, baseless, without foundation |
旋轉 | 旋转 | xuánzhuǎn | revolve, gyrate, spin |
選拔 | 选拔 | xuǎnbá | to select the best |
學會 | 学会 | xué huì | learned society, (scholarly) association |
選舉 | 选举 | xuǎnjǔ | election |
學員 | 学员 | xuéyuán | trainee, member of institution of learning, student |
血液 | 血液 | xuèyè | blood |
血管 | 血管 | xuèguǎn | afferent, vas, vena, blood_vessel, vessel, vein, blood vessel |
壓迫 | 压迫 | yāpò | oppress, repress, constrict |
循環 | 循环 | xúnhuán | circulate, cycle.circulatory system |
煙花 | 烟花 | yānhuā | fireworks, prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater) |
沿海 | 沿海 | yánhǎi | coast, coastal, along the coast, littoral |
沿 | 沿 | yán | along |
沿著 | 沿着 | yánzhe | to go along, to follow |
研發 | 研发 | yánfā | research and develop, R&D, research and develop something, research and development |
眼看 | 眼看 | yǎnkàn | see sth. happen, watch helplessly |
演奏 | 演奏 | yǎnzòu | give instrumental performance |
宴會 | 宴会 | yànhuì | banquet, feast, dinner party, CL:席[xi2],個|个[ge4] |
仰 | 仰 | yǎng | surname Yang, to face upward, to look up, to admire, to rely on |
洋 | 洋 | yáng | ocean, vast, foreign, silver dollar or coin |
養老 | 养老 | yǎng lǎo | to provide for the elderly (family members), to enjoy a life in retirement |
樣 | 样 | yàng | m.[kind] |
氧氣 | 氧气 | yǎngqì | O, atomic number 8, oxygen |
藥品 | 药品 | yàopǐn | pharmaceutical, medicines and chemical reagents, drug, restorative |
要不然 | 要不然 | yàoburán | conj.: otherwise, or else, or |
要好 | 要好 | yàohǎo | to be on good terms, to be close friends, striving for self-improvement |
要麼 | 要么 | yàome | or, either one or the other |
要素 | 要素 | yàosù | basics, ingredient, essential, key element, constituent, fashioning, element, core, making, stuff, essential factor, factor, essence, strand, elemental, devising, chemistry, requisite, momentum |
野 | 野 | yě | wild, undomesticated |
野生 | 野生 | yěshēng | desert, wild, godforsaken, waste, feral, uncultivated |
醫藥 | 医药 | yīyào | medicament, medicine, curative, medication, remedy, physic |
依次 | 依次 | yīcì | in order, in succession |
依賴 | 依赖 | yīlài | rely/depend on |
一次性 | 一次性 | yīcìxìng | one-off (offer), one-time, single-use, disposable (goods) |
一道 | 一道 | yīdào | together |
一代 | 一代 | yīdài | generation |
一貫 | 一贯 | yīguàn | consistent, persistent, all along |
一路上 | 一路上 | yīlùshàng | All the way |
儀器 | 仪器 | yíqì | instrumentation, device, setup, apparatus, instrumental, instrument, armamentarium |
儀式 | 仪式 | yíshì | religious rite, ceremonial occasion, deeds, practice, form, rituality, office, formality, ritual, circumstance, ceremony, formalness, exercise, powwow, observance, ceremonial, rite, works |
一番 | 一番 | yì fān | Some |
遺憾 | 遗憾 | yíhàn | regret, pity |
一模一樣 | 一模一样 | yīmú-yīyàng | exactly the same (idiom), carbon copy, also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4] |
一時 | 一时 | yīshí | a period of time, a while, for a short while, temporary, momentary, at the same time |
一同 | 一同 | yītóng | together |
一齊 | 一齐 | yīqí | simul, in unison, together, simultaneously |
一行 | 一行 | yīxíng | party, delegation |
藝人 | 艺人 | yìrén | creative person, artiste, entertainer, artist, artisan, cackler, actor, handcraftsman, performer |
議題 | 议题 | yìtí | item on the agenda, head, question, topic for discussion, topic for/under discussion, topic under discussion, subject under discussion, under discussion, topic for |
異常 | 异常 | yìcháng | unusual, extraordinary, abnormal |
意想不到 | 意想不到 | yìxiǎngbùdào | unexpected, previously unimagined |
意願 | 意愿 | yìyuàn | will, wish, desire, inclination, aspiration, request, pleasure |
因素 | 因素 | yīnsù | consideration, ingredient, constituent, factor, strand, component, element |
因 | 因 | yīn | conj.: because, as |
陰謀 | 阴谋 | yīnmóu | plot, conspiracy |
音量 | 音量 | yīnliàng | intensity, volume, quantity, loudness, volume of sound |
陰影 | 阴影 | yīnyǐng | umbrage, shadow, shadiness, hatching, spectre, hatch, blight, umbra, penumbra, cloud, umber, shade, shadowiness |
音像 | 音像 | yīnxiàng | audio and video, audiovisual |
隱私 | 隐私 | yǐnsī | secrets, private business, privacy |
隱藏 | 隐藏 | yǐncáng | cache, hold back, hidden, blot_out, suppress, disguise, concealment, remain under cover, lurk, secrete, reserve, recess, hoodwink, dissemble, stash, veil, hold in, bury, hide, conceal, occult, mask, ensconce, cover_up, palliate, obscure, hoard |
印 | 印 | yìn | print, engrave |
迎來 | 迎来 | yínglái | Ushered |
英雄 | 英雄 | yīngxióng | hero |
影迷 | 影迷 | yǐngmí | film enthusiast, movie fan, CL:個|个[ge4] |
影星 | 影星 | yǐngxīng | film star |
用處 | 用处 | yòngchu | use, value, practical application, function, purpose, point, usefulness, mileage, role |
應急 | 应急 | yìng jí | to respond to an emergency, to meet a contingency, (attributive) emergency |
用法 | 用法 | yòngfǎ | hang, usage, use |
用得著 | 用得着 | yòngdezháo | to be able to use, useable, to have a use for sth, (in interrogative sentence) to be necessary to |
應對 | 应对 | yìngduì | reply, answer |
用心 | 用心 | yòng xīn | be diligent/attentive |
優質 | 优质 | yōuzhì | excellent quality |
用品 | 用品 | yòngpǐn | succedaneum, articles for use, replacer, substitute |
遊玩 | 游玩 | yóuwán | to amuse oneself, to have fun, to go sightseeing, to take a stroll |
遊人 | 游人 | yóurén | a tourist |
遊戲機 | 游戏机 | yóuxìjī | video game, game machine |
遊行 | 游行 | yóuxíng | march, parade, demonstration |
有關 | 有关 | yǒuguān | be related |
有沒有 | 有没有 | yǒuméiyǒu | have or not have |
有事 | 有事 | yǒushì | be occupied/busy, if problems arise |
於 | 于 | yú | in, at, to, from, out of, by |
娛樂 | 娱乐 | yúlè | amusement, entertainment, recreation |
愉快 | 愉快 | yúkuài | be happy, be cheerful |
與 | 与 | yǔ | and, together with, to give |
宇航員 | 宇航员 | yǔhángyuán | astronaut |
預約 | 预约 | yùyuē | make an appointment |
雨衣 | 雨衣 | yǔyī | raincoat, CL:件[jian4] |
元素 | 元素 | yuánsù | element |
園 | 园 | yuán | surname Yuan, land used for growing plants, site used for public recreation |
園地 | 园地 | yuándì | special page in periodical, special section in periodical, park/garden area, special section, croft, page in periodical, garden area, special section/page in periodical, garden plot, park area, field, scope, park |
原 | 原 | yuán | originally, formerly |
原告 | 原告 | yuángào | complainant, plaintiff |
原諒 | 原谅 | yuánliàng | excuse, pardon |
圓珠筆 | 圆珠笔 | yuánzhūbǐ | ballpoint pen, CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] |
緣故 | 缘故 | yuángù | score, grounds, reason, cause, sake |
援助 | 援助 | yuánzhù | support, aid |
遠遠 | 远远 | yuǎnyuǎn | distant |
遠離 | 远离 | yuǎnlí | be far away, stand aloof, be far off (the mark/etc.) |
遠方 | 远方 | yuǎnfāng | distance, beyond, beyondness, distant place, corner |
暈 | 晕 | yūn | confused, dizzy, giddy, to faint, to swoon, to lose consciousness, to pass out, dizzy, halo, ring around moon or sun |
約定 | 约定 | yuēdìng | agree upon |
運作 | 运作 | yùnzuò | operate, work |
樂曲 | 乐曲 | yuèqǔ | composition, piece of music, music, musical composition, piece, number, opus |
允許 | 允许 | yǔnxǔ | permit, allow |
暈車 | 晕车 | yùn chē | to be carsick |
雜 | 杂 | zá | mixed, miscellaneous, various, to mix |
再生 | 再生 | zàishēng | be reborn, regenerate |
再說 | 再说 | zàishuō | furthermore, besides |
遭到 | 遭到 | zāodào | endure, encounter, meet with, run into, suffer, soak_up |
遭受 | 遭受 | zāoshòu | suffer |
遭遇 | 遭遇 | zāoyù | meet with, encounter |
早晚 | 早晚 | zǎowǎn | morning and evening, sooner or later |
增進 | 增进 | zēngjìn | enhance, promote, further |
扎 | 扎 | zhā | variant of 紮|扎[zha1], penetrating (as of cold), struggle, to tie, to bind, classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle, Taiwan pr. [zha2] |
增值 | 增值 | zēngzhí | to appreciate (financially), to increase in value, value-added (accountancy) |
炸彈 | 炸弹 | zhàdàn | bomb, CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] |
扎實 | 扎实 | zhāshi | strong, solid, sturdy, firm, practical, see 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5] |
炸 | 炸 | zhà | to deep fry, to explode |
債 | 债 | zhài | debt, CL:筆|笔[bi3] |
炸藥 | 炸药 | zhàyào | explosive (material) |
占據 | 占据 | zhànjù | inhabit, occupy, stand, assume, prevail, hold, invade, occupation, take, take up |
戰場 | 战场 | zhànchǎng | field of battle, plain, theatre, camp, cockpit, battlefield, theater, battleground, field, battlefront |
戰術 | 战术 | zhànshù | tactical, war, tactics, military tactics, tactic, swordcraft |
戰略 | 战略 | zhànlüè | stratagem, tactical, strategics, tactics, strategy |
戰友 | 战友 | zhànyǒu | comrade-in-arms, battle companion |
章 | 章 | zhāng | m.[general] |
站臺 | 站台 | zhàntái | platform (at a railway station) |
掌聲 | 掌声 | zhǎngshēng | clapping, applause |
長 | 长 | zhǎng | long, be strong/good (in/at) |
賬 | 账 | zhàng | account, bill, debt, CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3] |
賬戶 | 账户 | zhànghù | bank account, online account |
漲 | 涨 | zhǎng | rise, go up (of water/prices/etc.) |
招 | 招 | zhāo | m.[general] |
障礙 | 障碍 | zhàngài | discouragement, bottleneck, clog, bar, encumbrance, embarrassment, malfunction, jam-up, baffle, impediment, obstruction, rub, roadblock, stay, rubber, disturbance, balk, holdback, bunker, stymy, remora, obstacle, barrier, stumbling_block, hitch, handicap, lesion, hedge, snag, drawback, let, wall, crab, difficulty, penalty, hang-up, facer, hindrance, hurdle |
照樣 | 照样 | zhàoyàng | as before, (same) as usual, in the same manner, still, nevertheless |
照耀 | 照耀 | zhàoyào | to shine, to illuminate |
招聘 | 招聘 | zhāopìn | to invite applications for a job, to recruit |
哲學 | 哲学 | zhéxué | ism, philosophic, philosophical, philosophy, school of thought, doctrine |
這就是說 | 这就是说 | zhèjiùshìshuō | This means that |
鎮 | 镇 | zhèn | town, garrison post, trading center |
爭奪 | 争夺 | zhēngduó | to fight over, to contest, to vie over |
整頓 | 整顿 | zhěngdùn | rectify, reorganize |
正當 | 正当 | zhèngdāng | proper, legitimate |
整治 | 整治 | zhěngzhì | renovate, repair, dredge (river/etc.), punish, discipline, do, work at, prepare, make ready, arrange, regulate, deal with problem or adversary |
政策 | 政策 | zhèngcè | statism, tack, line, policy, statecraft |
政權 | 政权 | zhèngquán | rein, political power, political/state power, state power, power, regime, political |
癥狀 | 症状 | zhèngzhuàng | symptom |
政黨 | 政党 | zhèngdǎng | political party |
之類 | 之类 | zhīlèi | conj.: such like |
支援 | 支援 | zhīyuán | backstop, support, side, help, patronize, root, stand by, bear, angel, hold out, back, see through, assist, assistance, sustain, back up |
支撐 | 支撑 | zhīcheng | prop up, sustain, support |
知名 | 知名 | zhīmíng | noted, famous |
織 | 织 | zhī | to weave, to knit |
枝 | 枝 | zhī | m.[general] |
直升機 | 直升机 | zhíshēngjī | helicopter, CL:架[jia4] |
職責 | 职责 | zhízé | duty, responsibility, obligation |
止 | 止 | zhǐ | demeanor, bearing |
只得 | 只得 | zhǐdé | have to |
只顧 | 只顾 | zhǐgù | solely preoccupied (with one thing), engrossed, focusing (on sth), to look after only one aspect |
只管 | 只管 | zhǐguǎn | solely engrossed in one thing, just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest), simply, by all means, please feel free, do not hesitate (to ask for sth) |
指數 | 指数 | zhǐshù | exponential, index, index number, index (number), indicant, exponential function, exponent, power, index_number, indicator |
指定 | 指定 | zhǐdìng | earmark, appointed, specify, set, domicile, appointment, ticket, fix, name, delegate, specified, express, named, consign, designate, assignment, state, depute, appoint, nominate, dictate, assign, destine, determine |
指頭 | 指头 | zhǐtou | finger, toe, CL:個|个[ge4] |
指著 | 指着 | zhǐzhe | Poke |
至於 | 至于 | zhìyú | as for/to |
智慧 | 智慧 | zhìhuì | lore, sapiency, sconce, wit, intelligence, gumption, savvy, wiseness, soundness, wisdom, grey_matter, sapience |
治病 | 治病 | zhìbìng | to treat an illness |
中華 | 中华 | Zhōnghuá | the Chinese nation, China |
中等 | 中等 | zhōngděng | medium |
中外 | 中外 | zhōngwài | China and foreign countries |
中期 | 中期 | zhōngqī | middle (of a period of time), medium-term (plan, forecast etc) |
忠心 | 忠心 | zhōngxīn | good faith, devotion, loyalty, dedication |
腫 | 肿 | zhǒng | to swell, swelling, swollen |
鐘頭 | 钟头 | zhōngtóu | hour |
種種 | 种种 | zhǒngzhǒng | all kinds of |
珠寶 | 珠宝 | zhūbǎo | pearls, jewels, precious stones |
諸位 | 诸位 | zhūwèi | (pron) everyone, Ladies and Gentlemen, Sirs |
主持人 | 主持人 | zhǔchírén | anchor, emcee, host, symposiarch, anchorman, director, impresario, chair, chairperson, linkman, presenter, compere, master of ceremonies, moderator |
粥 | 粥 | zhōu | see 葷粥|荤粥[Xun1 yu4], congee, gruel, porridge, CL:碗[wan3] |
主角 | 主角 | zhǔjué | leading role, title_role, star, protagonist, lead, principal, title role, name part |
煮 | 煮 | zhǔ | boil, scald, seethe, poach, cook |
主流 | 主流 | zhǔliú | main stream/current, essential/main aspect/trend |
住宅 | 住宅 | zhùzhái | shebang, dwelling_house, dwelling, roof, abode, residential, home, toft, howff, housing, habitation, homesite, tenement, place, residence, house, property |
駐 | 驻 | zhù | halt, stay, be stationed at |
柱子 | 柱子 | zhùzi | pillar, CL:根[gen1] |
專用 | 专用 | zhuānyòng | use for special purpose |
祝願 | 祝愿 | zhùyuàn | to wish |
轉動 | 转动 | zhuǎn dòng | turn (round), move |
轉 | 转 | zhuǎn | turn, revolve, rotate |
賺錢 | 赚钱 | zhuàn qián | profit, gain, make profit, cash in on, earn money, make money |
壯觀 | 壮观 | zhuàngguān | sublime, spectacular, magnificent |
賺 | 赚 | zhuàn | knock_up, garner, take in, clear, make profit, earn, gain, draw, realize, make a profit, do, bring_in, get, pull_in, make, bring in, pick_up, pull in |
追究 | 追究 | zhuījiū | to investigate, to look into |
裝備 | 装备 | zhuāngbèi | equipment, outfit |
自來水 | 自来水 | zìláishuǐ | running/tap water, running, tap_water, running water, tap water |
咨詢 | 咨询 | zīxún | to consult, to seek advice, consultation, (sales) inquiry (formal) |
捉 | 捉 | zhuō | clutch, cop, grasp, nip, hold, seize, capture, take hold of, hent, catch |
自我 | 自我 | zìwǒ | self, oneself |
自學 | 自学 | zìxué | self-study, to study on one’s own |
自言自語 | 自言自语 | zìyán-zìyǔ | to talk to oneself, to think aloud, to soliloquize |
自在 | 自在 | zìzai | comfortable, unrestrained, at_ease, free |
宗教 | 宗教 | zōngjiào | theology, community, religious, cult, creed, faith, religion |
總部 | 总部 | zǒngbù | base of operations, head office, armory, base, headquarters |
總經理 | 总经理 | zǒngjīnglǐ | CEO, general_manager, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, executive, managing director, general manager, president |
總監 | 总监 | zǒngjiān | head, director (of an organizational unit), (police) commissioner, inspector-general, rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration |
總量 | 总量 | zǒngliàng | total, overall amount |
走私 | 走私 | zǒu sī | smuggle |
奏 | 奏 | zòu | to play music, to achieve, to present a memorial to the emperor (old) |
租金 | 租金 | zūjīn | rent |
足 | 足 | zú | excessive, foot, to be sufficient, ample |
足以 | 足以 | zúyǐ | sufficient/enough to |
祖父 | 祖父 | zǔfù | grandad, gramps, grandfather, grandsire, (paternal) grandfather, granddad, grandpa, granddaddy |
族 | 族 | zú | race, nationality, ethnicity, clan, by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族) |
祖國 | 祖国 | zǔguó | country, China (used only by Chinese), mother_country, China, old_country, fatherland, home, country of origin, mother country, old country, homeland, native land, motherland, metropolis |
祖母 | 祖母 | zǔmǔ | father’s mother, paternal grandmother |
最終 | 最终 | zuìzhōng | final, ultimate |
罪 | 罪 | zuì | variant of 罪[zui4], crime |
鑽 | 钻 | zuān | an auger, diamond, to drill, to bore, to get into, to make one’s way into, to enter (a hole), to thread one’s way through, to study intensively, to dig into, to curry favor for personal gain |
罪惡 | 罪恶 | zuìè | crime, evil, sin |
作 | 作 | zuò | do, make, rise, write, compose, pretend, affect, feign |
最佳 | 最佳 | zuìjiā | first-rate, best, superlative, optimum |
作廢 | 作废 | zuòfèi | to become invalid, to cancel, to delete, to nullify |
座談會 | 座谈会 | zuòtánhuì | colloquium, symposiac, panel_discussion, an informal discussion meeting, symposium, teach-in, forum, symposia, conversazione, panel discussion |
作戰 | 作战 | zuò zhàn | do battle, war, fight, battle, conduct operations |